Monday, July 21, 2014

Special Delivery, Wounded Soldier & The Church with Walls

In an effort to recover from our last group and while preparing for our next group which will be arriving on July 29th, we had slowed down a bit for rest until we got somewhat of a 911 call from Mt. Elgon.   So needless to say when God’s people call with a pressing need we will do what we can within our capability to help.    Our first trip would take us to the base of Mt. Elgon to make a special delivery for two of the Churches on top of Mt. Elgon who are currently meeting under tents.  It is the rainy season on Mt. Elgon and it seems that a storm had come through last week and shredded both of the tents leaving God’s precious people exposed to the heavy rain and winds that are the norm this time of year.    I hurriedly had two tops and six sides fabricated here in Eldoret and got them up the mountain in time for Sunday service.   The second trip to the base of Mt. Elgon would be a solo trip without my faithful help met and sidekick Terry.   She has been under the weather with a variety of ailments this week which left her unable to travel a second time to the base of Mt. Elgon for Sunday service at the Landmark Baptist Church at Mayanja.    She is one of the toughest servants of God I ever known and is willing to go where most men would never go to share the love of God through the gospel.   Please pray for her speedy recovery as I am only half the man I can be without her.    Sunday service was God honoring and spirit filled as we worshiped the Lord with one heart, one faith and one voice.    While working with fourteen Churches we are only afforded the opportunity to visit them on a rotational basis every few months however this gives us a good idea of the direction and growth of the Church as well as the leadership.    Their Pastor, Chester Moore is doing well in leading this group and we have been blessed to invest much into his life and ministry over the last several years.
                                          Pastor Chester Moore
He is also rapidly progressing in his education using the solar powered video tablet we gave him a few months back. Our traveling seminary is bearing much fruit.   With each visit to Mayanja, we are also blessed to see Fred and Moses, the two brothers we lead to Christ back in 2010 who were two of the biggest village drunkards and reprobates but are now faithfully serving Christ through this local New Testament Church.                         Band of Brothers Transformed by the Grace of God   
                       Deacon Fred (left), Missionary & Associate Pastor Moses (right)
Deacon Fred Teaching
In fact their lives have been so transformed that Fred is a teaching Deacon and Moses is the Associate Pastor who is faithfully serving under Pastor Chester Moore.   In addition to Moses regular duties at the LBC Mayanja, he has started an outreach at the neighboring village of Chenjeni where he walks two days per week for evangelism and teaching.  Pray for this village as Terry and I will be visiting there next month with our evangelism team to encourage Moses in his calling and to teach the new converts there.   These are the second and third generation works which bless our hearts.   I believe our great country of America needs to return to this Biblical pattern of establishing preaching points and purposeful outreaches with the intention of planting more fundamental Bible preaching Churches.   I may be on a bit of a soapbox here, but if people think we have enough solid Bible preaching Churches in America than why are we in such a low moral and spiritual condition?  In any case, services in Africa are very prolonged but give the Missionary the opportunity to pour a ton of teaching into the lives of our converts.   So Sunday, I taught on a variety of subjects which included:  The Excellency of Christ, the humility of Christ, Church unity, tithing, missions and the role of the Missionary.   It may sound like a lot but you have to remember that my opportunities are limited with the many Churches and besides, our Kenyan brethren have a voracious appetite for God’s word which means they cannot get enough.   In closing, as you can see from the pictures, the walls are almost complete and they are just about ready to install the windows.
Presented with New Bible
New Members
Progress is slow because we partner and challenge each church to make an investment through special offerings and sweat equity in that which is their sanctuary, not ours.   Thanks for tuning into this journey of faith and thank you for the prayers and encouraging emails.    Drop us a line as it does our hearts good to know that we are together in Christ.
God Speed,
Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

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