Tuesday, May 24, 2022

News From Mt.Elgon & Kerio Valley

 May 24, 2022

Swahili Bibles Arriving for New Converts

  As you cane from these pictures,Sw

As you can see from these pictures,Swahili Bibles are being delivered to villages on Mt.Elgon where

Landmark Baptist Evangelists have been busy winning hundreds to Christ. These new converts will be Baptized in the coming month's and organized into New Testament Churches which are nearing seventy since 2008.

Neh. 2:18 Then I told them of the hand of my God which was good upon me; as also the king's words that he had spoken unto me. And they said, Let us rise up and build. So they strengthened their hands for this good work


(Below) The blue tarp and poles are heading to the village of Chewangoyo.They will use the tent for worship services until we can  help put a roof over their heads.

In addition to the Swahili Bibles making it to new converts on Mt. Elgon, Solar powered audio Bibles continue to be delivered to the Pokot and Karamajong tribe in the Kerio Valley.  The group picture (Below) is telling of the scope and effectiveness of these audio Bibles. While they may be given to one individual for care taking, they are more often then not listened too by an entire family, neighbors or friends. Rom 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.


hili Bibles are being delivered to villaes on Mt.Elgon where

Landmark Baptist Evangelists have been busy winning hundreds to Christ. These new converts will be Baptized in the coming month's and organized into New Testament Churches which are nearing seventy since 2008.

Neh. 2:18 Then I told them of the h

5000 Bricks Baked For 2nd Bible Institute

 As you can see from the (below) picture, the Landmark Baptist Church at Chepsabei and their Missionary Pastor Timothy Loquardo have been forming and baking bricks (5000). It is labor intensive to form the bricks from mud and then they must be baked in a self contained oven.  It does our hearts good to see them taking the initiative to provide what they can for the second Landmark Baptist Bible Institute in the Kerio Valley to train Pastors and Preachers in Kenya and Uganda.   We will be raising funds (appox. $20,000) in the coming months to help provide the cement, trusses, poles and tin for the needed classrooms and bathrooms.   Please pray for God’s provision.

 Neh. 2:18 Then I told them of the hand of my God which was good upon me; as also the king's words that he had spoken unto me. And they said, Let us rise up and build. So they strengthened their hands for this good work.

Pastors & Preachers Seminar on Mt. Elgon

 Our Ministry sponsors continuing education seminars for these Men of God and Churches in an effort to educate the new Preachers as well as to keep the existing Churches  doctrinally sound.   The more senior Pastors are teaching and mentoring the younger Men of God. The picture below was taken last month at the recently completed  Landmark Baptist Institute located at the base of Mt.Elgon. We provide transportation resources and food for these important seminars. 2Tim. 2:2 And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.

New Plot Purchased and New Sanctuary Construction


The first picture below is of the latest plot which was purchased for the Landmark Baptist Church at Namanje which is located on Mt. Elgon.  They will meet under a canopy until they are able to build at a later date.  Some of these newly organized Churches have set up and taken down these tents for years. Some of them build an indigenous structure and we partner with some of them to build a permanent sanctuary.   It’s all God’s work and He has always provided for His work.   The second picture below is a new sanctuary under construction on Mt. Elgon. This more permanent sanctuary was provided by our Brethen at Sublett Rd. Baptist Church in Arlington, Texas.   It is these type of partnerships that God has used to provide as a huge encouragement to the Churches of East Africa we work with.  Thank you Sublett Road Baptist Church!  Php. 4:17 Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account.

Motorcycles Provided

Last month, through our faithful Ministry partners we were able to provide another Motorcycle for one of the Landmark Baptist Evangelist to use in the Mt. Elgon region.  These are valuable tools which enable the preachers to reach neighboring villages more efficiently with the gospel.   The Men of God we partner with are working hard to fulfill the Great Commission and it inspires us to come along side them and provide necessary resources to that end.  


Thank you for taking time to read this report. We want to thank our God for the Churches of the American Baptist Association as well as individual friends, family and brethren who partner with Sis. Terry and I in East African and Florida. Please keep us and the Lord's Churches in Prayer as we push towards the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus.

In His Service,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

AKA: Missionary Loboduk & Mama Terry

Your Missionaries

Sending Church:

1st Baptist Church East Bay

10102 Big Bend Rd.

River View, Florida 33578

 Co-Sponsoring Church

Dean Springs MBC

2106 Dean Springs Rd.

Alma, Ark

Thank You For:

also the king's words that he had spoken unto me. And they said, Let us rise up and build. So they strengthened their hands for this good work

 As you can see from these pictures,Swahili Bibles are being delivered to villages on Mt.Elgon where

Landmark Baptist Evangelists have been busy winning hundreds to Christ. These new converts will be Baptized in the coming month's and organized into New Testament Churches which are nearing sevene 2008.

Neh. 2:18 Then I told them of the hand of my God which was good upon me; as also the king's words that he had spoken unto me. And they said, Let us rise up and build. So they strengthened their hands for this good work

 News From Mt.Elgon rio Valley