Monday, April 28, 2014

Tent Making & Roofing 101 @ Lake Victoria

Terry  Children with Balloons....
                                        Teaching Under New Roof....
 Each time we fabricate another tent, as we did this week, our hearts and minds are drawn back to the Apostle Paul and the tentmakers found in the book of Acts. 
 Act 18:3  " And because he was of the same craft, he abode with them, and wrought: for by their occupation they were tentmakers". 
The tents we use for new outreaches and newly organized Churches and are indicative of where these young Christians are in their faith.   These are mostly newly born again believers who are starting to assemble themselves on a weekly basis to pray, sing praises and to study God’s word.
We view the tents as a temporary stepping stone which allows these young believers a shelter to assemble under free from the elements while they are growing numerically and spiritually.
Right or wrong, the tents have been a great blessing to these young Christians and have become a very effective and low cost method of Church planting.
There is a lot of cutting, welding, fabricating and painting that goes into these tent kits which includes: (10) small pews, the steel frame, the tent fabric, rope, stakes, side curtains and a pulpit for the Man of God to preach God’s word.     Painter Terry
Chainsaw Ready
Each one is assembled with great love, care and reverence for there is no meeting place more important than where the New Testament Church assembles to worship our Lord and Savior on a weekly basis.
In addition to chasing down steel, wood and paint this week we traveled to Lake Victoria for three days to help put the new roof on the Landmark Baptist Church of Got. 
                                                        More Roofing Work
This permanent sanctuary project comes at such a crucial time in the continued growth of Pastor Jackson and this young group of believers. 
They have faithfully raised and lowered their tent for three years now.  While the tents are great for a specified amount of time, there is a threshold that is crossed where they start to carry a negative stigma that says the Church is only temporary.    Needless to say, we saw great joy on the faces of Pastor Jackson and the members of LBC Got as the roof was completed. 
Pastor George from Landmark Baptist Church at Wichlum Bay also came over to help with the roofing.          
             Pastor George with solar powered video tablets
These two lakeside Pastors love each other and it does our hearts good to see the fellowship and encouragement they provide to each other which in turn give strength to their ministries. 
                                               Pastor Jackson
LBC  Got Church
These two Churches and Pastors are probably our least mature but I have to continually remind myself and others from time to time that these fishermen have only been saved for around four years and already have shown themselves faithful by starting Bible studies in their home and then surrendering to God’s call on their lives to preach the Gospel.   I am so proud of their faithfulness and we are watching them mature before our very eyes into solid fundamental Pastors and Gospel preachers as we pour lesson after lesson into their lives.    This trip also afforded us the opportunity to deliver Pastor Jackson and Pastor George their solar powered video tablets for their continuing education. 
          Pastor Jackson with solar powered video tablet for training 
We are firmly committed to teaching them one on one as well as at our quarterly seminars but this seminary level video program is going to accelerate their learning tenfold.   Please continue to pray that God’s grace will continue to be great upon these young Christians and Churches.    Our three day trip ended with us worshipping together with the Landmark Baptist Church at Got under the newly completed roof.   Before I preached from Nehemiah 6, I reminded them that we should thank God first and foremost for His provision and also remember that God has used our brethren in the USA who have given sacrificially so that they might have a permanent sanctuary.   Terry and I firmly believe that if we are going to leave behind a permanent work for God in Kenya we need to provide a permanent foundational structure for these young believers.   We fully understand that the Church is a body of local visible scripturally baptize believers who have coveted together to keep the commands of the Lord Jesus Christ but we also fully understand that coming alongside of these young Churches encourages them greatly in their new faith.  Remember that we challenge them to bring these structures to completion so they make a sufficient investment into what is their sanctuary and not ours.   May God bless you and keep you by his loving grace and mercy.  Please pray for us as I will be taking Terry for what will be her first trip into Uganda this week to deliver a tent to our newest Church there.
     God Bless,
Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

Monday, April 21, 2014

Why I Write, Pews & Resurrection Sunday

Easter Sunday
A few years ago a Nobel Prize writer of poetry made these remarks,
“All my writing in the world cannot add more than a crickets chirp to the voice of life,  But no one can write as authentically about my life’s experiences, my hearts feelings, my outlook on life as I can.  Therefore these same experiences of life find their way into my poetry, my communication and hopefully into the lives of others.  That is why I write.” 
While the poet has hit the nail on the head regarding writing and sharing our experiences here on the mission field, I would add to it that I know my writing is rambling, far from grammatically correct and some might say horrible as I have difficulty keeping a cohesive thought pattern because there is so much to share and remember week in and week out.
But, the bottom line with regard to our lives and journaling can be found in the
book of Matthew 5:16 
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works,  and glorify your Father which is in heaven. "
 Our hope and desire is not that people would read of our mission work in Kenya and say,
 “What a great Missionary”, but rather people would read of our mission work in Kenya and say, “What a great Savior”.  
Our lives continue to be consumed with construction and developing the leaders in the fourteen Churches we have helped organize.   We have started construction on four of the five Churches we raised funds for during last year’s deputation work and in addition to the those four new Churches under construction we have three other Churches which we are giving limited assistance to who are putting up brick walls. 
The math says we have seven new sanctuaries simultaneously under construction which totally blows me away.
God is a great and awesome God.  
In addition to continued construction, this week we assembled pews to go with the new tent we are currently fabricating for the work in Uganda.  
It is always a blessing to wrap your hands around a project that you know is going to be used for the glory of God.   As I cut, drilled and assembled these small pews I could not help but to think and pray for God’s precious people who will be praying, praising and learning God’s word
while sitting on them. 
Believe me when I say that it provides a whole nother level of passion and commitment to performing the simplest tasks in our ministry.  Finally we had a great resurrection service at the Landmark Baptist Church of Soysambu which is located near the river Nzoia. 
We did not make it a sunrise service but meeting under the roof of a Church with open air sides still provides a glimpse of God’s beautiful creation.
I preached from I Cor. 15 on the hope that the resurrection of Jesus gives us and the admonition to be steadfast, immovable and always abounding in the work of the Lord for we know our labour is not in vain.   Amen! 
                                           Sunday School Helper
 After our traditional Church family meal, we traveled to Pastor Japheth’s home to set up his solar powered tablet and video lessons.
Tablet Teaching
Bible Students
                                      Thank you to those individuals and Churches who have helped purchase these ministry transforming tablets for our Pastors. 
                                                            Terry Helping
                                                        Terry and Pastor's Wives
If you are interested in helping with educating Men of God we still need another half dozen or so.    We covet your continued prayers and we thank you for allowing us the privilege of sharing our journey of faith.
God Bless,
Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
Phil. 4:13

Monday, April 14, 2014

The Ebb & Flow, Holding the Rope & Building Walls

As I start this journal entry, I fully realize that people may read it and come to the conclusion that we have not slowed our pace since the beginning of the New Year but we have, slightly.
Being from Florida and an avid West Coast fisherman you must be able to read tide charts and interpret the ebb and flow of the tide down to the minute, (if you want to catch fish).  
There are so many dynamics at work serving God on the foreign field that we must regularly and continually pray for wisdom and discernment to know how much to do, when and where. 
With the size and scope of ministry now reaching into Uganda we can become consumed and cumerbered about with so many good things that we become beat down, wore out and useless to God and the dear people whom we try to be a blessing and encouragement to, week in and week out.
So I say all that to say this, that we know from our spiritual condition as well as our physical condition that we needed to pull the throttle back this week and we did.
However, even though we have not been running as hard we still managed two trips into the interior during this past week.
Our first one brought us to the river Nzoia and the Landmark Baptist Church at Soysambu to deliver ridge vents and help dig the hole for the latrine.
We had a great day of fellowship with Pastor Japheth and the members of LBC Soysambu who showed up for their work day.   Our hearts prayer is that God will somehow use us to be a blessing and encouragement to the folks as these young churches continue to develop much like He did in the book of Acts with Paul and Barnabas. 
These men were sent out to their Sister Church at Antioch and as they were sent they said.
 “it seemed good to us, being assembled with one accord, to send chosen men unto you”,
 Act 15:25.                    Ridges
So we go to try to be a blessing and encouragement to them and they always end up encouraging us.    It was neat to see the excitement on Pastor Japheth’s face as he shared the news of having a record number in attendance in their midweek fellowship.
Our National Pastors are way more patient then Americans when it comes to results and particularly growth but nevertheless still get excited when God gives the increase. 
As I was helping dig the hole for the latrine with a rope and bucket I was once again reminded of the ole Missionary illustration of the great support group God has given us through the many different ministry partners used in many different ways who “hold the rope”, while we are down in the well digging.   In this case, it was a latrine but that does not matter.  I learned a long time ago from my Grandmother, that a person can get things done for God if you don’t care who receives the credit.
You know who you are and God knows what you do but please know that we are grateful for each of you who prayerfully and financially support our work here in Kenya and Uganda.
   Php_1:3  "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you." 
In addition to Soysambu, we were able to travel to the base of Mt. Elgon to worship with the Landmark Baptist Church at Mayanja on the Lord’s Day.  We were so pleased to see the progress of the brick walls going up as they have almost reached the half way point.    After nearly four hours of singing, praying, teaching and preaching and after a fellowship meal with the church family we traveled to the neighboring village of Netima to visit Pastor Chester Moore’s home and to help him set up his solar panel, battery and tablet so he can begin his home Bible Studies via video. 
This home video Bible Institute training program is going to enhance our educational program by leaps and bounds.       Teaching
                        Chester learning Tablet for Bible Institute Training
Chester Family
 Pastor Chester is one of our older Pastors at around 55 years of age, I know that is young cause Terry and I are in our 50’s, lol, however he is one of the exceptions with regard to exposure to technology as he does not own a cell phone.  Funny thing about Kenya is that the majority do not have electricity or running water but they almost all own a cell phone.
  After about an hour of training he grasp the concept of the touch tone screen and will be watching his first four video lessons on:  History of the Church, The Church that Jesus built, Marriage and Evangelism.   It is amazing to see this technology being used in remote interior African villages for the glory of God and it is going to help our Pastors be the best Bible Teachers and Preachers they can be.                Open Bibles
Training Material
In closing,  the people continue to express the great love they have for my dear wife as Terry was given another chicken which she promptly placed in a bag so it would not mess all over the truck.  We have learned from experience and no, it was not a shake and bake bag.  
Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your life as we preach the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth. 


Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez


Monday, April 7, 2014

Newsletter March....