Tuesday of this week I met with Kennedy and five other fundi’s at their place of work to study God’s word with these Welders, Mechanics & Fabricators. (WMF) These men took an hour break out of their busy day to study God’s word and pray.

What a blessing and privilege to be able to teach the Word of God and the Biblical principles for being a man of faith & integrity. What a step of faith on the part of these men to shut down their businesses and take time to learn more about the Lord. The area we met at is one of the roughest areas in Eldoret due to the high rate of drug and abuse. However, for whatever reason the Lord has drawn me to these men.
It is somewhat of throw back to our bus ministry days when Terry and I could be found in the toughest areas of Citrus and Hernando County where there were many who were alcoholics and drug addicts. It is amazing to see how the Lord orchestrates your life to be used by Him to be in the right place....at the right time.

From time to time the Holy Spirit reminds me that this is the type of crowd that Jesus could be found ministering to. We will end each weekly meeting by praying for their lost friends, family and co-workers by name. Already they have asked if they could each bring a visitor next week.

Please pray for these weekly meetings that they will be an avenue to reach the lost WMF of Eldoret as well as helping men reach their potential for Christ. Wednesday, Kennedy and I purchased the material needed to build the next tent for Landmark Baptist Church of Mt. Elgon. If you recall I purchased a used carport type canopy from another missionary here in Eldoret and now I have used those plans to construct my own.

Thursday we cut the steel and delivered some to one of the fabricators in the Bible study to weld the joints. My hope is to have this second canopy up on Mt. Elgon in early December at the beginning of the dry season. I also took the time this week to install hood pins on the truck so that I don’t have a reoccurrence of last week’s close call when the hood came up. Yesterday we stayed local so we could travel to Mawe Tatu (3 Stones) again for a baptismal service.
Love in Christ,
Chuck & Terry Fernandez
Kenya, East Africa
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