Monday, April 1, 2013

Deputation Update & Running Ragged

       It has been several weeks since I have written a blog/journal entry, however I still feel compelled to write them from time to time.   There is still much that needs to be recorded in our lives that we want to be able to look back at in our golden years and I also believe there is much that our brethren need to know about the lives of foreign Missionaries, even while in America.   So start with, I will just share some of the stats to give you an idea of what deputation looks like.   Since we arrived back in the USA in February, I have preached at four mission conferences, a 5 day revival, preached at Cross City Correctional institute, Ft. Cooper BC, Anchor BC, Dean Springs MBC, Bethal MBC, Chalybeate Springs MBC, 1st BC Rutland, Scrub Creek BC, 1st BC Kingstowne and Benchmark MBC.  We have traveled some 7,500 miles in six weeks to include:   Florida, Georgia, Arkansas and Virginia.  

The thought crosses my mind that are those who read these stats who may not fully be able to appreciate our travels on the smooth roads of America, however all of this travel comes after a hard two year term of working in the interior of East Africa which left us gasping for breath and has really tested our stamina and in some cases even our calling.   You may be asking yourself if we are simply gluttons for punishment or what?  We are not gluttons for punishment but rather missionaries in need of support.  It has been said that “invention is the mother of necessity”, well with regard to missionaries, “travel is the mother of necessity”.   We simply had to hit the road immediately in order to raise funds to keep up with the explosive growth of our ministry over the last few years.   Trust me when I say that we do not enjoy living out of suitcase, sleeping in hotel rooms, sleeping in someone else’s bed or a camper and running ragged.    There is a great sense of “unsettledness” in our lives as there are many days that we wake up and really do not know what city, state or country we are in.    As we visit God’s people to share God’s word and work we often say goodbye to people who are able to return to their home, children, community, comforts of life and we speed down the road to the next stop which is not our home.   It really reminds us that we are truly strangers and sojourners just passing through and this is not our long home.  We are exhausted, but have scheduled a reduced pace over the next eight weeks in order to spend more time with our children and grandchildren.   Yesterday we had an awesome Easter service as we celebrated our risen Savior with all of our children and grandchildren in attendance. 
                                    Our Grandchildren
                               Family Easter March 31, 2013
Back to deputation, we fully realize that our country is in an economic recession but we also believe God is able to provide for His servants through these lean years.  God has shown himself faithful and it is just up to His people to show themselves faithful like the churches of Macedonia did in meeting the needs of the saints in Jerusalem some two thousand years ago.  These were churches that gave out  “deep poverty” but only after they gave of themselves were they willing to help the saints in Jerusalem.
       2Co 8:2  How that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality.  2Co 8:3  For to their power, I bear record, yea, and beyond their power they were willing of themselves;  2Co 8:4  Praying us with much intreaty that we would receive the gift, and take upon us the fellowship of the ministering to the saints.
        We are also hold a very unique perspective of being very fresh from living in a third world country where we see people struggle to survive and exist on a daily basis and yet as we travel our great nation we see great waste and excess everywhere we have traveled.   Even in recession, America is one of the richest and most blessed nations of the world.   Please pray that God will provide the needed funds for us to return to Kenya so we may continue to move forward with evangelism, training and church development.   In closing, our overall deputation goal and prayer is that God will help us increase our monthly support by 10% and enable us to raise $25,000.00 to be able to build five more sanctuaries when we return to Kenya.  Thank you for allowing us to share the Missionary experience with you and keep us in your prayers as we press towards the mark of the high calling.
       God Bless,
 Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez