Saturday, December 31, 2016

Year End Review for 2016

Dear Ministry Partners,

Please find the attached links below to our 2016 year ending reports for both Kenya/Uganda Church development as well as the Florida Plant.

As we look back and review 2016, we can see the grace of God over another year has been great upon us. 

We can see his grace, love and mercy in our own lives as he provides for our every need.  We also see his grace through his power and presence in our mission work in Kenya/Uganda and Florida as we push towards the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus.    Thousands of souls continue to be saved, converts continue to be baptized and lives are being transformed before our very eyes through discipleship training.  Once again our Kenyan brethren have led a record number of souls (3065) to Christ during 2016.  I'm not sure of another place in world where Indigenous Churches led by their Pastors are reaching this many lost people with the gospel as they fulfill the Great Commission.  During 2016, three new regions and one new people group have been reached in addition to their respective villages.   We also added Bolivia to our ministry this year as I traveled there with my Pastor, Dr. Tim Myers.
As we look back and review 2016, we can see the grace of God over another year has been great upon us. 
Our Mt. Elgon brethren have reached a tribe called the Sabot who live in the caves of Mt. Elgon.  They were amazed when they found these people but God knew they were there.   Our Landmark Baptist brethren in the Kerio Valley have pushed into a new region called Karamojo Land.  The reports from these early crusades are very encouraging and we are blessed to see their obedience and sacrifice as they preach Christ where he has not been named.  The last new area called Uwendo is located at Lake Victoria.  Fishermen continue to lead fishermen to Christ in this region just like Jesus early disciples did along the shores of Galilee.
The teaching and training process is also alive and well.  The Churches fellowship together and this time of year they like to end the year with Wamama (Ladies) seminar, Youth seminar and Pastors and Preachers seminar.  While we enjoy the opportunity to return to Kenya to continue teaching, it does our hearts good to see them assume this vital responsibility to grow their faith through in depth Bible studies.
                            Ladies Seminar Mt. Elgon, Landmark Baptist Cheptabrubru
While our East African brethren are busy reaching new areas and people groups, Terry and I as well along with a handful of young Christians try to reach the lost through the Florida Plant.   Working in America is very challenging after what we seen and have experienced in Kenya, however God is still on the throne and Floridians are still being saved, baptized and discipled.   The struggles we face in America on a consistent basis are real and formidable.  While we do not face the physical challenges of rough terrain, malaria and infections, we face great spiritual challenges like pride, apathy and self sufficiency.  We are building a foundation for generations to follow or until Christ returns and He has assembled some great Christians who love the Lord to come alongside Terry and me.  The scale is much smaller but no less important.  Terry continues to be my most important co-laborer in Christ as she teaches the youth and mentors young women. 
And Children as well
There are two outreaches associated with The Florida Plant which I rarely publicize but nevertheless are part of our ministry.  For over fifteen years, on and off the field I have preached at Cross City Correctional Institute.  Since our return from Kenya I have preached there on a weekly basis.  From  a Missionary standpoint, I find comfort and association with our Kenyan work as the prisoners are in an isolated area and in many cases a truly forgotten tribe.   The prison ministry is very fruitful as we have seen many come to Christ and also seen three men called to preach the gospel. 
The last ministry I want to highlight in Florida is the nursing home ministry.  The Lord has brought two Christian families who have a burden to reach the elderly.
In many ways, those in the nursing homes are likened unto a forgotten tribe also but we know God has not forgotten them and neither have His faithful servants.

Don't forget to download our year reports below for printing.  We thank you for allowing us to share our journey of faith over 2016 and we need your continued prayerful & financial support as our ministry expands beyond our own abilities.   May God continue to bless you and yours during this coming year.

Looking and Longing for Jesus,

Chuck & Terry Fernandez

Thank You For Supporting The Ministry of Chuck & Terry Fernandez,

Pastor Tim Myers

Sending Church: First Baptist Church East Bay

Thank You for Supporting the ministry of Chuck & Terry Fernandez!  Pastor Tim Johnson  Co-Sponsor, Dean Springs MBC

Matt. 28:19 

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Matt.  28:20  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

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