Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Visitor, Back to the Desert, needed Repairs & Nairobi

September 28, 2009 Visitor, Back to the Desert, Needed Repairs & Nairobi...
(Be sure to click on pictures to see full view more clearly...then do the 'back' button....)

We continued our whirlwind travel of Kenya this week trying to allow our visitor, Bro. Jimmy Jones from Plant City, Florida plenty of opportunities to see how God is working here in Kenya as well as seeing as much of the country as possible in 10 days. Tuesday we traveled to the desert to complete some needed repairs to the house and land cruiser.
 On our way we saw two elephants in the south Turkana game park and had a great opportunity to take some close up photos.

We spent the afternoon making the needed repairs to the house and putting the radiator back in the green camel along with new hoses and belts. Wednesday we were invited by Bro. Eddie and Pastor Michael from Napetet to do village evangelism. It was a great day of sharing the gospel and there were four who made professions of faith.
Our team of Bro. Jimmy, Pastor Michael, myself and Terry only made two visits. The first one started with one man under a tree but by the time we were finished we had a crowd of a dozen listening to the

A lady named Veronica received Christ by faith. The second visit we made was with a group of around 10 that was resting under a tree, by the time we finished there must have been 20-30 people
stopping to hear what was going on. What a blessing to simply be able to open a Bible in the middle of a village and have people willing to take time to hear God’s Word. Following evangelism we
were able to test  the repairs to the truck by taking a trip to the fishing village of Kalacol near Lake Turkana. We had great food and fellowship with Pastor Steven. It was Bro. Jimmy’s first opportunity
to eat camel and he loved it. Thursday we got up early to transport some people from Lodwar to their villages in the desert and pick up those that were sick and needing medical attention to bring to the
hospital. This also allowed Jimmy to visit two more Churches in the Turkana district. The people of Turkana are losing their animals due to the extreme drought and many have died from Cholera due to the lack of clean water.

Please pray that the Lord will send the desperately needed rain. What a contrast to go from the wet muddy fields of Western Kenya to the drought stricken land of the desert. One week we are slipping and sliding in the mud and the next week we are walking and driving in the desert dust and 100 degree heat. Not only within the same week but within 400kms from each other.
 So this week we have traveled ¾ of the country preaching, teaching, baptizing, evangelizing and touring.

Our last two stops were in the Nakuru national Game Park and finally Nairobi to put Bro. Jimmy on a flight back to the USA.

 God has given us a safe and awesome week with a
true friend who was willing to traveling around the world to share valuable time together while serving the Lord. In closing I want to wish my wife a Happy Anniversary of 28 years. I also wanted to include a small paragraph of thoughts I ask Bro. Jimmy to share about his experience this week.

These are Bro. Jimmy’s words:
“I am truly amazed to see God mightily at work here in Kenya. I praise the Lord for Bro. Chuck and
 Sis. Terry’s willingness to help the people of this country not only with their spiritual needs, but the physical ones as well. They are building strong relationships with the people and showing them the Love of Jesus Christ. Everywhere we went, people were so glad to be greeted by someone who knew their own language. I saw churches full of people who love to sing God’s praises and reaching people for Him. I saw pastors who would walk miles just to make sure families knew the church cared about them. Thank God for missionaries like Bro. Chuck
and Sis. Terry. This trip has impacted my life and ministry greatly”.

Thanks for sharing our journey of faith.     

Chuck & Terry Fernandez
Kenya, East Africa            

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Visitor, Sekhindu Evangelism, Sunday Services, Baptism and Funeral

Terry and I have been on the road since Wednesday. We traveled to Nairobi to pick up a very special friend and fellow servant of the Lord, Bro. Jimmy Jones. Bro. Jimmy is our first visitor from America and this is his first time here in Kenya. We spent a couple of days in Nairobi picking up supplies as well as our guest who made it on time and with his entire luggage. It was also a good opportunity for us to get some more needed items from the USA as our children sent some things through Bro. Jimmy. Thank you loved ones. We are thrilled.
That is two suitcases full of goodies from the USA in two weeks!

Before we left Nairobi we took the opportunity to visit the Giraffe Center
and get some up close and personal time with the animals.
Friday we returned to Eldoret to prepare for a long weekend of ministry with our honored guest and the needed supplies. To watch Jimmy transition from the comfort and cleanliness of the USA to a third world county like Kenya is very special. Given the magnitude of the change and the effect of jet-lag he has done excellent. Saturday we traveled to Mawe Tatu to pick up Pastor Shadrach, Pastor Peter and Momma Mary (pregnant w/child) to go to the neighboring village of Sekhindu for evangelism. There were a total of 16 who carried the gospel into the village and this was Jimmy’s first opportunity to be on his own to share God’s word here in Kenya. It is one thing to tour a country and see the sights but when you go into the homes of people that live in the villages to greet, to sit and to share God’s word you experience the real country and the people in a way that is only possible by engaging them in their home environment. Sekhindu continues to be a place that is open and receptive to the gospel. There were 21 who made professions of faith in Christ and many others who made commitments to attend the weekly Bible studying taking place there now. We felt the blessing of God’s Spirit throughout the day in the various visits which were made in the name of the Lord Jesus. Sunday we attended Church at Landmark Baptist of Ndivisi where Bro. Jimmy had the opportunity to teach Sunday school and share his testimony of how God has provided for him in a great way to make it possible to travel Kenya to visit and preach God’s Word.
Before Jimmy preached a great sermon on “How to ask God for what we need”, we had a very powerful moment during the introduction and testimony time.
Along with Bro. Jimmy we had also brought the young fabricator named Kennedy from Eldoret with us who also came with us on Saturday for evangelism to do translating.
It was Kennedy’s testimony that God used to touch all of our hearts as he shared his burden for his lost Mom and Dad who are alcoholics and sell liquor as a family business.
I am not sure there were many dry eyes as he poured out his heart asking the Church to pray for him to reach his family with the gospel. Here is a young Christian who has just recently experienced God through salvation and who wants to share the Lord Jesus with his parents and siblings in a village called Bondo.
After praying for him, Pastor Peter made a promise and commitment to travel to Bondo to share the gospel and we are currently in the process of setting a date for this journey.
John Chapter 1 records the story of Andrew who met Christ and ran to tell his Brother Simon about Him. Bro. Kennedy’s desire is one that has been repeated by millions throughout the ages who have come to Christ and been changed through salvation, never to be the same.
After Sunday teaching and preaching we proceeded to the river for a baptismal service.
The walk there was an adventure due the fact it had stormed Saturday night and the path was absolutely swamped and muddy. Bro. Jimmy was the first casualty to slide into a mud hole but that was OK because he was the one performing the baptism. It was also his first time to perform a baptism in a rushing river from the cold icy water coming from Mt. Elgon. He did fine. After a great day of worship Pastor Peter asked if we could stop by the house of His In-laws to pay respect to his wife’s Grandmother who had just died. Little did I know that we would be hiking possibly 5 Km’s in swampy fields by foot to reach the remote location of the house where his in laws were preparing for the funeral. Poor Terry is such a trooper. She had worn sandals and was walking through ankle deep mud the entire trek. When we arrived it was a scene out of national geographic for sure with dirty muddy people everywhere including us as well after our long trek to the village. We prayed for the family in the house where Grandma still lay in the bed where she died while there were men outside building the coffin

by hand and cutting fire wood for the big gathering. After paying respect to the Grandma and family

we returned back to the truck and I gladly washed Terry’s feet for her. Oh well, all in the day and life of a missionary here in Kenya. Monday we are taking a day of recovery, rest and preparation to travel to Lodwar to do some work on the house there, visit some of the Churches in our work there and let Bro. Jimmy see the desert of Kenya. We appreciate every email and word of encouragement as well as your prayers. May God keep you and bless you until we meet again.

Chuck and Terry Fernandez
Kenya, East Africa

Jimmy Jones, Chuck & Terry at Giraffe Center, Nairobi

Monday, September 14, 2009

Christmas In Kenya....and Burying

We had Christmas in Kenya this week when we received a tote full of necessities from our home Church, Ft. Cooper Baptist Church. Bro. Eddie Williams was the UPS man.
Not only did we receive a new camera that we will guard with our lives but we also received many other items as well as Birthday cards. A care package from the United States is definitely the highlight of any day on the foreign field. Not only because you receive needed items but there is a connection with your friends and family that really ministers to you. Thank U, Thank U, and Thank U for all who gave and or shipped items to us.

Today was a long and sad day with the birth, death and burial of Pastor Shadrach’s baby. I was hoping that I would never have to perform another Child’s funeral but given the high infant mortality rate here in Kenya that is somewhat unrealistic. Pastor Shadrach from Mawe Tatu and his wife Mary were having their fourth child when a serious problem arose during the delivery process. While they were able to save Mary’s life the baby died during delivery. Given the aforementioned circumstances we started our day at the public Mortuary here in Eldoret with Pastor and Momma trying to claim the body of their baby. While they were finishing their paper work Pastor Peter, Terry and I went to town to buy a little coffin. There was none available so we had one made within an hour.

We loaded the coffin in the back of the truck along with Sharach, Mary and several relatives. The coffin sat on my safari box in the back of the truck like the lid from the box was made to fit a baby’s coffin. That is the second coffin to sit on that box and I am not sure I can ever get my tools or parts out of that box again without seeing those little coffins sitting on it. Needless to say it was a quiet trip from Eldoret to the Western providence with a truck decorated with red cloth on four corners. Terry had the heart and forethought not only to buy a coffin but to buy Momma Mary flowers and a handkerchief which she clutches to the whole way home. We also gave them a cross that one of our Church members had made for us before we left. Bro. Rodger can make us another one as this one was desperately needed today. After an hour we arrived at Pastors Shadrach’s house with many friends, family and neighbors waiting for the funeral. The funeral and burial was very short. The theme was comfort and claim.
Comfort one another with these words and claim the promises made by Jesus as well as the Word of God.
I am thankful we have a resurrected Savior who has gone to prepare a place for us and I am also thankful that children are the heritage of the Lord. Please pray for Pastor Shadrach and his wife Mary in the days to come. Instead of bringing home a healthy new baby they brought home a little coffin and buried it next to their house. This was the first of many funerals of Landmark Baptist Church of Mawe Tatu. In all of this trial they have held steadfastly to their faith in Christ. That is real faith.

We ask you to pray for us as well when we travel to Nairobi on Wednesday to pick up our first visitor from America. The next two weeks we are going to log in many KM’s on the roads here and will need all the prayers that we can get. We love each and every one of you. God Bless.

Chuck & Terry Fernandez

Kenya, East Africa

Sunday, September 6, 2009

2009 Transition, Three Stones & The Welch Revival

We are in somewhat of a transition and holding pattern while we are waiting for a visitor to come next week from the USA and we will be working in Turkana for a while. So this week we have been around Eldoret doing maintenance to the truck to prepare for our upcoming extended travels to Nairobi, Eldoret, Turkana and then back again. Tires, belts, lights and fluid changes have been serviced this week with still more needed next week. Your truck here is one of your most valuable friends and I do not spare any expense in making sure it is going to get us to our destinations.
Yesterday we visited Mawe Tatu (3) Stones as it is our closet Church to Eldoret. God continues to bless Pastor Shadrach and that congregation in a great way.

They have outgrown the house they started worshiping in and they will meet under tarps until they are able to mature to a point where they can think about building a Church. Until then they are united and content to have what they have, the blessings of God. Many visitors attended church with us yesterday. There were new converts from the neighboring village called Sekhindu who walked 10kms to attend Church at Mawe Tatu. The young lady named Sarah traveled one hour to meet us on the Uganda road going to go to Mawe Tatu. Also the young fabricator named Kennedy from Eldoret wanted to attend Church there.
That is a pretty good testimony for Pastor Shadrach and his Church that these young folks who could attend Church anywhere would rather attend a little bush Church in Western were they have grown to love the people, preaching and blessings of God. It is a good thing that Kennedy came as he speaks and reads English very well and there was nobody else to translate for us yesterday. So God is already using Kennedy to do his work. While I am attempting to teach in Swahili it is still necessary to have a translator on hand. We had a great day of worship with these wonderful people.

With no school this week and some extra time I spent a lot time studying the Welsh revival of 1904. Needless to say God has used this study to really touch my heart. I found myself with tears in my eyes while reading about the people who loved God and wanted God more than anything else in this world. I have recorded in my journal some of the facts and words from the Welsh revival as to remember what God did.

Words from the Welsh revival:
The Welsh revival was described as God visiting His Garden-
"A visitation of God’s power," they said ,
"we have His presence but we need His power." The people would testify:
“I love Jesus Christ with all my heart”!
In services they would sing 'Crown Him Lord of All' 17 X’s, they could not stop singing it. 3 young men prayed on a mountain top everyday for a month for God to move on Whales....
Evan Roberts, the leader of the Welsh revival prayed before the revival for God to “Bend me, bend me, all all all!”
He was called a lunatic by many and accused of lowering the tone of the denomination for preaching in the streets and trying to reach the lost with the gospel.
Wed November 2, 1904 Evan Roberts closed his letters with: "Onward fire divine!"

Revival meetings were prepared by Prayer- People walked 12 miles in rainstorms to pray.
Entire congregations would spend 2 hours singing praises to Jesus, by the time they were done people were weeping and praising.
Sunday Mornings: People were urged to pray: “Send the Spirit now for Jesus Sake,
“Send the Spirit now more powerfully for Jesus Sake.”
Services continued long into the night with a supernatural move of the Holy Spirit of God.
Churches were overflowing: they opened at 6 am and people stayed late into the night, one pastor said he tried to close the service 3 times but people stayed and experience the move of God and did not want to leave: God was everywhere.
All Churches were open every day till late night: Preaching was impassioned, people testified, people prayed, people weep, people ask for mercy.
Solos could be heard throughout the day and vast numbers of people would be singing inside and outside of the church with great passion.
Miners got saved and would be singing praises in the Streets to Jesus and would have tears running down their black faces. People confessing Christ all over Whales, people rejoicing, every church was affected by the revival in Whales, praise and thanksgiving and people enjoying God saying: “Glory, Glory, Glory”.
The Welsh word “bendageti” was heard all day which meant: Praises, Praises.
Miners Gave up drinking, gave up smoking brought their bottles and smokes to the altar.
Pubs were forced to close, they offered free drinks, nobody came, Futball games were canceled because everyone was in Church. They said 'we are seeing mercy drops falling but we pray for the showers. '
The power of God came down and in 2 months 70,000 were saved in Whales, worldwide 200,000 were saved. They had to retrain the pit ponies in the mines to listen to a language that was not swearing.
God breathed on Whales and He was gloried.
We need and pray for such a revival!

Thanks for allowing us the opportunity to share what God is doing in our lives.
Please continue to pray that Jesus will be glorified in all that we do and that we will continue to put our trust in Him and Him alone.

Chuck & Terry Fernandez
Kenya, East Africa

Terry with women and children of Mawe Tau (3) Stones