Monday, December 10, 2012

New Sanctuary Construction & Ordination Service

Work Crew
Part of the joy of writing this weekly blog/journal is that we get to look back and see what God has done over the last week in our lives and ministry. It reminds me of how the Apostles would gather back together after passing through Pasidia, Pamphilya, Perga and then stop in Antioch to meet with the Church and rehearse all that God had done in their lives. In other words, they would give testimonies praising God for His great grace which was upon them and the work they were doing. 
Act 14:27" And when they were come, and had gathered the church together, they rehearsed all that God had done with them, and how He had opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles."  
It is my heart’s desire that everything Terry and I do here in Kenya will glorify our Father in Heaven and exalt the name of Jesus as well as be an encouragement to our brethren to continue to press forward towards the mark of the high calling.  
This week we started the construction of our eighth sanctuary by preparing the steel foundational posts and setting them with help from our building team of Pastors and Church members.  
                                      1st Pole
We have developed a system for erecting these steel structures that has become somewhat routine but nevertheless it is still a laborious and back aching process no matter how good of a system you have.
County Job
Shadrach & Missionary
Terry Time
Team Work
With each new sanctuary started, there is an aire excitement from the Pastor, the members of the Church as well as the surrounding village community. As the posts went up one by one, neighbors would stop in one by one to see what was going on. Church building projects are the same globally in the sense that new buildings generally attract new and curious visitors. We are so thankful for our ministry partners who help us build these foundational shell structures in which the Church family is challenged to partner with us to complete.
Sweet fellowship can be found while working side by side to do God’s work, whether it is evangelism, bible studies or buildings.
                        WORK CREW ACCOMPLISHMENT
This week we also climbed Mt. Elgon (elev. 12,000 ft.) to attend an ordination service for Pastor Alex Kimtai at the Landmark Baptist Church of Cheptabrubru.  
                            Full House at LBC Cheptabrubru
 I insert the elevation reference to remind myself why Terry and I have such hard time breathing at this altitude and not just because we are Grandparents. The day was as good as it gets in the life of a foreign missionary as we see the investment which we have made over the last few years in the life of Pastor Alex through prayer, teaching and mentoring has produced much fruit.  
                                    Bible Presentation
Question Candidate
We gathered together to recognize God’s sovereign choice to use Pastor Alex to minister through the local Church at Cheptabrubru.  
Pastor Alex is a person whom I like to refer to as one of the most humble men I have ever met.        
                    Prayer With Pastor Alex
Pastor Alex has demonstrated that he is doctrinally sound and that he has the ability to carry out his ministry in a manner that is God pleasing and God honoring. In four years he has already taken the teachings we have poured into his life and trained and sent out three of his young preachers who have planted three more Churches on Mt. Elgon.
Recently he has led efforts to start our newest outreach located at the base of Mt. Elgon in a village called Chemondi.   
During the introductions yesterday I also heard two more young men refer to themselves as an “evangelist” which tells me he already has another new crop of young preachers he is training.
In my humble opinion, one of the ways a Pastor or Missionary makes full proof of his ministry is to 'commit thou to faithful men the things that thou has been taught,'
which is exactly what Pastor Alex is doing.   
Our prayer is that Pastor Alex’s message will continue to be Christ centered as to draw sinners unto salvation and to produce Christ centered lives.  
Thank you for allowing us to share all that God is doing in us and through us.

God Bless,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

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