Tuesday, June 12, 2018

New Bibles, New Plots, New Homes on Mt. Elgon & New Beginnings

New Bibles: Solar Audio & Hardback 

While we are diligently working here in Florida, our brethren are continuing to provide New Converts with the Word of God in the Kerio Valley and Mt. Elgon.    At the close of our last mission trip, we left hundreds of Bibles (solar audio & hardback) to be distributed by our National Pastors as they see fit over the coming months.   Below are some pictures of those who have received Bibles as a result of our many ministry partners who see the need and carry the burden to supply new converts with the Word of God.
Thank you to all who have given to this worthy cause and as you can see, your gift continues to bear much fruit and happy converts.   
The above picture is truly worth 1,000 words!
This young lady is truly is actually kissing her new Bible.  It gives us great joy to see people who love and cherish the Word of God so much. 

New Plot: Landmark Baptist Church Chesokwo
The Pictures (Below) are of the survey and plot purchase for the new sanctuary of the Landmark Baptist Church at Chesokwo.   The pictures are foggy and hard to see due to freezing fog at over ten thousand feet above sea level.   It actually snowed after these pictures where taken.   I've snow skied all over the world, from the Tyrolean Alps to the Colorado Rockies in all kinds of conditions but I've never been colder then the cold damp nights I have spent in these villages on Mt. Elgon.   This plot purchase and subsequent sanctuary construction will be the twenty fifth Terry and I have had the privilege to be a part of through our Kenya/Uganda Church development ministry.  In our hearts and minds, we are one quarter of the way to what we believe God is going to do as we pray for one hundred Missionary Baptist Churches in Kenya/Uganda and Florida.   Why not dream big and have faith in a great Great God?   "Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God".   William Carey  

 Many of the Mt. Elgon Landmark Baptist Pastors gathered together for the plot survey and purchase on this foggy freezing day.  Their faith is strong and they praise the Lord for what He is doing on Mt. Elgon.
If you look close enough you will see how cold they are. 

Chesokwo is actually known as the village of caves.  Many of the villagers actually
       live in caves.
New Houses: Pastors Rebuild Lives
The pictures below are Pastor Victor of Landmark Baptist Church at Cheptandan and His family standing in front of His new house.  He is one of the five Pastors whose homes were destroyed in the latest round of violence.  

Our ministry partners help purchase tin roofing for these Pastors to rebuild their homes and lives.   The walls will be filled with mud and coated with clay to seal the structure.  This is very indigenous construction on Mt. Elgon as well as much of Kenya.   Hope to post pictures of the rest of the Pastors homes as they rebuild also. 

 New Beginnings:  Sanctuaries Rebuilt

 The Pictures below are of one of the largest Landmark Baptist Churches on Mt. Elgon which is located at the village of Cheptkurukuru.  The top picture was taken immediately after the violence and destruction.   As you can see much of the tin was been stolen from the roof and sides.  Some of the structural part of the sanctuary had actually been burned.   The second picture below is the same sanctuary recently rebuilt.   The members of the Church are returning one by one to rebuild their lives.   As I post this update, we are in the process of rebuilding the sanctuary at the Landmark Baptist Church at Cheptandan.  Hope to be able to include those pictures in the next update as well.  The last Church which will need to be rebuilt is the Landmark Baptist Church at Chemta.  Everything was stolen at Chemta including the steel poles and trusses, wood and tin sheeting.   The approximate cost to replace all of this is $4000.00.   Please contact me if your Church is interested in adopting this sanctuary to help our Mt. Elgon brethren rebuild their sanctuary.  

     If you or your Church are looking for VBS project or just want to be a blessing to those who have lost so much, please designate special offerings, "Mt. Elgon".
 Please continue to pray for our Mt. Elgon brethren who have truly experienced the trial of their faith through times of tribulation.  
We are glad to report that they have not only survived this tribulation but their faith in the Lord has been strengthened.   May God continue to be glorified in all of our lives and may we be found even more faithful as we look forward to the day of our Lord's return.    Terry and I thank each and every ministry partner who rejoices with us when we are on the mountain top and who carry us in prayer through the valleys of life.  God is using you in a mighty way to carry out His great commission work to to the uttermost parts of the earth. 

In His Service,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
Kenya/Uganda/Florida Plant

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