Monday, November 26, 2012

Baptism Pool, Honored Guests & Always an Adventure

This week brought us back to the Landmark Baptist Church of Mawe Tatu to put the finishing touches on the new baptism pool. Since these remote interior villages do not have Home Depot or Lowe's I brought a few of the items they needed to complete the project from Eldoret, ie: gate valve for drain and water proofing material that they mixed with the cement for the final coating. They had also bought one hundred more bricks which added a couple more courses to get the proper depth for baptism pool. Pastor Shadrach & Pastor Japheth
We worked, laughed and even joked about what Pastor’s neighbors might think about this new pool by the creek on his farm since this is something of a new and an unusual project for the area. I thought they might think it was a new ”cattle dip” for the area rather than a “Christian dip”. Our working relationship with these folks can best be described as harmonious and joyful and my heart tells me it is one of the purest relationships we have ever experienced. This week we were blessed with two very special visitors that came to visit us for fellowship and worship services.
                                   Ernie Hopper Teaching
Ernie and Cissy Hopper have been Missionaries to Kenya for around twenty~five years and being one of the younger missionaries in our associated work we were honored that they would come to see what God is and has done with us and through us. It was also good to see them visit with some of our folks whom they had known from their time spent in the Western Province. 
                                       Terry and Cissy 
We were also able to visit the Landmark Baptist Church of Namarambi and the Landmark Baptist Church of Ndivisi for two services which made a long but Spirit filled day.
LBC Ndivis
LBC Ndivis
Ernie is the consummate Bible teacher and has a true grasp on African culture.
It was good for Terry to have fellowship with Sister Cissy and we were so proud to listen to their observations of the work we have done over the last four years.
We long for the day when we hear our Heavenly Father say,
 “well done thy good and faithful servants”, but every person from time to time needs some affirmation with regard to the work they are doing and it is especially important to us coming from veteran missionaries.
Our already long day of worship was extended by a broken fan belt on the Land Cruiser but as Missionaries of over twenty five years the Hoppers where graceful and totally understanding.  
What can I say other than it is always an adventure.
                                      Broken Fan Belt Repair
Thank you for allowing us to share snap shots into our lives and ministry here in Kenya as we serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  Terry & Namesake, 'Terry'.... 
Loaded Vehicle
In His Service,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

Phil. 4:13

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