Monday, August 4, 2014

The last seven days has led us to Nairobi to pick up guests, Lake Victoria to continue construction and Mt. Elgon for Sunday worship service and baptisms.
Our guests are Pastor Clayton Hall and his Son Carson.
This is their first time to visit Kenya and unfortunately they arrived without their luggage, and unfortunately I forget to tell them to pack extra clothes in their carry on for such a time as this.
However, fortunately our last group left clothes for our national Pastors which we had not distributed yet so they were saved by Mac Trips and Faith Industries.
Our first day together with the father/son team would take us on safari through one of the National game parks to let them experience the beauty of God’s creation through the animals.
We had to throw them a bone before we run them into the ground with all of our weekly tasks, ie; construction, evangelism, teaching and preaching.
Besides, it would be crime to come to Africa and not be able to see the wildlife.
Pastor Clayton Hall & Missionary at Mt. Got
The next morning we immediately traveled to Lake Victoria to continue construction on the Landmark Baptist Church at Wichlum and Got.   We had completed the roof on both sanctuaries and now it was time to frame them and put up siding.   This is the first time we have had to frame out a steel building with wood as to be able to attach the siding but it went well.                              Doors
Pastor Clayton and Carson jumped right in cutting steel, helping install doors and digging footers.
They definitely came with servants hearts and I thank God that they are helping us move forward with construction as well as encouraging our folks.
We successfully framed out both new sanctuaries at Lake Victoria as well as hanging doors and installing the siding at the LBC Wichlum.        Steel
Framing Got
                                               Nearing Completion
We camped out for three days and had a great time serving our Lord and Savior together.
I know they enjoyed camping out in wild Africa!  Where else in the world can you go and sleep with the hyenas, antelope and gazelles and experience the bliss of a beautiful sunrise or sunset in the African plain?  Both Pastor Clayton and Carson adapted to the hardships of sleeping out in the interior which has become common place for Terry and I.                                              Coffee
Not everyone is equipped for these types of adventures but they were certainly up to the challenge.   We concluded our week by worshiping with two of our Churches near Mt. Elgon.   Carson brought a great lesson on Jonah to the children of LBC Namarambi and PastorClayton and I taught and preached at LBC Ndivisi.   In addition to the regular worship service the Church gave Pastor Clayton the authority to baptize around fifteen new converts.
Baptizing in a rushing, muddy, ice cold river can be intimidating but Pastor managed just fine.
We were also blessed with five our Pastors traveled from Mt. Elgon attending to meet the visitors who were honored in what has become a regular event with many gifts.
                                            Gifts for Pastor Clayton and Carson
As I look at all that was accomplished for the glory of God this week I can only say that God through His daily sustaining grace is just too good to us.
Please pray for us as we travel to the Kerio Valley this week for more light construction as well as evangelism.   Thank you for tuning into what is developing into what is one the most exciting mission field in the world. 

God Bless,
Bro. Chuck (aka: Loboduk) & Sis. Terry Fernandez
Kenya                                      Missionaries Chuck & Terry

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