Thursday, January 17, 2019

2018 Year End Report: Kenya/Uganda Church Development

2018 has been a record year with regard to the number of professions of faith and baptisms on Mt. Elgon, at Lake Victoria and the Kerio Valley.  The collective Great Commission centered efforts of the Churches Terry and I help plant or have subsequently been planted over the last ten years and have resulted in 4667 professions of faith and 1343 baptisms during 2018.  To give perspective to this amazing work God is doing through these faithful Men of God on Mt. Elgon, the Kerio Valley and Lake Victoria,  I have included the total number of professions of faith in 25
States and 25 countries over the last year which is 12,294 in and through the
American Baptist Association.
Mungu Anaweza=God is Able!

New Churches continue to be organized and the Kenyan/Ugandan Churches which we include as part of the Church Develop side of our ministry now have grown to (37) in number.  They continue to bear much fruit through village evangelism as Evangelists are being sent out of each church two by two to preach the gospel hut to hut, and heart to heart.  Remember, when we are not there to provide transportation with a Turbo Diesel, they are biking and hiking by foot to teach all nations and every tribe about Jesus death, burial and resurrection. Their love for Christ coupled with a burden for the lost can be clearly seen through their consistent evangelism efforts year after year.  Please continue to pray that these servants will be steadfast, immovable and always abounding in the Lord.   You will find I have also included each village by name from the three regions our work encompasses.     ( Below Is a pic of the Pastors, many whom we personally led to Christ who love our Lord and are obeying Him by carrying out His Great Commission) There are also over fifty more evangelist's not pictured who work beside these Pastors doing evangelism.  
(27) Mt. Elgon Landmark Baptist Churches Kenya/Uganda
LBC Mawe Tatu: 28 saved/ 18 Baptized,  LBC Soysambu: 12 saved/ 3 Baptized, LBC Namarambi: 75 Saved/ 17 Baptized, LBC Chelekei: 129 Saved/ 43 Baptized, LBC Matili: 9 Saved/ 2 Baptized,

LBC Chenjeni: 126 Saved/ 24 Baptized,  LBC Mayanja: 56 Saved/13 Baptized, LBC Kibuki: 49 Saved/

5 Baptized, LBC Sirongo: 113 Saved/ 77 Baptized, LBC Chemondi: 103 Saved/ 53 Baptized,

LBC Cheptabrubru: 189 Saved/ 25 Baptized, LBC Kipsigon: 66 Saved/28 Baptized, LBC Cheptguruguru: 183 Saved/ 40 Baptized, LBC Huruma: 177 Saved/ 103 Baptized, LBC Chemta: 82 Saved/ 34 Baptized

LBC Panandeka 260 Saved/ 38 baptized, LBC Cheptandan: 147 Saved/ 55 Baptized,

LBC Chesokwo: 176 Saved/ 85 Baptized, LBC Cherwondoi: 224 Saved/ 111 Baptized, LBC Ndivisi: 219 Saved/ 48 Baptized, LBC Saboti: 94 Saved/ 12 Baptized,  

LBC Butiru: 134 Saved/ 59 Baptized, LBC Cheptais 142 Saved/ 61 Baptized, LBC Kaboriot 117 Saved/ 67 Baptized, LBC Nalondo 159 Saved/ 66 Baptized, LBC Malomonye 188 Saved/ 87 Baptized, LBC Lunyu 191 Saved/ 120 Baptized.  
I fully realize that the names of the villages listed above do not register with you, but I personally, along with our team of USA evangelists have been involved in some of those evangelism efforts.    

The Picture (BELOW) are Eight of the Mt. Elgon Pastors preparing to go do village evangelism.  Our challenge has always been: "If we reach one village for Christ, why shouldn't we reach the neighboring five villages?"  Their love for the Lord as the Apostle Paul said constraineth them and has led to the salvation of thousands on Mt. Elgon.  It does our hearts good to see what started after the 2008 clashes is going stronger than ever by the grace of God and for the glory of God!
                             New Bible for New Convert at Malomonye, Mt Elgon 
Kerio Valley Landmark Baptist Churches Kenya/Uganda
The (below) picture is Pastor Timothy Loquardo and a young convert named Lokiru who is leading Pastor Loquardo to his home country of Uganda.  The area is called Karamoja and is some 200+kms from North Pakot where our Kerio Valley mission work started.
   They would spend several days in this new area visiting multiple villages preaching the gospel where they saw dozens of Ugandans profess faith in Jesus Christ.  Praise our Lord!!  Our prayer is that these converts will be organized into bible studies and eventually become New Testament Churches who will send out more evangelists until the gospel is preached to the uttermost parts of the earth.   Act 1:8  But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
Our USA Team also spent three days in the Kerio Valley leading dozens to Christ.
     When looking at our year in review, we see God's hand of grace continues to be great upon us and we know that we could not do all that we are doing without a group of faithful servants and Ministry partners who come alongside us to fulfill the Great Commission.  Once again, thank you for faithfully holding the rope and thank you for allowing us to share what God has done in 2018.  To God be the Glory!  Great Things He Hath Done!!

 In His Service,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

Kenya/Uganda/Florida Plant