Monday, May 20, 2019


Kerio Valley, North Pokot
Our Mission Team for our recent trip to Kenya consisted of my Pastor, Dr. Tim Myers, Myself and one of our newest additions to the Florida Church Plant, Maynard Saucier. 
Small teams help us logistically and enable us to accomplish more as we travel lighter.
Sometimes less is better and that is definitely true for our ministry and these short term trips.
The (above) pic is taken from the edge of the Kerio Valley as we descended to North Pokot.

As you can see from the (above) pic,  we required five star accommodations as we camp out in these remote interior regions.   Feel free to accompany us next time as we vacation in luxury!  Seriously,  there is no better to way to do ministry and connect with the people God has called us to reach.    Sleeping in these villages demonstrates great love and commitment for them,  the Lord's work, and builds relationships in a way that simply cannot be done from afar.    You'll know the home and heart of the people when you wake up to the roosters crowing, the goats and cows moving and watching their family get up and get moving for a new day.   Eating what they eat and sleeping in their compounds brings our relationships to another level.    When we say, "tuko pamoja" which means "we are together" in Swahili, we mean tuko pamoja.

 The above pictures were taken during our evangelism efforts in the Pokot village of Chepsabei.   I'm not sure of the total count our National Pastors Led to Christ but I know there were many that day near a new well which the government has recently drilled.   We praise the Lord for every new convert but the well is truly a blessing to this village which is the site of our first Pokot Church plant.   During our early years of working in this village the Chief, the Elders and the members of the Church would regularly ask me to drill a well.  Terry and I really struggled with this as we knew it would be a blessing but we also knew they have survived by retrieving water from a not so nearby river for possibly hundreds of years.   We always believed that our main focus should be and needed to be evangelism, discipleship and Church planting.    We wish we did not have financial constraints but that is also the reality of being a Baptist Missionary.   So needless to say we believe if we concentrate on the eternal things, God would take care of the physical things which he did by providing a new solar powered well and a huge new silver storage tank which towers over the village some fifty feet, (the only one around for miles).    Matthew 6:32 & 33 really came to life in the Kerio Valley and while they know they government brought the well and water tower, they give God all the praise and all the glory.   Mat 6:32  (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
Mat 6:33  But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.     

In addition to village evangelism, we held seminars at multiple locations to build up and encourage our Pokot brethren.    Bro. Maynard taught on the life of Christ,  Dr. Myers taught from the book of Acts and I taught on knowing and identifying false Prophets.   People come from far away to hear the Word of God taught at these seminars.   What a privileged, honor and responsibility to help them rightly divide the Word.  

The above picture is of Bro. Maynard giving a blind Pokot Mama a solar powered audio Bible.   We know these Bibles are invaluable to those who cannot read or write but there are also these elderly Pokot Saints who can only hear due to blindness.   Rom_10:17  So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Karimojohg Tribe
Each and every audio Bible we  give away is a great blessing,  however the (above) picture of Dr. Myers giving out this one is truly awesome and special.   The lady who received the audio Bible is from Karamoja, Uganda.   She is the first of the Karimojong tribe of Eastern Uganda to receive the Word of God in her mother tongue.   This is exciting news as the Churches God allowed Terry and I to establish are now sending out evangelists two by two to reach unreached people groups and forgotten tribes.     Thank you for those of you who partnered with us financially to buy these Bibles. 
Tandaposa & Dr. Jackson
The (Above) picture is of Dr. Jackson and His wife who are the newest addition to our ministry team in the Kerio Valley.   They are from the village of Tandaposa where God has called Him to preach.    This is yet another new village our Landmark Baptist Evangelists have reached with the good news of the gospel.   Not only is it exciting to see God calling new men but while we were there, the village Elders donated a plot of land to build a future sanctuary.   There is also a very deeply personal praise from my heart in the calling of Dr. Jackson.   For it was only a few short years ago the fisherman, Pastor Jackson Ocouth from Lake Victoria went home to be with the Lord.    We know we will see Him again one glad day but we sure miss him dearly and it definitely comforts this Missionary's heart to know another Jackson has been called to preach the gospel.  Please pray for these new Preachers, Villages and Servants of God.   Thank you for taking time to travel our journey of faith with us and for all who faithfully support us through prayer and finances.   We can't do all that is being done for the glory of God without you and we need your continued prayers as we balance our foreign mission work with the Florida Plant and Prison Ministry.   

Our second week in Kenya was likened to the first in the sense that by God's grace we crammed about a months worth of work into a weeks time.  The focus of week two would be buildings, seminars and evangelism at the base of Mt. Elgon and Lake Victoria.   Part of that building process would include laying out the foundation for the dormitory and classrooms to train and equip our National Pastors to do what God has called them to do.     We have used the traveling seminary method for many years now, but the work has outgrown this method and needed a permanent place to bring these men of God to on a regular basis for teaching and training.   As I have mentioned in previous posts, the capabilities of the host Church and village were no longer adequate to host as many as one hundred Pastors, Preachers and  Evangelists at one time.    The location at the base of Mt. Elgon is as central as possible to service Mt. Elgon, Lake Victoria and the Kerio Valley.   We have prayed over this need and vision for many years now and we praise God for His hand of grace continues to be great upon us.  He also continues to provide through His local New Testament Churches as well as individuals He is using to accomplish His will and His work.    Thank you to all who have given to this worthy cause. 

 As you can see from the (above) pic,  Brother Maynard help lead the efforts to layout the dormitory and classroom for the Bible Institute.    He is an expert when it comes to building and construction and he is the type of man who you point in the right direction, turn Him loose and stay out of His way.  The truth is, our Kenyan & Ugandan brethren are perfectly capable of doing what we did with regard to construction as we have partnered with them to build twenty seven sanctuaries over the last twelve years.   However, they do love the enthusiasm and encouragement we bring during these short term trips and if we accomplish nothing else, we want to encourage them.   Our goal is to be a blessing to them and for them to say what was said of Paul and Barnabas to the believers of Antioch, Syria and Cilicia.   "It seemed good unto us, being assembled with one accord, to send chosen men unto you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul.   Acts 15:25  
In addition to the construction projects, we took time out of each day to teach those who had gathered in the middle of the week to meet with us at the base of Mt. Elgon.    Their hunger for God's Word was and is inspirational and challenging as there was always time made for Dr. Myers (Below) to teach them the truths from God's Holy Word.   

One of the highlights of our trip was Bro. Maynard following the Lord Jesus in scriptural baptism.   Bro. Maynard has been a part of the Florida Church plant now for over a year and has been wanting to unite with us.  He was born again a few years ago but had not been baptized under proper Biblical authority.    Needless to say the Florida Church plant voted to give Pastor Peter Barasa (below) the authority to baptize Brother Maynard at His request on the Churches behalf.    We were excited to see Him obey the Lord's command and receive Him and His wife Julie who had scriptural baptism as the newest members of the Florida Church Plant in Brooksville, Florida.   How many white people can say they were baptized in East Africa?  It was for sure a great experience for all who witnessed this joyous occasion.  I later asked our Kenyan brethren if they had ever seen or heard of a white person being baptized by a Kenyan National? They responded with huge smiles on their faces, that Bro. Maynard is the first.   

The second construction site (below) was in a village named Chemondi.   You can see the steep western face of Mt. Elgon in the background of this picture.   This Landmark Baptist Church was organized eight years ago and has been meeting under a tent for the entire time.    We have done our best to move these Churches from houses to tents and then into a permanent building within approximately 3-5 years, however Chemondi seemed to fall between the cracks of our rapidly expanding ministry capabilities.    When our sending Church, 1st Baptist Church of East Bay, heard that the LBC at Chemondi had been faithfully meeting under a tent for eight years they immediately voted to partner with them to build a permanent sanctuary.  How many of us would be willing to set up and take down a small tent to meet under for even one year?   God has used Dr. Myers and our sending Church to evangelize, plant, organize and establish Churches all over the world for decades now.   Terry and I count it a blessed privilege to be small part of their Missions program.   

As you can see from the (below) picture, our last leg of the mission trip brought us to the shores of Lake Victoria.    We held a seminar at the Landmark Baptist Church at Wichlum Bay which is a large fishing village.   The brethren at Lake Victoria are predominately of the Luo tribe and this region seems to continue to be the hardest area to evangelize, disciple and organize Churches.   I won't get into all of the cultural reasons but we thank God for those who have stayed with the faith they have received from us which we have received of the Lord Jesus.    We believe God is still working in their lives and while the fruit may be in smaller quantities, it is no less important.    
We were originally scheduled to do village evangelism at a new village near the lake,  however I felt led of God to help one of our struggling Churches, LBC Got with village evangelism.   This is the Church that has lost two great Pastors to malaria and balharzia over the last several years and has been on the verge of closing its doors.   I realize that the work God has allowed us to be apart of in Kenya and Uganda has regularly produced new and exciting reports but the reality is there are some Churches, while few in number, that are really struggling.   LBC Got is one of them.   Nothing I know of revitalizes a Church more than a good dose of salvation by seeing people saved and baptized on a regular basis.    So rather than focusing on a new village we wanted to invest in this struggling Church one more time.   We saw many trust Christ as we hiked the dusty village trails preaching the gospel and the word was spread throughout the village that the Church is still going on.  
 Please add this Church to your prayer list:
                                                LBC at Got.     
Another highlight for the Missionary was to be able to meet with a few of our key men (BELOW) from each region and map out our ministry strategy to include specific villages that need to be prayed for and reached with the gospel.    We fully acknowledge and understand that all that has been accomplished for God's honor and glory has been by His Spirit and His Power.  For without Him we can do nothing but with Him all things are possible.   We also know that He provides, directs and blesses according to His will.   Our desire has and continues to be to seek His will as we charted, plotted and direct the resources necessary to fulfill the Great Commission for such a time as this.    The most productive work done for our Lord is in the center of His will and time is too short to be plowing,  planting and watering in the wrong place at the wrong time.    We often refer to that type of ministry strategy as doing the right thing the wrong way.    God knows best and is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above that which we are able. 

In Closing,  these return trips to Kenya on a regular basis are both exhausting and encouraging as they are very intense physically and spiritually.  However, with God's blessing we were able to accomplish most everything we had on our schedule and even somethings which were not scheduled.     We thank you for the opportunity to share our journey of faith and for every prayer and dollar given which enables us to do all that we do for the glory of God.   We also ask those of you who take time to read these journal entries/blogs but do not currently partner with us to prayerfully consider partnering with us
and be a part of this great work God is doing through
                       His weak and feeble servants.  
In His Service,
Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
Kenya/Uganda/Florida Plant
                                                 JUST 4 FUN!