Saturday, December 31, 2016

Year End Review for 2016

Dear Ministry Partners,

Please find the attached links below to our 2016 year ending reports for both Kenya/Uganda Church development as well as the Florida Plant.

As we look back and review 2016, we can see the grace of God over another year has been great upon us. 

We can see his grace, love and mercy in our own lives as he provides for our every need.  We also see his grace through his power and presence in our mission work in Kenya/Uganda and Florida as we push towards the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus.    Thousands of souls continue to be saved, converts continue to be baptized and lives are being transformed before our very eyes through discipleship training.  Once again our Kenyan brethren have led a record number of souls (3065) to Christ during 2016.  I'm not sure of another place in world where Indigenous Churches led by their Pastors are reaching this many lost people with the gospel as they fulfill the Great Commission.  During 2016, three new regions and one new people group have been reached in addition to their respective villages.   We also added Bolivia to our ministry this year as I traveled there with my Pastor, Dr. Tim Myers.
As we look back and review 2016, we can see the grace of God over another year has been great upon us. 
Our Mt. Elgon brethren have reached a tribe called the Sabot who live in the caves of Mt. Elgon.  They were amazed when they found these people but God knew they were there.   Our Landmark Baptist brethren in the Kerio Valley have pushed into a new region called Karamojo Land.  The reports from these early crusades are very encouraging and we are blessed to see their obedience and sacrifice as they preach Christ where he has not been named.  The last new area called Uwendo is located at Lake Victoria.  Fishermen continue to lead fishermen to Christ in this region just like Jesus early disciples did along the shores of Galilee.
The teaching and training process is also alive and well.  The Churches fellowship together and this time of year they like to end the year with Wamama (Ladies) seminar, Youth seminar and Pastors and Preachers seminar.  While we enjoy the opportunity to return to Kenya to continue teaching, it does our hearts good to see them assume this vital responsibility to grow their faith through in depth Bible studies.
                            Ladies Seminar Mt. Elgon, Landmark Baptist Cheptabrubru
While our East African brethren are busy reaching new areas and people groups, Terry and I as well along with a handful of young Christians try to reach the lost through the Florida Plant.   Working in America is very challenging after what we seen and have experienced in Kenya, however God is still on the throne and Floridians are still being saved, baptized and discipled.   The struggles we face in America on a consistent basis are real and formidable.  While we do not face the physical challenges of rough terrain, malaria and infections, we face great spiritual challenges like pride, apathy and self sufficiency.  We are building a foundation for generations to follow or until Christ returns and He has assembled some great Christians who love the Lord to come alongside Terry and me.  The scale is much smaller but no less important.  Terry continues to be my most important co-laborer in Christ as she teaches the youth and mentors young women. 
And Children as well
There are two outreaches associated with The Florida Plant which I rarely publicize but nevertheless are part of our ministry.  For over fifteen years, on and off the field I have preached at Cross City Correctional Institute.  Since our return from Kenya I have preached there on a weekly basis.  From  a Missionary standpoint, I find comfort and association with our Kenyan work as the prisoners are in an isolated area and in many cases a truly forgotten tribe.   The prison ministry is very fruitful as we have seen many come to Christ and also seen three men called to preach the gospel. 
The last ministry I want to highlight in Florida is the nursing home ministry.  The Lord has brought two Christian families who have a burden to reach the elderly.
In many ways, those in the nursing homes are likened unto a forgotten tribe also but we know God has not forgotten them and neither have His faithful servants.

Don't forget to download our year reports below for printing.  We thank you for allowing us to share our journey of faith over 2016 and we need your continued prayerful & financial support as our ministry expands beyond our own abilities.   May God continue to bless you and yours during this coming year.

Looking and Longing for Jesus,

Chuck & Terry Fernandez

Thank You For Supporting The Ministry of Chuck & Terry Fernandez,

Pastor Tim Myers

Sending Church: First Baptist Church East Bay

Thank You for Supporting the ministry of Chuck & Terry Fernandez!  Pastor Tim Johnson  Co-Sponsor, Dean Springs MBC

Matt. 28:19 

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Matt.  28:20  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Week 2 Kenya: Evangelism, Seminar, Growth Chart and Lake Victoria

                                                          SECOND WEEK
Our second week started with village evangelism at a village called Kipsigon which is the location of our first Church plant on Mt. Elgon in 2009.   I will not say that the climb up was smooth but I will say it was without incident.   This was Pastor Jamie Hogan’s first opportunity to see the work on Mt. Elgon.   After the usual cultural introductions, Chai and Chepati’s we divided up into three teams and headed out into the village to preach the gospel and to encourage the Pastor and Church to continue to move forward with outreach.
This village was totally decimated during 2008 tribal clashes is exploding in population and now is totally rebuilt.  All of the Pastors from Mt. Elgon showed up for evangelism and we saw dozens for villagers make professions of faith in Christ.   It does our hearts good to know these Men of God still have a burden for the lost in their respective villages and we all were greatly encouraged to carry out the Commission together.
While it is hard to prioritize the importance of our work, we know beyond any doubt that some of our most important work is the continual education of these men of God.   We had over fifty Pastors/Associate Pastors and Evangelist attend our three day seminar.  These Men of God come from four different tribes and three different regions to receive in depth seminary level teaching and training.    I have been teaching these Men of God for years but in some ways feel I have brought them to my maximum level of competency, and while I continued to reinforce our doctrine much of the work to take to them the next level would come from Pastor Jamie Hogan and Dr. Tim Myers.    Bro. Jamie taught on the role of a Shepherd and Dr. Myers would take them deeper into our Baptist History and Faith by teaching: “One Faith, One Baptism, One Lord”.   These lessons would come at the perfect time as many of the areas Terry and I started works without any other influence are now being flooded with false Churches and Doctrines.
Dr. Myers helped solidify and confirm our Doctrine and faith
                                              in a way that only he could do. 
Our men were deeply appreciative to know what they have been taught is the same Doctrine handed down from Jesus to His Apostles and through the ages ultimately to us.   As we closed the seminar I presented our men with a map of the Landmark Baptist Churches we have planted which included the eleven new Churches they have organized bringing the total to twenty seven over the last eight years.  They would present us with a long list of villages they have a burden to reach in the coming month’s and years.   Their vision far exceeds anything we could ever imagine God would do through this Missionary and His wife. 

The last segment of our ministry safari would take us to the shores of Lake Victoria which always draws my mind back to the shores of Galilee where Jesus would call Fishermen to become fishers of Men.   This visit was especially hard as we had lost both of our Pastors from the two Landmark Baptist Churches over the last year.  Pastor Jackson  went home to be with the Lord and Pastor George became backslidden.  It is these types of scenario where the Missionary can relate to the ministry of the Apostle Paul who carried a burden for the care of the Churches.
We came to encourage but left being encouraged with what God is doing through the new Pastors and the steadfast faith of the core members.
The lake Churches have always been the weakest but praise the Lord they are moving forward in spite of the many challenges they have faced over the last year.  While one of the hardest parts of this trip was visiting with the orphans of Pastor Jackson and Mama Carolyn we were happy to inform them that through various love offerings they will have food for the next two years.   Things had gotten so bad after the death of their parents that the oldest daughter Electra who is caring for her siblings was begging for $2.00 to buy her brothers and sisters food. 
Thank you for those who have given a blessing to these Children through love offerings. 
Will close this journal entry for now and ask you to continue to pray for the work in Kenya/Uganda and Florida. 
             Mattress for Pastor Seminar, Haikua Matata 


Friday, September 23, 2016

Week One Kenya: Sickness, Salvation & Steadfast

                                            Our Team Of Preachers

Where to begin with an experience which is overwhelming and almost beyond belief, one that will take weeks and months to process?
For starters, all of the fights to return to Kenya went as planned and the luggage arrived with us by the grace of God.  Somewhere between Florida and Kenya I picked up something and have been sick with fever, chills and coughing for three days.  Dr. Tim Myers arrived with the same thing so we have been trying to nurse our bodies along while serving in extreme conditions. Not the best scenario to arrive in a foreign country already sick but God in His faithfulness has given us the strength to push forward and stay on schedule.
We hit the road the first day heading to the edge of the Kerio Valley.   The trip was not easy especially being sick and having already traveled by air on four flights. The next morning we would find out just how bad the roads have deterated  by heavy rains and no maintenance.  The road into the Kerio Valley was totally destroyed which adds hours to the trip not to mention the wear and tear on the occupants as well as the 4x4.

We  arrived at Pastor Timothy Loquardos new home in a remote area known as North Pokot and of course we were welcomed with their best hospitality.   Our purpose was to encourage this young Pastor and His wife Sarah in the work they are doing for the Lord with the Pokot tribe.   Its important to note that God called Timothy from another tribe and an area of Kenya which is considered the bread basket to a Semiarrid near desert region of the Kerio Valley.  We introduced Timothy to this tribe and area in 2010 and he felt God calling him there shortly after.  He is doing a tremendous work at the first Pokot Church we planted at a village called Chepasbei however, each visit I make reminds me of the sacrifice he and his dear family are making for the cause of Christ.   It is hard living in this region of heat and thorns even by East African standards. 
Please pray for this dear family.
We would head out in the village for evangelism and to encourage our converts to stay faithful to the one who died for them.  The highlight of our day was seeing two more villagers make professions of faith in Jesus Christ.  One of them was a old Pokot Mama named Chepsongai who was so discouraged with life due to many of her goats dying and family problems.
You see, we can't solve all their problems but we can introduce them to our Heavenly Father though his Son Jesus Christ who can and will give them sufficient grace for any circumstance in their life.  After meeting with Chespongai we would meet a blind Pokot Mama named Chepsamia who is one our converts from previous years.  She was overwhelmed with joy to receive a new solar powered audio bible in the Pokot language.   What a great blessing for someone who is blind to sit and listen to the word of God for hours and hours all day long.  That is a gift that has eternal significance. 
Thank you to those who have given special offerings and continue to support the "solar audio Bible" project.  The theme of the day would be struggling with life and in some cases struggling with faith in the lives of many of these young Christians.  At the end of the day we have to believe that God did something real and lasting in their hearts and lives to draw them unto Himself.
The next day would be a day of worship at Landmark Baptist Church.  It is alway with great anticipation we return to these young churches to see who has come and who has gone.   I'm happy to report that the original core group of charter members is intact and staying faithful.   What is equally impressive is the number of children which continues to swell and who are being reared in Christian Faith. The next generation is going to grow the church beyond anything we have imagined from its humble beginning. 
Please pray for us as we start a seven day ministry safari which includes Mt. Elgon and Lake Victoria. Thank you for your prayerful support and for allowing us to share this journey of faith.

Friday, August 12, 2016

$40.00@ Puts the Word of God in the hands of those who cannot read or write!

Rom 10:17  So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.


100 Audio Bibles Needed for Tribes that
cannot read the Bible            
As we prepare for our trip to Kenya next month, we know by experience that we will be  witnessing to tribes who have a high rate of illiteracy.    We also know that one of the most powerful tools we have used to reach the lost and grow disciples are Solar Powered Audio Bibles.   These audio Bibles are in their tribal language which they can hear and understand.   Can you imagine hearing the Word of God in your own language for the first time??  We have seen the reaction first hand and the power of the spoken word as faces light up when God speaks to them through this amazing tool.  
What must it be like to desire God's Word but not be able to read? 
Partners Needed Who See the Need, Can You Help?
Remember, we are working in remote interior regions where the indigenous population has no electricity, so the fact that these audio Bibles do not need batteries is a huge blessing.  All they have to do is place the solar panel towards the sun and then the Word of God points them to the SON, (Of God). These Bibles are rugged, they are water resistant and made of extremely durable plastic.   They are designed by Missionaries for Missionaries who will take them to the uttermost parts of the earth.

2 Tim. 2:15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Over the years, Terry and I have done our best to teach the five tribes we have worked with in Kenya and Uganda the Word of God.  Much of the numerical and spiritual growth we have seen has taken place because we helped them become students of the Word.  We carry a burden because many of our disciples still need the Word of God and because they cannot read or write we know these audio Bibles are key to their continued growth.    $40.00 seems to be a small price to pay for someone who is hungry for the Word of God.

  2Ti 2:2  And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.
One Audio Bible does not necessarily mean one person.  We have gone into villages and given this spoken Word of God to an individual who then gathers his or her family, friends and neighbors together and listens intently as a group.  We have seen entire villages transformed as these group Bible Studies take place each week and sometimes daily.  Jesus said if you love me, keep my commandments.  How will they keep His commandments if they do not have the word of God?

This Picture is of an old man named Loboduk who gave me my Pokot Tribal Name.  They call me,"Missionary Carlos Loboduk".  We led him, his brother and wife to Christ in 2010 and he is listening to His personal Audio Bible for the first time.   Please pray for those like Loboduk who have yet to receive the Word of God.

Psalms 119:11  Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.
Question?  Would you consider a special one time offering or a monthly offering to help us get these folks the Word of God?  While our goal is 100, one, two or ten will be a great blessing to these new and young converts.   Please continue to pray for us and if God so leads you to give to this worthy cause, designate: Solar Bibles. 
Thank you for traveling this journey of faith with us. 
Special Thanks: To Spring Hill Missionary Baptist Church,
         Daingerfield, Texas
For years this small but powerful church family has faithful given monthly offerings designated  for solar powered audio Bibles.  They have been a faithful partner who has put the Word of God into the hands of hundreds because they have had a burden to see to see people come to the saving knowledge and grow in their faith through Bible study.
Little is much when God is in it!
Any and all Financial Support needs to be Sent to:
Sending Church Information:
First Baptist Church of East Bay
10102 Old Big Bend Rd.
Riverview, Florida 33578



 Special Thanks:  To Spring Hill Missionary Baptist Church, Daingerfield, Texas For years this small but powerful church family has faithful given monthly offerings designated for solar powered audio Bibles.  They have been a faithful partner who has put the Word of God into the hands of hundreds because they have had a burden to see people come to the saving knowledge and grow in their faith through Bible study.   Little is much Special Thanks:  To Spring Hill Missionary Baptist Church, Daingerfield, Texas For years this small but powerful church family has faithful given monthly offerings designated for solar powered audio Bibles.  They have been a faithful partner who has put the Word of God into the hands of hundreds because they have had a burden to see people come to the saving knowledge and grow in their faith through Bible study.   Little is much


Friday, July 22, 2016

Life in the Fast Lane, Baptisms & Buildings

Life in the fast lane is a great description of American culture.   Don’t get me wrong, Terry and I don’t mind staying very busy serving the Lord and we try to be good stewards with our time, but the busyness of American life continues to be a great challenge in so many ways.  Contrasted to life in Africa, which is viewed as a journey traveling on a river, which is best enjoyed when the river is moving slowly to allow those on the journey to more fully appreciate and experience the scenery along the way.  We much prefer the slow moving river pace of life but we are learning to adjust to life in the fast lane.   Besides the normal activities of living and family, ministry tasks that keep us busy are visitation which includes our van route, hospital/nursing home visits as well as new contacts and visitors.  Additionally, we continue our weekly in-home Bible studies and I am also preaching each week at the maximum security prison located in Cross City.  And then there is the regular tasks that every Missionary or Pastor can relate to regarding lesson and sermon preparation.  And of course, throw in meetings and deputation appointments as well and you’ve got a recipe for a busy life or as my Pastor, Dr. Myers likes to call it, “the rat race”.   Part of the meetings for this local Church sent and local Church supported Missionary includes the American Baptist Association Annual Messenger Meeting held in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

While out in that neck of the woods we were able to spend Father’s Day with our Co-Sponsoring Church, Dean Spring MBC.   They are indeed family to us in so many ways.   We were also thankful to Pastor Scott Pevehouse and S. Lakewood Baptist Church for allowing us to present our work during this trip.    We gave reports on the work we are doing in Florida/Kenya and we left greatly encouraged by brethren from all over the country.    The East African side of our work included a baptism service at the Landmark Baptist Church at Mayanja which is located at the base of Mt. Elgon where they baptize a dozen new converts.
LBC Mayanja was one of the hardest villages for us to break into with the gospel but we can now see God’s hand in all of it and can see the investment of prayers, sweat and tears was worth it.   It does our hearts good to see our converts pressing towards the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus.
This week we also received pictures of our historic first Uganda Sanctuary nearing completion as the members of the LBC Butiru.   Our Florida building progress is slightly different but in many ways the same.   We needed room at the Florida Plant for our youth and decided that converting a ready-made shed was the most feasible and practical way of adding to our current sanctuary without creating a huge building project on a building we do not own.
I guess we continue to be African in many ways and look for unique and flexible solutions which we learned on the mission field.   Thank you to each and every one of the Churches and individuals who have given special offerings to help us meet this special need.  

In His Service, 

Chuck & Terry Fernandez
Kenya/Uganda/Florida Plant 

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Betwixt Two Worlds & The Struggle of the Heart

Pastor Jackson's Baptism
                                                                     Pastor Jackson's Calling

Pastor Jackson Working for the Lord
 The Apostle Paul wrote in the His letter to the Philippians that he was betwixt two worlds, having a desire to depart and be with Christ which was far better or to continue the mission work he was doing with regard to preaching the gospel, discipling converts and planting Churches.   The truth be known, this is or should be the same desire that every born again believer has in their heart.    Along that line of reasoning, it has also been said, “You will never be completely at home again.  Because part of your heart will always be elsewhere.  That is the price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing people in more than one place.”   While the two statements are not identical, the similarities are noteworthy.  Most Christians have never experienced the life of a foreign Missionary and therefore they may not be able to fully relate to the struggles of our heart but they can surely relate to what Paul wrote about being betwixt two worlds.   Our souls have been forever knitted together with our converts and Churches in Kenya and Uganda.   Part of that knitting together involves praying for one another as well as encouraging and exhorting one another in faith.   And in some unique cases we must go from sympathy to compassion by offering assistance to the best of our ability.   Such is the case of Pastor Jackson, Sis. Carolynn and their now orphaned children. 
                                                    The Children

Many have asked what can we do to help and we thank God for those who have given unsolicited offerings for Pastors Jackson medical and burial expenses.    For a month now I have prayed over and struggled with asking God’s people to help these children because for years we were very careful to create dependence on the Lord rather than us.    In every situation Terry and I asked ourselves, “What did they do before we came to Kenya?” And, “What will they do if we leave?”  We have done our level best to bring them to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus and follow His teachings and commands thereby focusing on their spiritual well being and trusting God to provide their physical needs.   The foreign Missionary walks a tight rope with regard to humanitarian aid verses Spiritual teaching and growth.  Now I am not saying we have it all figured out, but we have placed our resources on education/training, bibles and buildings.  That is not to say that we have not helped financially with regard to medical and other humanitarian needs but it is to say that we have done so on a limited basis as not to create financial dependence that we could not sustain.    Hopefully you understand the struggle of our hearts and that you do not find us guilty of being overly cautious with regard to asking for help.  I say all that to say this, if God puts these children on your heart, we will receive a onetime love offering to help them transition to life without their parents and the offering will be distributed judiciously thru the counsel of two of our National Pastors who are in the process of traveling to Lake Victoria on a monthly basis to help the Church transition and training their new Pastor.   Pastor Jackson and His wife Carolyn were wonderful, beautiful, faithful servants who served the Lord Jesus till their dying breathe and a love offering will be a blessing to His Children.
                                          Pastor Jackson and Carolyn
Please designate it “Watoto wa Jackson” which translates to Jackson’s Children.   Thank you for allowing us to share our hearts and ministry with you through this journal blog.  Please continue to pray for Pastor Jacksons family and us as we labor for the Lord.
                                              Missionary Chuck and Pastor Jackson  
                                             Terry & Carolyn and baby Carlitos