September 28, 2009 Visitor, Back to the Desert, Needed Repairs & Nairobi...
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We continued our whirlwind travel of Kenya this week trying to allow our visitor, Bro. Jimmy Jones from Plant City, Florida plenty of opportunities to see how God is working here in Kenya as well as seeing as much of the country as possible in 10 days. Tuesday we traveled to the desert to complete some needed repairs to the house and land cruiser.
On our way we saw two elephants in the south Turkana game park and had a great opportunity to take some close up photos.
We spent the afternoon making the needed repairs to the house and putting the radiator back in the green camel along with new hoses and belts. Wednesday we were invited by Bro. Eddie and Pastor Michael from Napetet to do village evangelism. It was a great day of sharing the gospel and there were four who made professions of faith.Our team of Bro. Jimmy, Pastor Michael, myself and Terry only made two visits. The first one started with one man under a tree but by the time we were finished we had a crowd of a dozen listening to the
gospel.A lady named Veronica received Christ by faith. The second visit we made was with a group of around 10 that was resting under a tree, by the time we finished there must have been 20-30 people
stopping to hear what was going on. What a blessing to simply be able to open a Bible in the middle of a village and have people willing to take time to hear God’s Word. Following evangelism we
were able to test the repairs to the truck by taking a trip to the fishing village of Kalacol near Lake Turkana. We had great food and fellowship with Pastor Steven. It was Bro. Jimmy’s first opportunity
to eat camel and he loved it. Thursday we got up early to transport some people from Lodwar to their villages in the desert and pick up those that were sick and needing medical attention to bring to the
hospital. This also allowed Jimmy to visit two more Churches in the Turkana district. The people of Turkana are losing their animals due to the extreme drought and many have died from Cholera due to the lack of clean water.
Please pray that the Lord will send the desperately needed rain. What a contrast to go from the wet muddy fields of Western Kenya to the drought stricken land of the desert. One week we

So this week we have traveled ¾ of the country preaching, teaching, baptizing, evangelizing and touring.
Our last two stops were in the Nakuru national Game Park and finally Nairobi to put Bro. Jimmy on a flight back to the USA.
God has given us a safe and awesome week with a
true friend who was willing to traveling around the world to share valuable time together while serving the Lord. In closing I want to wish my wife a Happy Anniversary of 28 years. I also wanted to include a small paragraph of thoughts I ask Bro. Jimmy to share about his experience this week.
These are Bro. Jimmy’s words:
“I am truly amazed to see God mightily at work here in Kenya. I praise the Lord for Bro. Chuck and
Sis. Terry’s willingness to help the people of this country not only with their spiritual needs, but the physical ones as well. They are building strong relationships with the people and showing them the Love of Jesus Christ. Everywhere we went, people were so glad to be greeted by someone who knew their own language. I saw churches full of people who love to sing God’s praises and reaching people for Him. I saw pastors who would walk miles just to make sure families knew the church cared about them. Thank God for missionaries like Bro. Chuck
and Sis. Terry. This trip has impacted my life and ministry greatly”.
Thanks for sharing our journey of faith.
Chuck & Terry Fernandez
Kenya, East Africa
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