Monday, April 14, 2014

The Ebb & Flow, Holding the Rope & Building Walls

As I start this journal entry, I fully realize that people may read it and come to the conclusion that we have not slowed our pace since the beginning of the New Year but we have, slightly.
Being from Florida and an avid West Coast fisherman you must be able to read tide charts and interpret the ebb and flow of the tide down to the minute, (if you want to catch fish).  
There are so many dynamics at work serving God on the foreign field that we must regularly and continually pray for wisdom and discernment to know how much to do, when and where. 
With the size and scope of ministry now reaching into Uganda we can become consumed and cumerbered about with so many good things that we become beat down, wore out and useless to God and the dear people whom we try to be a blessing and encouragement to, week in and week out.
So I say all that to say this, that we know from our spiritual condition as well as our physical condition that we needed to pull the throttle back this week and we did.
However, even though we have not been running as hard we still managed two trips into the interior during this past week.
Our first one brought us to the river Nzoia and the Landmark Baptist Church at Soysambu to deliver ridge vents and help dig the hole for the latrine.
We had a great day of fellowship with Pastor Japheth and the members of LBC Soysambu who showed up for their work day.   Our hearts prayer is that God will somehow use us to be a blessing and encouragement to the folks as these young churches continue to develop much like He did in the book of Acts with Paul and Barnabas. 
These men were sent out to their Sister Church at Antioch and as they were sent they said.
 “it seemed good to us, being assembled with one accord, to send chosen men unto you”,
 Act 15:25.                    Ridges
So we go to try to be a blessing and encouragement to them and they always end up encouraging us.    It was neat to see the excitement on Pastor Japheth’s face as he shared the news of having a record number in attendance in their midweek fellowship.
Our National Pastors are way more patient then Americans when it comes to results and particularly growth but nevertheless still get excited when God gives the increase. 
As I was helping dig the hole for the latrine with a rope and bucket I was once again reminded of the ole Missionary illustration of the great support group God has given us through the many different ministry partners used in many different ways who “hold the rope”, while we are down in the well digging.   In this case, it was a latrine but that does not matter.  I learned a long time ago from my Grandmother, that a person can get things done for God if you don’t care who receives the credit.
You know who you are and God knows what you do but please know that we are grateful for each of you who prayerfully and financially support our work here in Kenya and Uganda.
   Php_1:3  "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you." 
In addition to Soysambu, we were able to travel to the base of Mt. Elgon to worship with the Landmark Baptist Church at Mayanja on the Lord’s Day.  We were so pleased to see the progress of the brick walls going up as they have almost reached the half way point.    After nearly four hours of singing, praying, teaching and preaching and after a fellowship meal with the church family we traveled to the neighboring village of Netima to visit Pastor Chester Moore’s home and to help him set up his solar panel, battery and tablet so he can begin his home Bible Studies via video. 
This home video Bible Institute training program is going to enhance our educational program by leaps and bounds.       Teaching
                        Chester learning Tablet for Bible Institute Training
Chester Family
 Pastor Chester is one of our older Pastors at around 55 years of age, I know that is young cause Terry and I are in our 50’s, lol, however he is one of the exceptions with regard to exposure to technology as he does not own a cell phone.  Funny thing about Kenya is that the majority do not have electricity or running water but they almost all own a cell phone.
  After about an hour of training he grasp the concept of the touch tone screen and will be watching his first four video lessons on:  History of the Church, The Church that Jesus built, Marriage and Evangelism.   It is amazing to see this technology being used in remote interior African villages for the glory of God and it is going to help our Pastors be the best Bible Teachers and Preachers they can be.                Open Bibles
Training Material
In closing,  the people continue to express the great love they have for my dear wife as Terry was given another chicken which she promptly placed in a bag so it would not mess all over the truck.  We have learned from experience and no, it was not a shake and bake bag.  
Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your life as we preach the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth. 


Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez


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