Monday, February 10, 2014

Roofing, Hippos & Abiding Fruit

They say, “Time flies when you are having fun”, I will add to that old adage and say that “Time flies when you busy, busy, busy serving the Lord”.   As I look back at the week and all that was accomplished I can only thank and praise the Lord more for His grace is great upon us enabling us to do His work.     He continues to provide us with strength through His power and presence as well as clear direction and vision for our ministry.  We desperately want to please the Lord and we want with all of hearts to see Him glorified in our lives as well as in the lives of the precious people that we work with. Another construction milestone was reached this week at the Landmark Baptist Church of Ndivisi, which is located at the base of Mt. Elgon where we installed the tin roof. 
One Side
Work Crew
This step is always so exciting because the church family can start meeting in the unfinished sanctuary as they continue to work.   It may take some time to bring the sanctuary to final completion but this is a major step forward.  
In addition to roofing, there is much fabrication that is taking place behind the scenes. 
We were able to travel to Lake Victoria this week and reconnect with our two Lakeside church plants at the fishing town called Wichlum and the village of GOT which means mountain in the Lou tribal language.                                                        Hippo
The first day we spent in fellowship with Pastor Jackson and a handful of members of the Landmark Baptist Church of GOT.
Pastor Jackson & Wife
New Bibles
Pastor Jackson is the fisherman we led to Christ a little over three years ago who immediately started a Bible study in His house with around nine of His neighbors we also brought to Christ.   God subsequently called him to preach and ultimately he returned to His village to start a Church.  He is one of the least educated men we are working with but may have one of the biggest hearts for God.   We are helping Jackson advance in His studies with each passing year and he is maturing in His ability to rightly divide the word.   It is such a blessing for us to watch God working in His life as he stays faithful to His calling and has developed into a very strong leader who loves the Lord and His people.   Jackson represents what I believe every Pastor, Missionary and Mature Christian longs in their heart to leave behind, fruit that remains and abides in Christ.   A day of fellowship here in Kenya is generally a day of worship as we sang praises, lifted prayers and had several teaching sessions for the small group that attended.   Pastor Jackson and His people were excited to hear that we intend to start the building process at both Churches in the coming month.  
This Lord ’s Day we traveled to the Landmark Baptist Church of Wichlum which is located on the water’s edge of Lake Victoria.   Wichlum is a very rough fishing town that is plagued with alcoholism, drug use and prostitution.           Neighbors
 However, Pastor George and the members of the LBC Wichlum have stood strong as a witness for the Lord Jesus Christ and God has blessed the Church with what might be the best plot in the entire town.
God has so burdened me for this town as we started our evangelistic efforts back in 2010.    My prayer was that He would help us plant a lighthouse in the middle of the town and strategically place the sanctuary in the center of everything to raise up a standard and to give people hope through the saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior.    While on deputation we help the Church purchase the plot sight unseen by us until Sunday.    When I saw the plot God provided through the sacrificial love offerings of our brethren in the USA I almost cried as it was exactly what I wanted and had envisioned as the perfect location. 

You cannot tell from the pictures but it is located on the Lakeside in the middle of town and all fishing activity.   That means that every boat and every fisherman along with his family will have the opportunity to hear the name of Jesus lifted up in prayer, praise and preaching.   God does hear our hearts prayer and He does answer according to His perfect will.   Oh, how I wish everyone could experience worship on the lakeside as the pages of the New Testament spring to life watching these folks make a living fishing, mending nets and sailing handmade wooden boats.
The number of members was down from when we left last year and it is sad to say but many are waiting for a permanent building to be constructed.  While we know and teach that the Church is the people, meeting under a tent for a prolonged period of time here in Kenya has a negative connotation associated with poor people. 
In any case, they have been faithful for several years now and we are so excited about coming along side of them to build a permanent sanctuary with the perfect location.   Please remember us and our Churches in your prayers as we trust God for His provision and protection.

God Speed,

 Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

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