After a short recovery period we went right back to
work teaching a two day marriage seminar for five of the Churches located in the Turkana District. All I can say is that it was an extremely rewarding opportunity to share with young married couples the joys, the challenges and the biblical principles for having a successful Christian marriage.
What made it so much fun was that I was not teaching by myself as Terry was teaching the ladies while I was teaching the men.
The ladies of Turkana have never had another woman teach them the role of the Christian wife. Then during our joint sessions we were able share some teachings that we have learned, some the easy way through the Word of God and some the hard way through trial and error over the last 28 years. It really felt good teaching those young couples from a standpoint of having already experienced the thrill of marriage as well as the challenges that will occur over a long period of marriage. It saddens me to think that over 50% will never be able to experience working through what is not only a great challenge of life and faith but what is also one of the greatest blessings of being privileged

enough to share a lifetime with another person. That blows me away every time I think that God loved me enough to give me such a wonderful person to love and to cherish till death do us part. O.K., enough of the mushy stuff! LOL.

After almost a month in the desert of Turkana and wanting to get to cooler weather in order to get stronger physically Terry and I started down country on a road called in jest the 'hole-st of holeies' road.
We left at 5am and rolled to Eldoret around 2pm. It is a beating that you have to experience before you can appreciate the smooth roads of America. You travel through desert dried river beds, miles of powder dry sand, rocks, mud and mountains and the truck is shaken violently for 7+ hours. Words cannot describe that road which is more like a trail from the Baja 1000 race but we made it safely with no problems. When I got up this morning I surveyed the damage to the truck and found a pool of power steering fluid under the front from a broken hose, a wore out idler arm ball joint and shock bushings that need to be repaired. Needless to say, I will be at the garage this week. Our plan is to rest as much as possible and then sprint to the end of the year here in the Western province of Kenya.
Thank you so much for the extra prayers for my illness and by the way it rained three times while we were in the desert.
Please continue to remember the people of Turkana.
***Click on picture
Chuck & Terry Fernandez
Kenya East Africa
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