Monday, August 22, 2011

...Work In Progress, Aloe Vera In Asilong & Pokot Tent Raised...

God’s work here in Kenya continues to move forward one step at a time. Sometimes those steps are baby steps, sometimes they are great strides but praise the Lord we are moving forward and not backwards. We are able to see the progress one soul at a time, one maturing saint at a time, one building at a time and one village at a time. If we only make a difference in the life of one person by bringing them to Christ it would still be a cause well worth living and dying for. The physical progress by way of building sanctuaries is consuming much of our time.  
   Mawe Tau Construction...A Work In Progress
Two out of the three sanctuaries under construction are nearing completion.
   Pastor Shadrach ....Mawe Tau Construction
While we provide key components: windows, doors & tin for roofing, it is very much a joint venture. The congregation does more than their share of carrying the construction burden by cutting trees and actually physically erecting the structure. We dare not rob them of an opportunity to put their faith into action by their works. We also managed to travel to Pokot for two days to continue moving forward with the work there. The spiritual progress is clearly being seen in the village of Chepsibei through the lives of the new believers.
Imagine people who were living in total darkness who are now children of God, praising the Lord and giving their love and lives to Him. While the new believers of Chepsabei are like  all of us, a work in progress, they are growing in their faith and love for the Lord in leaps and bounds.
We spent two days teaching and preaching the Word of God to people who can best be described as spiritual sponges.
An amazing transformation is taking place before our very eyes in the lives of these believers. In addition to teaching and training we were able to take a trip to the neighboring Pokot village of Asilong to preach the gospel.
This village is located within one kilometer of the Uganda border. The evangelism team was made of six of our preachers from the Mt. Elgon region and two young Pokot translators from Chepsibei.      Audio Bibles
Each time I set foot inside a village that has never had a missionary or gospel preacher visit there I am humbled that God would call me to proclaim His word there and that He is using us to deliver the most important news that they will ever hear. There is so many dynamics at work here that it is hard to fathom.
This hot semi-arid region is a field that is truly white already to harvest. There were many who received Christ that day which is the greatest work but there is also a work in progress in the lives of the young preachers and translators as they continue to develop their skills as fishers of men.   
This trip also afforded the unique opportunity to teach and train these young men of God on a very close and personal basis. They really opened up during the morning and evening devotions with questions that they have about the Bible or about things they are experiencing in their own lives and ministry.
It also affords them the opportunity to work with other tribes and cultures within their own country. Every time they go to Pokot they leave seeing how blessed they are to live in the bread basket of Kenya. One unique occupation in the village of Asilong was the processing of Aloe Vera. The plant grows wild in this village and we were able to see them boiling it.                         Aloe Vera Boiling 
The finale of our trip was the assembling of the pews and the raising of the tent in Chepsibei.          Tent Supplies
Thank you to those who have given a special offering to the Lord’s work in purchasing two tents for this purpose.  
                                       Pew Construction
   It is another step of progress in the work at Chepsabei.
Going Up!
The testimonies praising the Lord for providing what is a portable canopy and some benches for them to assemble and worship under were truly heart moving.
                          Sitting on Benches under Tent...
The foundation is being laid one person at a time, one building at a time and one village at a time.
On a personal note: special birthday wishes went out this week to a special person, the love of my life, Terry.  
Birthdays are not quite the same without family but we have each other and we thank the Lord for that. We covet your continued prayers.

In His Service,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez, Kenya

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