Pastors/Preachers Seminar, Pneumatology & I Love You
Since I have updated the construction of the sanctuaries over the last few weeks I will not elaborate on this week’s progress. However, it is safe to assume that continued efforts are going on well and we are preparing for dedication services at the LBC of Mawe Tatu within the next two weeks. The highlight of this week was the two day Pastors/Preachers seminar we held in the Mt. Elgon Region. Kitchen Crew
There were twenty-six Men of God that attended the seminar from three different regions of the country, all of which we have put much effort into over the last couple of years. Preachers & Pastors
Those regions include: the Mt. Elgon region, the Pokot region and the Lake Victoria Region. Tea Time....
What continues to bless my heart is not only the size and depth of the work God is doing in our ministry by calling Men of God to preach but also their level of dedication. What started in 2008 as a team of three preachers including myself has grown to over thirty in less than three years. While we do help these men with their transportation costs to the seminar it is important to remember that we do not pay or compensate these men in any shape or form and there has been no financial gain. They are simply Men of God surrendering to God’s call on their life. Everyone of these men without exception are bi-vocational preachers that are fishermen, farmers, herdsmen or are some type of skilled tradesmen like carpenters or welder/fabricators. This is the first time for the new men from the Lake Victoria and Pokot region to meet the other preachers.
Pokot Team
Needless to say, they were amazed as we all are by the size of the team God has assembled to preach His word here in Kenya. Wichlum Team
We spent the first day teaching on their calling, commission and message as a preacher of the gospel. The second day I taught on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit which included the person, the names, the nature and the work of the Holy Spirit.
Teaching Time
It was a very powerful seminar that I believe made a huge impact on all of us who attended but was especially beneficial to the newly surrendered preachers. The fellowship was sweet and the feedback was very positive. As a teacher I am constantly monitoring the feedback given by the men to see what they have learned during the course of the seminar to evaluate the lessons as well as the teacher. One of the comments I received from one of the newly surrendered preachers from the Landmark Baptist Church of Myanja absolutely blew me away. After two days of intense teaching, Chester came up to me at the end of the seminar and said, “I love you and I will never forget you”.
Many have said they appreciate the lessons and have learned a lot but in almost three years of working closely with these men I have never had one of them tell me he loves me. It really touched my heart because this is something that is not expressed in this culture. It reminded me of an occasion about seven years ago when one of our bus kids in Brooksville, Florida named Peyton told me he loved me while we were visiting his home on a Saturday morning. It is one of those moments frozen in time when God gives you something along the path of service that reminds you that any sacrifices made are well worth it because you are making a difference in someone’s life. I count it a high privilege to be able to teach these men of God the things that I have been taught over the years and to see them grow in their faith and knowledge of the Lord. That is a reward beyond comparison. Departure.....
Please continue to lift these men of God up in prayer as they preach God’s Word.
There were twenty-six Men of God that attended the seminar from three different regions of the country, all of which we have put much effort into over the last couple of years. Preachers & Pastors
Those regions include: the Mt. Elgon region, the Pokot region and the Lake Victoria Region. Tea Time....
What continues to bless my heart is not only the size and depth of the work God is doing in our ministry by calling Men of God to preach but also their level of dedication. What started in 2008 as a team of three preachers including myself has grown to over thirty in less than three years. While we do help these men with their transportation costs to the seminar it is important to remember that we do not pay or compensate these men in any shape or form and there has been no financial gain. They are simply Men of God surrendering to God’s call on their life. Everyone of these men without exception are bi-vocational preachers that are fishermen, farmers, herdsmen or are some type of skilled tradesmen like carpenters or welder/fabricators. This is the first time for the new men from the Lake Victoria and Pokot region to meet the other preachers.
Pokot Team
Needless to say, they were amazed as we all are by the size of the team God has assembled to preach His word here in Kenya. Wichlum Team
We spent the first day teaching on their calling, commission and message as a preacher of the gospel. The second day I taught on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit which included the person, the names, the nature and the work of the Holy Spirit.
Teaching Time
It was a very powerful seminar that I believe made a huge impact on all of us who attended but was especially beneficial to the newly surrendered preachers. The fellowship was sweet and the feedback was very positive. As a teacher I am constantly monitoring the feedback given by the men to see what they have learned during the course of the seminar to evaluate the lessons as well as the teacher. One of the comments I received from one of the newly surrendered preachers from the Landmark Baptist Church of Myanja absolutely blew me away. After two days of intense teaching, Chester came up to me at the end of the seminar and said, “I love you and I will never forget you”.
Many have said they appreciate the lessons and have learned a lot but in almost three years of working closely with these men I have never had one of them tell me he loves me. It really touched my heart because this is something that is not expressed in this culture. It reminded me of an occasion about seven years ago when one of our bus kids in Brooksville, Florida named Peyton told me he loved me while we were visiting his home on a Saturday morning. It is one of those moments frozen in time when God gives you something along the path of service that reminds you that any sacrifices made are well worth it because you are making a difference in someone’s life. I count it a high privilege to be able to teach these men of God the things that I have been taught over the years and to see them grow in their faith and knowledge of the Lord. That is a reward beyond comparison. Departure.....
Please continue to lift these men of God up in prayer as they preach God’s Word.
In His Service,
Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
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