Monday, January 6, 2014

Back In Kenya

Let me preface this journal entry by wishing each and everyone a Happy and Blessed New Year in Christ.  Terry and I started the New Year on the 1st in the air making our way back to Kenya. 
This two day process involves three flights from Tampa to Miami, 
Miami to London and London to Nairobi as  well as a taxi and two bus rides.

Believe me when I say that you pretty much feel beaten and battered at the end of two days of dragging luggage, security check points, layovers and jet lag.
That is the beginning of the Missionary re-entry process which is only accomplished by the grace of God. As we return to our field for our third term, there is an interesting phenomenon that takes place in our lives and hearts each time we return.  This phenomenon is probably very hard for people other than foreign Missionaries to totally understand but possibly can best be described as a divided heart.   My wife does a great job of describing it as she tells our brethren, "as we leave to return to the people and land that God has called us to we still leave half of our heart behind with our family, friends and brethren". 
Even thou this is our third term it is still a heart wrenching experience to say goodbye to our amazing children and those blessed little grandchildren who affectionately call us Pop Pop and Gigi.  
I guess what I am trying to say is that it is not getting any easier.  Additionally, there was a real struggle this time to leave my dear Mother behind after recently preaching my Fathers funeral and her also suffering from a broken hip.   It would be so easy to say that the sacrifice is just too much if was not for God's call and a Savior that has sacrificed so much for us to have eternal life.   If there is anyone who could relate to this kind of separation it would be our Lord and Savior Jesus who left heaven and made himself of no reputation, took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men to pay our sin debt in full.   It is that kind of love that constraineth us to go in Jesus name. 
The apostle Paul faced this same kind of paradox with regard to living on earth while desiring heaven.  
Php 1:23  For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better.   While we arrived on schedule, we cannot say the same thing for our luggage as three out of five pieces got left in London by British Airways.  We always travel with extra clothes in our carry on for this very reason however one of the bags was held by customs because of a new turbo I bought for the Toyota Land cruiser.    They wanted me to pay taxes on it because even though it is only about a $500.00 item in the USA, it is about a $2,500 item here in Kenya, hence my reason for buying it stateside.   Needless to say, we have paid the tax and still came out about $1,900.00 cheaper by buying it on eBay.
We have made Kenya our home since 2008 so the road home looks all too familiar.
                                                                         Ekasia Tree
We arrived at our house in Eldoret on Friday to find that it had been invaded by rats, the water meter had been removed and that the hot water heater is not working.
                                               Uninvited Guests....
We are thankful for a few good Bible Baptist Missionary friends on this side who helped correct all of the aforementioned items.   Oh well, those are a few of the scenarios and challenges we face living in a third world country.   We were not able to visit the work on Sunday but did attend church here in Eldoret.  It is a very busy and tiring first week back while suffering from jet lag and adjusting to living at over 7,000 ft. above sea level.   The work load involves getting the vehicle ready to travel, the house cleaned, work permits/visa's processed and many other details required to live here over the next two years.    We will hit the road into the interior this coming week as our brethren here are anxious to resume our work together.  We can only hope and pray that many more souls will be added to the kingdom of heaven and that we will be an encouragement to our young Churches, Pastors and Members.  Please continue to pray for us brethren.

In His Service,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
 Note:  I try to be a faithful and regular journal writer to share what God is doing and so our brethren best know how to pray for us.  If you do not want to receive this weekly journal please use the SafeUnsubscribe listed below.

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