Seeing how I did not have enough room to remember and Share this experience I felt the need to include it in a second journal entry. After a great Church service today at Mawe Tatu, today we decided to take an excursion to a water fall that a friend had told me was located approx. 6Km from Eldoret.
In addition to wanting to see the falls on the way home, A couple weeks ago my Pastor email me and asked for some up to date pictures of Terry & I dressed in our Sunday best to use for the February annual missions conference at our Church. So all dressed up we felt it would be a great opportunity to get some nice pictures while experiencing some of Kenya’s beautiful creation.
We arrived at the site of the waterfall and started our private tour by the security guard from the power company which oversees the site of the waterfalls because of a hydro electric plant located there.

About half way through the hike I had to ask him if he was saved. He said yes which did not give me much comfort at the time but never the less eased my conscious. So enjoy the pictures and the laugh but remember you have been tangled in a spider’s web before also. LOL. 

God’s Speed,
Chuck & Terry Fernandez
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