Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Week 2 Kenya: Evangelism, Seminar, Growth Chart and Lake Victoria

                                                          SECOND WEEK
Our second week started with village evangelism at a village called Kipsigon which is the location of our first Church plant on Mt. Elgon in 2009.   I will not say that the climb up was smooth but I will say it was without incident.   This was Pastor Jamie Hogan’s first opportunity to see the work on Mt. Elgon.   After the usual cultural introductions, Chai and Chepati’s we divided up into three teams and headed out into the village to preach the gospel and to encourage the Pastor and Church to continue to move forward with outreach.
This village was totally decimated during 2008 tribal clashes is exploding in population and now is totally rebuilt.  All of the Pastors from Mt. Elgon showed up for evangelism and we saw dozens for villagers make professions of faith in Christ.   It does our hearts good to know these Men of God still have a burden for the lost in their respective villages and we all were greatly encouraged to carry out the Commission together.
While it is hard to prioritize the importance of our work, we know beyond any doubt that some of our most important work is the continual education of these men of God.   We had over fifty Pastors/Associate Pastors and Evangelist attend our three day seminar.  These Men of God come from four different tribes and three different regions to receive in depth seminary level teaching and training.    I have been teaching these Men of God for years but in some ways feel I have brought them to my maximum level of competency, and while I continued to reinforce our doctrine much of the work to take to them the next level would come from Pastor Jamie Hogan and Dr. Tim Myers.    Bro. Jamie taught on the role of a Shepherd and Dr. Myers would take them deeper into our Baptist History and Faith by teaching: “One Faith, One Baptism, One Lord”.   These lessons would come at the perfect time as many of the areas Terry and I started works without any other influence are now being flooded with false Churches and Doctrines.
Dr. Myers helped solidify and confirm our Doctrine and faith
                                              in a way that only he could do. 
Our men were deeply appreciative to know what they have been taught is the same Doctrine handed down from Jesus to His Apostles and through the ages ultimately to us.   As we closed the seminar I presented our men with a map of the Landmark Baptist Churches we have planted which included the eleven new Churches they have organized bringing the total to twenty seven over the last eight years.  They would present us with a long list of villages they have a burden to reach in the coming month’s and years.   Their vision far exceeds anything we could ever imagine God would do through this Missionary and His wife. 

The last segment of our ministry safari would take us to the shores of Lake Victoria which always draws my mind back to the shores of Galilee where Jesus would call Fishermen to become fishers of Men.   This visit was especially hard as we had lost both of our Pastors from the two Landmark Baptist Churches over the last year.  Pastor Jackson  went home to be with the Lord and Pastor George became backslidden.  It is these types of scenario where the Missionary can relate to the ministry of the Apostle Paul who carried a burden for the care of the Churches.
We came to encourage but left being encouraged with what God is doing through the new Pastors and the steadfast faith of the core members.
The lake Churches have always been the weakest but praise the Lord they are moving forward in spite of the many challenges they have faced over the last year.  While one of the hardest parts of this trip was visiting with the orphans of Pastor Jackson and Mama Carolyn we were happy to inform them that through various love offerings they will have food for the next two years.   Things had gotten so bad after the death of their parents that the oldest daughter Electra who is caring for her siblings was begging for $2.00 to buy her brothers and sisters food. 
Thank you for those who have given a blessing to these Children through love offerings. 
Will close this journal entry for now and ask you to continue to pray for the work in Kenya/Uganda and Florida. 
             Mattress for Pastor Seminar, Haikua Matata 


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