Local Directions along the way for Evangelism Team
week was one of those weeks was when you look back and see that much was
accomplished but you are left trying to catch your breath and wondering where it
all went to. While it feels like it was a blink of an eye we are
thankful most of what was accomplished has great eternal significance.To start with, in addition to our regular ministry responsibilities we have returned to school for our third term of Swahili with our teacher Wycliffe. We have been blessed with a teacher who has been teaching Americans and Europeans Swahili for over twenty years. There is a vast difference between conversational Swahili and biblical terminology, and given the fact that the majority of our ministry involves communication we want to be as effective as possible for God’s honor and glory. The investment of time in language studies will help push us to the next level which is beyond the conversational realm. We have come a long way and we receive high marks from our Kenyan brethren but we know we need to go further. Our work this week also brought us back to the interior village known as Mawe Tatu or Three Stones with Pastor Shadrach for evangelism.
Evangelism Team
There were nineteen folks that showed up to share the love of God through the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a blessing for Terry and me to come along side of our brethren who have a burden to reach their lost family members and neighbors. Terry's Team
Our team of soul winning gospel preaching members is growing with each passing week.
We hiked down muddy trails passing through corn fields, over creeks and hills to bring the good news of the gospel to those who have never heard.
Rom 10:14 "How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? "
There were thirteen precious souls who made professions of faith in the Lord Jesus and were added to the book of life.
My team shared the gospel with a Mama and her four sons who were repairing a washout with large stones on the trail in front of their home.
The Mama said she had received Christ some time ago and has been praying for her sons to be saved. God answered her prayer on that trail as each one of her sons received Christ as their Savior. Praying Mother and Answer+++
Not only was there great joy in heaven over one sinner that repenteth but there was also great joy in that faithful mother when the burden of her sons salvation was lifted. The blessed part of obedience is that you never know how God is going to use you to answer others prayers until you obey. Lest you think people are making professions of faith based upon our race, Terry and I are not there to be out front and the lone soul winners but rather to train and to support the Churches efforts to fulfill the great commission. Our Kenyan brethren are far more effective and are winning many more to Christ and for that we say, “praise the Lord!” for that is the ultimate fulfillment of our calling.
Timbers for Trusses
In addition to evangelism, this week the trees for building the new sanctuary have been cut and transported to the Pastors house for processing. I am not sure I can adequately describe how labor intensive this work is being armed with only a chain saw and an ox cart.
Timbers for Posts
You cannot call Lowes or Home Depot here and have the wood delivered to your plot. The Pastor and the members of this church definitely have a will to work for the Lord. Pillars should go up this week and trusses the next.
There is such an excitement in the air over what God is doing in this church and village. Sunday services were under the tent at a village called Mayanja which is located at the base of Mt.Elgon. Now when I say at the base, I mean it is literally located at the base and even during the service you can catch yourself gazing upon God’s creation and the beauty of the peak of this mountain where much of our work has taken us. This was our first visit back to this new church plant since we left for furlough. Being deeply involved in this church plant from the initial evangelism visits I can’t help but to evaluate the work there after what has been one year now. It does our hearts good to see the Landmark Baptist Church at Mayanja growing in so many ways. For example, we find members who have been saved and baptized over the last year still faithful. I know that should not be anything out of the ordinary but during an age of worldwide apathy it is a victory in itself. We also find the church family in unity and harmony as they work together as a New Testament Church.
Youth Choir
This provides an environment where new converts are being added to the church regularly. There are also four new preachers who have been called and are currently being educated and trained.
Youth Drama
Finally, the young Pastor Nixon has withstood many personal trials over the last year. I do not have liberty to publish what they are but what needs to be said is that while Satan has unleashed an onslaught of attacks on this young man of God he has stood and been found faithful. His faithfulness has been blessed by God and the members of his church love him as they can clearly see what his faith is made of. There is so much more taking place in our lives on a daily basis but I try to keep my journal blog as brief and pointed as possible while trying to recapture a glimpse into the work God has called us to do. We covet your continue prayers.
In His
Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
Thank you and you are welcome to Tanzania
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