Thursday, December 7, 2017

Construction Update: Three Sancturaries & Three More Plots

So much is happening with the Church development side of our work in Kenya and Uganda that I can barely keep with the reporting.   Given the size and scope of the great work God is doing I will probably need to send out these latest developments in multiple journal/blog entries.   However lengthy, we pray your faith will be encouraged by what you see and read.   Its been over six months since we started our latest building campaign and thanks to our generous ministry partners we have three new sanctuaries that have been completed.   All three of the buildings are second generation Church plants which Terry and I help start before we left in 2014.  These latest three sanctuaries bring the total constructed to twenty two over the last ten years.   We praise the Lord for what he has done through the feeble and humble efforts of this Missionary and His wife.  We give Him all the praise and all the glory and within the same breath we ask Him to supply the needs of a dozen more new Churches which are meeting in houses, under tents or under trees.   Would you join us in this prayer to put these young church plants into a more permanent phase of ministry by helping them buy a plot of land ($1,000.00) and by helping them build a permanent structure which they are encouraged to bring to completion. ($4,000).   These Churches are doctrinally sound and are sending out evangelists, starting Bible studies and  planting new Churches while meeting under tents.   If you cannot help construct an entire sanctuary, please pray about giving a special one time offering towards this worthy cause.  Phil. 4:17  Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account. 
Landmark Baptist Church of Chenginji

If you have followed our ministry, this Church is located at the base of Mt. Elgon.  Pastor Moses was one of the village reprobates from the neighboring village of Mayanja whom we led to Christ and trained in the gospel ministry.  This is a second generation Church and this is the village where Terry contracted malaria which led to her health crisis. They started meeting under trees and we had given them a tent but they were ready for a permanent sanctuary.  Now, thanks to our ministry partners at 1st Baptist Church of Kingstowne, Virginia, they have a permanent roof over their head where they can continue to worship the Lord Jesus as well as educate and encourage the Saints of God. 

The Above Pics were Terry's last evangelism efforts in Chengenji

All of the poles and trusses are fabricated at the base of Mt. Elgon and then transported to Mountain, the Kerio Valley and Uganda.
Even the Women Members of the Church help move the timbers to the site of the new sanctuary.
Even the Women Members of the Church help move the timbers to the site of the new sanctuary.
Pastor Moses Proudly stands next to the nearly completed sanctuary
(An Answer to His Prayers) 

This is the type of sanctuary we help our brethren construct (22) over the last ten years.   While I realize at first glance you may be thinking it is not finished, however our partnership with these young churches require that they bring these sanctuaries to full completion as to create ownership and investment into THEIR church.   They will make bricks, collect stones, make mud or whatever method they choose to make these structures truly indigenous to their area.  Depending on the effort we see put forth we will still have the opportunity to help them with cement and or other items to facilitate the construction of the walls at a later date. 
Landmark Baptist Church of Morreweis  
Located in the Kerio Valley. This is a second generation Pokot Church plant in a village known as the "Murderers" because of the many men who have committed murder to prove their manhood. They are now born again Christians and growing in their faith in Jesus.   The have been transformed by their faith in Christ and a village which was once full of darkness has now become a village of the light.   They love the Lord and they are faithful to His Church.   Thanks to our ministry partners at Baumhauer Road Baptist Church, they now have a roof over their head to shelter them from the hot Kerio Valley sun which regularly reaches over 100 degrees.  
The Village Elders were present to approve the sale of the plot to the Church. The land is not deeded in the Pastor's name or the Missionary's name but the name of the Church to insure true autonomy

The Poles and trusses arrived from the Mt. Elgon region without any problems.   Everything is designed so that they can install poles and trusses without power tools.   Just a couple of wrenches.   This design comes from years of trial and error knowing that the day would come when they would have to be able to build these type of structures without our presence.   
It does my heart good to see them succeed in self propagation and self sufficiency.   (Note One of the Women Members Carrying heavy steel poles

The New Sanctuary is nearing completion with the addition of the tin roofing.  I realize that steel poles and trusses may not look indigenous but that ladder surely is.   The steel is necessary due to termites that would destroy a wooden sanctuary within a year.   We pray this steel skeleton will stand till Jesus returns. 
 Special thanks to all those who give sacrificially to our ministry so the gospel may continue to be preached to the uttermost parts of the earth.   In addition to these three completed sanctuaries we have purchased three more plots in advance believing by faith that God will continue to supply the resources we need to equip God's Churches to fulfill their calling. If you are interested in adopting a future Sanctuary on Mt. Elgon or in the Kerio Valley please email me: or call me at (352)-277-1753.  
Please continue to pray for the work in Kenya/Uganda and Florida.
Thank you for your prayerful support and for allowing us to share this journey of faith.

In His Service,
Chuck & Terry Fernandez
Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
Kenya/Uganda/Florida Plant

The Video Below was created by our brethren
                                 at 1st   Baptist Church of Kingstowne.  Enjoy!! 



Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Oakland MBC, VBS & 65 Professions

As we travel this journey of faith, God reminds us from time to time that we are stronger when we work together than alone and we are to encourage and exhort one another in our faith.  Such was the case with our historic first VBS at the Florida Plant.   VBS is one of the most labor intensive events on any Church calendar, however God would use Oakland MBC from Rusk, Texas to come along side of us for this important week.   Can you imagine having twenty well trained, well organized servants of God show up at your Church to work with your people to bring kids to Christ?  It is one thing to tell somebody you love them and support the work they are doing for the Lord.  But to put feet to your prayers and works with your faith takes that love and support to whole 'nother level which is rarely seen.  We thank Pastor Jamie Hogan and His folks for traveling fourteen hours to be such a blessing to us as we labor here in Florida. 

Pastor Jamie Hogan and His Crew from Oakland MBC, Rusk Texas
Our first day together would take us out into the highways and hedges door knocking six local neighborhoods in our area.   It was great to see the folks from Oakland MBC out with us to promote VBS.   Terry and I can be found out in a village or a neighborhood on a weekly basis, however our brethren from Rusk live in such a rural area that they literally do not have many neighborhoods.  So they really relished the opportunity to go door to door with the gospel and inviting children to VBS.  We were once again reminded what God will do through the obedience of His servants when they simply Go ye therefore and teach all nations.  

Door Knocking & Bringing them In!
God would use our humble efforts in the hot, humid Florida summer sun to bring three van loads of children to Church each night.   Breaking a sweat for Jesus was an understatement but the spirit of unity revealed a great labor of love.  In fact, God poured out such a blessing that we had to run multiple van routes on some nights.   While "bringing them In" from the fields of sin expends much energy, it provides great joy, encouragement and momentum to a new Church plant.

 Terry and I have been involved in many VBS's over the years but I have to say that this one was one the best with regard to planning and organization.  There was also a great unity of spirit between the Oakland MBC brethren and our Florida Plant folks.  And of course, with any VBS, it is always a GREAT joy and never gets old watching ten of these precious children come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Even now we are in process of confirming their salvation and planning on baptizing them in the near future.
Opening Prayer before the Children Arrive

We give all the praise, honor and glory to God for His grace continues to be great upon us.  He has used Pastor Jamie Hogan and His crew from Oakland MBC to be a blessing to this Missionary, His wife, The Florida Plant and to the many children in Hernando and Citrus County Florida.   Thank you for allowing us to share this journey of faith and thank you to each and every Ministry Partner who supports us through prayerful and financial support.   The investment you making in our lives and ministry continues to produce much fruit.  

In His Service,

Chuck Fernandez

Bro.  Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
Kenya/Uganda/Florida Plant
 45 Saved at Chesokwo, Mt. Elgon, Kenya
 Praise the Lord, While we were doing VBS, Our Kenyan Evangelist's were on Mt. Elgon at a village called Chesokwo where they led 45 villagers to Christ.  Mungu Anaweza!

Monday, June 19, 2017

Mobsters, Murderers & Missions

 Our efforts to reach the lost and disciple the saved continue to grow through various ministries and outreaches.   Our newest ministry connected to the Florida Plant is tied to the prison ministry at Cross City Correctional Institute. I have been preaching at CCCI long before we went to Kenya and at every opportunity God gave me while home on furlough.   This new ministry is a Spanish Bible Study and discipleship class which takes place on a weekly basis. 
The men we are working with are from Mexico, Columbia, Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Cuba and even Italy.   One of those men is the nephew of John Gotti the Italian American gangster boss of the Gambino crime family in New York City.   Over the last two months I have watched this man who accepted Christ as His personal Lord and Savior grow leaps and bounds in His faith.   At first he would come to the Bible study without a Bible and listen intently to the lessons, then one day I asked him why he did not bring His Bible?  He said that his glasses were broken and could not get replacements.  
It brought me back in mind to our days in Kenya when we would give out Swahili Bibles and reading glasses for our older converts.   So needless to say, I got permission from the Staff prison Chaplin to give him my reading glasses which he proudly wears today while reading his KJV Bible.   He is so happy to be able to read the Word of God again and he stands as a testimony that Mobsters are not beyond the reach of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.   God is good and worthy to be praised!
The Kenyan/Ugandan Church development side of our ministry continues to grow as God is blessing the work there in an amazing way.  Hundreds continue to be saved, new Churches are being organized and part of the growth includes a massive building program we have undertaken this year by faith in an effort to move five more organized New Testament Churches from tents into permanent buildings.   To that end, and through our partnership with Baumhauer Road Baptist Church, we have surveyed and purchased a plot of land for the Landmark Baptist Church at Morrerweis which is the village known as the "murderers " and is located in the Kerio Valley.    What can be more exciting than seeing the joy upon the faces of these young churches as they praise the Lord for what he is doing in their lives.   God is good and worthy to be praised!
                          Transferring Funds for Plot at Morreweris in the Kerio Valley
                                            Marking Boundary for New Plot
As I write this blog entry, the steel for the poles and trusses are being fabricated and in the coming weeks and months we should see the new sanctuary rise from the ground.   Additionally, we have surveyed and purchased the plot of land for the Landmark Baptist Church at Chengenji which is located at the base of Mt. Elgon.   This Church has been adopted by the 1st Baptist Church of Kingstowne in Alexandria, Virginia.   We thank God for faithful ministry partners who see the need to plant New Testament Churches and encourage the believers of these young Church plants.   We are still praying for other ministry partners to adopt three more Churches currently meeting under tents. Would you pray about helping us put a roof over the heads of the believers at the Landmark Baptist Church of Chelekei on Mt. Elgon or the Landmark Baptist Church of Kakaron, Uganda? 
                               Steel for Trusses being delivered to Welder

Trusses Being Welded for Landmark Baptist Church

This Month The Florida Plant received a blessing from Macedonia Missionary Services as part of their van re-appropriation ministry.   They take older vans,  mechanically update them and then give them to new Church plants like the Florida Plant.   Thank you Brother Terry Molden (mechanic) for your hard work and dedication to our Lord and Savior.   Brother Terry truly uses his gifts for the glory of God.
We are praying God will use this old van to bring many young folks to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and their lives will be so touched by God as they become the future Church. The Van ministry is one of the most laborious but  rewarding outreach ministries any Church can endeavor to use to reach their community.   It is worth noting that 85% of Christians received Christ before the age of eighteen. 
One of our faithful Van Riders (Dante) being baptized

Four Youth with Certificates of Baptism

We are also praying for our next van as we have a vision to run as many as five vans out into the highways and hedges to bring them in from the fields of sin.   Do you have an old van that you would consider donating to this worthy cause? Thank you for allowing us to share our journey of faith and thank you to each and every ministry partner who supports us prayerfully and financial.  

Please continue to pray for the work in Kenya/Uganda and Florida. 25 Saved in Obama's Homeland: Siaya, Kenya
Pastor Peter Barasa & Pastor Sharack have just returned from Obama's homeland in
Siaya, (Lake Victoria) where they led twenty-five Luo tribesmen to Christ.
May God continue to bless these evangelist's who hazard their lives for the preaching of the
Gospel.  God is good and worthy to be praised!

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

Tuesday, April 25, 2017




A Picture is worth a thousand words.  Enjoy the below pictures of Terry's two and half year journey back to the people and land she loves with all her heart.  Her body has healed but these pictures capture the essence of the healing of her heart.

  The reunion was one of the sweetest and most anticipated reunions I have ever witnessed.  And while it has been an event that Terry has longed for, I believe it was equally anticipated and longed for by our Kenyan brethren and particularly the Wamama (Women).
As you can see, there were many hugs and tears by all.  There was also a Missionary who was especially happy to have his wife by his side as I have made five trips back to Kenya without her.   As I have stated before,  we do not know if this will be Terry's last trip but we Thank God he allowed her to return to get some heart healing.  Our first visit would be to visit Pst. Shadrack and the members of the Landmark Baptist Church at Mawe Tatu.  This was the first Church plant we were involved in back in 2008 where we saw some of our earliest converts.   After the Mawe Tatu reunion we would as the Bible says, immediately endeavor to travel into the Kerio Valley to visit our first (Pokot Tribe) Landmark Baptist Church at a village called Chepsabei.

The road was so bad going into the valley (totally destroyed) that we really did not know if were going to be able to get back out.  Terry would spend her time in the valley teaching the ingredients of a successful Christian home to the women of the now four Churches there.  Some of the women walked 15-20 Kilometers. She would use a coal burning oven to demonstrate how to cook banana bread and make application with her Bible lessons.  
If you'll give me a little liberty here in closing, I would like to brag on my dear wife but ultimately brag on the Lord because of her great love for Him.  I am not sure I have ever seen another Missionary wife who has loved, taught and invested in the Women of the Churches like Terry.  There have been many a faithful Missionary wife but Terry seems to be the exception in that she is not only there for the Missionary but also to make a difference in the lives of God's women through extensive teaching and training. We have taught our Pastors that a strong servant wife can make a huge difference in their ministry and Terry has proved that to be true.
Please continue to pray for the work in Kenya/Uganda and Florida.

Thank you for your prayerful and financial support and for allowing us to share this journey of faith.

In His Service,
Chuck & Terry Fernandez
Bro. Chuck and Sis. Terry Fernandez 
Kenya/Uganda/Florida Plant


This is the perfect bite of banana bread Terry cooked while teaching, using a coal burning oven in 100% heat with make-shift ingredients in a semi-arid desert region. Amazing!!! 

Any and all Financial Support needs to be sent to
Sending Church Information:
First Baptist Church of East Bay
10102 Old Big Bend Rd.
Riverview, Florida 33578


Monday, April 3, 2017

Florida Plant Update, New Additions & Heading to Kenya

We need your prayers as we are In the midst of packing bags for our departure and Terry's return trip to Kenya.  The checklist is long but also includes preventive malaria medicine for Terry which will be a first but will give her peace of mind given her last experience in country.   We will post our progress on this short term mission trip as we travel to Mt. Elgon, the Kerio Valley and Lake Victoria on the blog and Facebook.   For this blog entry I wanted to update our ministry partners with some of the sights of the work have been doing through the Florida Plant over the last few months, primarily through pictures as a picture is worth a thousand words.   Enjoy our journey of faith and thank you for your prayers and financial support as we press toward the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus.
The Sea, the Sailor & The Savior
Living in Florida provides unique opportunities for this Missionary to preach the word of God in His beautiful creation and occasionally the opportunity to preach to our family.
Several months ago, both became a reality as I honored my Uncle Aaron Baxter's request to pre4ach his funeral on the shores of Ponce Inlet, Florida.
The sea was the place my Uncle loved for he was a great sailor, but it would be the Savior who was preached and presented to my family once again for salvation.
Two more precious souls would make professions of faith at the close of the service and that is what my Uncle would have wanted.

Wedding Bells & Rejoicing in Heaven 

God opened another door of  opportunity to share the gospel with a young couple named Brandon & Tiffany who received Christ and would later be married on a Lake Shore in Florida
The Angels in Heaven are rejoicing.
Please pray for these new converts as they start their new life together in Holy Matrimony and as
Brandon is deployed in the Army.
New Arrials, New Christians & New Visitors
The latest addition to our family is our new born granddaughter,
Koralee Rae.  As you can see from the above picture, Grandma Terry is very happy to hold her before she returns to Kenya.
Children are the heritage of the Lord and we look  forward to one day teaching Koralee who Jesus is and what He did for her.
She brings our grandchildren total to eight & counting.
What a Blessing!

We continue to see a steady flow of visitors, professions of faith and baptisms through our humble efforts and we are growing together spiritually as well as numerically.
March marked two years since our first meeting and we celebrated that important day with Bro. Lem Curtis (Missionary to Columbia) bringing Great Commission centered lessons and sermon.  It does our heart good to know that The Florida Plant is already supporting Missionaries and preparing more to be sent out.

Our Mission is the Commission
Part of fulfilling the commission for us includes sharing what God is doing in our lives and ministry with other Churches.   During the month of March we had an invitation to preach "Missions" at
1st Baptist Church of Kingstowne in Alexandria, Virginia.  This growing Church under the leadership of their Pastor, John Mix, has a great burden for the lost and a vision to reach the uttermost parts of the earth.
Terry and I were greatly encouraged by what God is doing there and thankful for Churches that share our passion for preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Part of their passion includes encouraging Indigenous Church planting and to that end they have committed to help build one  of the four sanctuaries needed in Kenya and Uganda.
We have connected them  with the Landmark Baptist Church at Chengenji which is  a second generation Church plant at the base of Mt. Elgon.
We are at 50% of the goal we set of building four new sanctuaries this year and Baumhauer Road Baptist Church has committed to partner with us to build a second sanctuary at the Landmark Baptist Church at Morreweis.  Would you pray about the remaining two Church plants at Chemondi and Kakaron, Uganda?

One of the many blessings we had through the invitation to preach at 1st Baptist Kingstowne was the opportunity to bring our oldest Grandson, Chucky, to visit the nations capital and learn about our Christian heritage.  It was a trip that we will not soon forget.
If you are interested in having us come share our ministry please drop me an email or call me a (352)-277-1753
Thank you for your prayerful support and for allowing us to share this journey of faith. 
We covet your continued prayers.l
In His Service,
Chuck & Terry Fernandez
Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry
Kenya/Uganda/Florida Plant

Scarfs made by women from the Church plant for Pastors wives in  Kenya.   Asante    Sana

Special Thanks to Sis. Muriel Johnson and her ladies for sending
pillow case dresses with us to Kenya.
There will be many happy young girls next week.

Any and all Financial Support needs to be Sent to
Sending Church Information
First Baptist Church of East Bay
10102 Old Big  Bend Rd.
Riverview, Florida 33578