Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Oakland MBC, VBS & 65 Professions

As we travel this journey of faith, God reminds us from time to time that we are stronger when we work together than alone and we are to encourage and exhort one another in our faith.  Such was the case with our historic first VBS at the Florida Plant.   VBS is one of the most labor intensive events on any Church calendar, however God would use Oakland MBC from Rusk, Texas to come along side of us for this important week.   Can you imagine having twenty well trained, well organized servants of God show up at your Church to work with your people to bring kids to Christ?  It is one thing to tell somebody you love them and support the work they are doing for the Lord.  But to put feet to your prayers and works with your faith takes that love and support to whole 'nother level which is rarely seen.  We thank Pastor Jamie Hogan and His folks for traveling fourteen hours to be such a blessing to us as we labor here in Florida. 

Pastor Jamie Hogan and His Crew from Oakland MBC, Rusk Texas
Our first day together would take us out into the highways and hedges door knocking six local neighborhoods in our area.   It was great to see the folks from Oakland MBC out with us to promote VBS.   Terry and I can be found out in a village or a neighborhood on a weekly basis, however our brethren from Rusk live in such a rural area that they literally do not have many neighborhoods.  So they really relished the opportunity to go door to door with the gospel and inviting children to VBS.  We were once again reminded what God will do through the obedience of His servants when they simply Go ye therefore and teach all nations.  

Door Knocking & Bringing them In!
God would use our humble efforts in the hot, humid Florida summer sun to bring three van loads of children to Church each night.   Breaking a sweat for Jesus was an understatement but the spirit of unity revealed a great labor of love.  In fact, God poured out such a blessing that we had to run multiple van routes on some nights.   While "bringing them In" from the fields of sin expends much energy, it provides great joy, encouragement and momentum to a new Church plant.

 Terry and I have been involved in many VBS's over the years but I have to say that this one was one the best with regard to planning and organization.  There was also a great unity of spirit between the Oakland MBC brethren and our Florida Plant folks.  And of course, with any VBS, it is always a GREAT joy and never gets old watching ten of these precious children come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Even now we are in process of confirming their salvation and planning on baptizing them in the near future.
Opening Prayer before the Children Arrive

We give all the praise, honor and glory to God for His grace continues to be great upon us.  He has used Pastor Jamie Hogan and His crew from Oakland MBC to be a blessing to this Missionary, His wife, The Florida Plant and to the many children in Hernando and Citrus County Florida.   Thank you for allowing us to share this journey of faith and thank you to each and every Ministry Partner who supports us through prayerful and financial support.   The investment you making in our lives and ministry continues to produce much fruit.  

In His Service,

Chuck Fernandez

Bro.  Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
Kenya/Uganda/Florida Plant
 45 Saved at Chesokwo, Mt. Elgon, Kenya
 Praise the Lord, While we were doing VBS, Our Kenyan Evangelist's were on Mt. Elgon at a village called Chesokwo where they led 45 villagers to Christ.  Mungu Anaweza!