This week we accomplished the final construction and assembly of the tent for the first Church on Mt. Elgon. We assembled it here in Eldoret in order to make sure everything was in good order when we put it up on the mountain.
With the plot already purchased the people are ready for a shelter to worship under. It is my intention to travel back to Mt. Elgon on Wednesday to assemble the tent with Pastor Peter.
This week fifteen men attended the weekly Bible study here in Eldoret and it continues to be a blessing to all involved, including the teacher. In addition, there was one more man who was saved.
Terry and I spent Thanksgiving together, alone, and it was a little tough as this was the first Thanksgiving we have spent away from our family in 28 years. Thank God for cell phones as we were able to talk to all of our Children and wish them a Happy Thanksgiving. One of the things that made Thanksgiving a little more bearable was a huge package we received from Terry’s sister, Karen. Every time we get a care package from the USA it is like Christmas and we feel so special. Included in the package was canned turkey! Since you cannot get turkey here in Kenya we felt blessed to eat actual turkey with stuffing that Terry made. Thank you Karen, for making our Thanksgiving special and reminding us of how thankful we are for our family.
Yesterday we traveled to another village on Mt. Elgon called Kaperewa to do evangelism and to promote a new Bible study Pastor Peter’s younger brother Timothy has been lead to start.
Timothy recently moved to Mt. Elgon to take a teaching position at a private school. He feels lead to start a weekly Bible study there with hopes to plant a third Church on Mt. Elgon.
This village is at a lower elevation and a considerable distance from the other two Churches we currently have on the mountain. Getting anywhere on Mt. Elgon is still very difficult and it is the only place I know you have to cross rivers, go mudslinging and rock climbing all in the same morning. It is very hard on the truck and driver. Mt. Elgon has some of the most fertile soils in Kenya and grows some the largest and healthiest vegetables I have ever seen. However, the mountain also seems to yield some of the most fertile ground, spiritually, in all of Kenya. When we visit the homes of the people of Mt. Elgon almost without exception they remember and speak of the violence. With hundreds of people slaughtered there last year it still weighs very heavy on the hearts of so many of the residents.
This being the environment there is a liberality of Spirit that seems to be unsurpassed.
This being the environment there is a liberality of Spirit that seems to be unsurpassed.
The people are so hungry and so wanting to have God in their lives that they readily come to faith in Christ as their hope for eternal life and their hope for peace in their land.
Yesterday there were 49 who professed Christ as their Savior in Kaperewa and we gave out 100’s of copies of the book of John and Romans in Swahili. We also gave out many Bibles as well. I have included a picture of Terry’s e-team with her translator Momma Mary who is 9 months pregnant still out sharing God’s love and God’s Word. 

If that is not inspiring I don’t know what is. The love that these folks have for God is contagious and their faithfulness in serving Him is unwavering. God has truly given us some great Christians to work with. We concluded a great day of evangelism traveling over 250kms with a broken clutch cylinder upon arriving in Eldoret. We limped into the house very late in 2nd gear but we thank God it did not let go while we were on Mt. Elgon. The Lord truly gives us grace each and every day. We will be back at the garage in the morning again. It is comforting to know that the mechanic who works on the truck is now attending the weekly Eldoret Bible Study and fellowship.
God Bless.
Chuck & Terry Fernandez
Kenya, East Africa