Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Witch Doctor Saved!

Witch Doctor Saved!

The (below) picture is of a former Witch Doctor of over sixty years who has received Jesus as His personal Lord and Savior.   The Lord has radically changed this mans life and He has become a great testimony to the entire village and region of God's amazing grace.   He is receiving His first Bible after following in scriptural baptism and discipleship training.   He is yet another great example of why supplying Bibles through our ministry is so very important.  Many of the new Church plants in remote interior villages have to face the wrath and anger of the local Witch Doctor during their early years but greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.  Generally speaking this confrontation takes place as a result of the village becoming a prominently Christian village which no longer needs or desires His controlling demonic influence.     

Rom. 1:16  For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. 
  New Outreach at Namanje

The (below) pictures are the latest outreach at another newly reached village located at the base of Mt. Elgon named Namanje. 
These new outreaches really touch my heart as I know the power of the preaching of the Gospel and I love seeing the Lord's servants out in the highways and hedges reaching the lost.   Additionally, it is a blessing to see these new converts being discipled and eventually baptized and organized into another local New Testament Church which has the potential to raise up and send preachers and evangelists.   Eph. 3:21  Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.
Please pray for these new believers and as you view these pictures I ask you to make a few observations with me about their condition.   #1.  Humility:  They have simply gathered together in the woods to hear the good news of the gospel the evangelists have brought them.   #2.  They have no Bibles:  Look carefully, the Evangelist is the only one who has a Bible as He preaches God's word.   They will need to grow in their new faith and that will only happen as they learn how to rightly divide the Word of God.  They will need to learn how to defend themselves from the wiles of the devil but how will they be able to stand without the word of God.   A large part of our ministry is supplying these new converts with the Bibles.    We ask you to prayerfully consider helping us supply them with Bibles.    #3.  There is no sanctuary or roof over their heads to assemble themselves for worship.   There is no tent, no pews, just a group of new believers who are hungry for God.   Over the years we have not started new works with a building project but we do partner with them to provide a tent during the early years.   As you can see, this group is already too large to meet in a house and is in need of a tent.    Make no mistake about it, even though there is no building, this is what the Church looks like.   

Together we can make a difference in the lives of these new believers by supplying them new bibles as those seen in the (below) being delivered to Cheptabrubru on Mt. Elgon.     


Building Blocks   

 The pictures below are of God's provision and blessing for the dormitory and classrooms at the new Landmark Baptist Bible Institute located near the base of Mt. Elgon.   We have purchased 5,000 bricks, tons of sand, bags of cement and rocks  for the walls.  Remember we had already constructed the roof for both buildings earlier in the year.    As I look at the bricks I'm reminded that God's grace is great upon us corporately but individually I'm reminded that those bricks represent individuals & Churches who believing in supporting missions through their offerings.   Furthermore, as I look at the pile of bricks I see a lot of work to construct the walls but I also see the sacrificial giving as each brick represents an individual who has worked to earn each dollar and then gives it freely so that preachers can be trained and sent out to preach the gospel.    God's work done God's way will never lack God's supply through local New Testament Churches. 
We thank you for giving so that others might hear the good news! 

NOTE:  At first glance of the (above) picture you see large rocks which will be used in the construction of the walls.  However, it must be pointed out the these rocks need to be broken down into small rocks by the members of the Church.   These rocks are illustrative of our working relationship with these Churches to provide them with the building blocks necessary for them to build.   But they share in the responsibility to invest in their Church and ministry because ultimately it is theirs to grow and maintain.  Pastor, what you congregation say if you ask them to break rocks for a week?   Matt. 16:18  And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  

Mama Atai & Mzee Masai
 The (above) picture is of two beautiful people who are near and dear to our hearts.  He is known as Mzee Masai and she is affectionately known as Mama Atai.    They 105 and 101 years old and are two of our earliest converts from the village of Ndivisi which is located at the base of Mt. Elgon.   The year of their conversion was 2008.  Don't get me wrong, all of those who God gives the increase to bring to Christ are special.  But we remember these precious folks because the evangelist who brought us to them to share the gospel had been praying for their salvation for seven years.    In this case, God would use White Missionaries from America to be the ones chosen to bring them to the saving knowledge of Christ.  After the received Christ they immediately followed in scriptural baptism and have been faithful members of the Landmark Baptist Church established at Ndivisi.   While they are up and age, they still attend regularly but have to be reminded what day is Sunday.    Their house is one of the first houses we visit each time we return to Kenya. 
Terry and I want to wish you all a Happy and Bless Thanksgiving!   

Thank you for the opportunity to share our journey of faith and for every prayer and every dollar given which enables us to do all that we do for the glory of God!



In His Service,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
Kenya/Uganda/Florida Plant

Moving Day, Acts 20:20 & South America Missions

Moving day has arrived and the new modular building we have been needing and praying for has finally arrived.   As you can see from the picture below, it arrived on a truck and trailer which provides immediate use.   Well, that is after all the permitting, blocking, wiring, cleaning and ramp construction.    Nevertheless, God always provides and while we have constructed thirty four sanctuaries in Kenya and Uganda this is our first building project in Florida.   The modular building brings us to the point of total utilization of our current rented property by maximizing every square foot.   If we leave our current property we will have to take it with us, but that's why it is mobile.   We have always said that we don't believe God will bless us with something bigger till we have been good stewards with what we have.  What we have had is basically a shed and sanctuary but now we have room for expansion for our youth ministry which frees up room in the sanctuary as well as providing a fellowship hall.  Remember we have used a tent for our fellowship hall for four years now.   The tent served its purpose but its a lot of work to set up and tear down and is very hot to use during the summer.   With that said, the tent is a connection we have to Kenya and Uganda and is deeply embedded in our ministry methodology.    I did not realize the full extent of the tent connection until my last trip to Kenya when our Pastors saw the pictures of our tent in Florida and it resonated with them in a great way.  Here is why,  #1: they saw that we are not too good to do what they do and #2: the Missionary has not ask them to do something that we are not willing to do.  Remember we have been using tents for new Church plants in Kenya and Uganda for many years now.  After set up and a last minute electric hook up we dedicated the building during our annual fall festival campaign.   Everything we do thru the Florida plant is purposed and Great Commission centered.    We thank God for His hand of grace is good upon us.    

As you can see from the pics below,  the modular building was decorated nicely and seats 80-100 people.   We had many special guests on dedication day to include Missionaries Temple & Annie Meek as well as German and Barbara Rivera from the Prison Ministry.   The food is always great in the south and the fellowship was sweet with over hundred in attendance. 

                                         The Fellowship of the Believers
Act 2:42  "And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers."  
Acts 20:20 In 2020  
Act 20:20 " And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have shewed you, and have taught you publicly, and from house to house." 

 As you can see from the (above) & (below) pictures, we have started our Acts 20:20 outreach campaign.   Would you pray for us as we obey the Great Commission to preach the gospel unto the uttermost parts of the world?   We do not claim to be the best at outreach promotions and campaigns  or anything for that matter but we are willing to go in the name of our Lord anywhere, anytime to anyone.    The Acts 20:20 campaign is simply a prayerful goal of: twenty professions of faith,  twenty baptisms & twenty new members in 2020.   Now you might be thinking to yourself, "self, its not 2020 yet so why are they starting their 2020 campaign in 2019?"   Here is the answer; because we are so excited about what we believe God is going to do thru the Florida Plant in 2020 that we didn't want to wait to get started.  God is already opening many doors and hearts during our early efforts.   1 Cor 3:6  I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.
1 Cor 3:7  So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.
1 Cor 3:8  Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour.
1 Cor 3:9  For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building. 

Our van fleet stands ready to be the vehicles we use on a weekly basis and we pray God will help us fill two them times over to bring them in from the fields of sin.  Pray for us brethren.  Jude 1:22  And of some have compassion, making a difference:
Jude 1:23  And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.

Prison Ministry Update

One of the most fruitful parts of our ministry is the prison ministry at Cross City Correctional Institute.   God is giving us the opportunity to disciple dozens of men through this ministry and we are seeing great growth in their walk and service to God.   Cell phones and cameras are not allowed inside the walls of the prison so you will have to take my word when I say that lives are being transformed by our Lord and Savior through His word accompanied by with the Spirit of God.   One of the things I have noticed particularly among our Spanish brethren is that we are teaching, training and mentoring men who God is sending out as servants and witnesses as they are released and return to Columbia, Honduras, Ecuador, Cuba, Puerto Rico and Mexico.  Its exciting to know that God uses our humble efforts to potentially send out Missionaries to South America.  I often say that  

you don't have to travel to South American countries to reach South Americans.   

1Cor. 9:22  To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.       


Thank you for the opportunity to share our journey of faith and for every prayer and every dollar given which enables us to do all that we do for the glory of God.   We also ask those of you who take time to read these journal entries/blogs but do not currently partner with us to prayerfully consider partnering with us and be a part of this great work God is doing through His servants.        


 In His Service,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
Kenya/Uganda/Florida Plant