Monday, November 26, 2012

Baptism Pool, Honored Guests & Always an Adventure

This week brought us back to the Landmark Baptist Church of Mawe Tatu to put the finishing touches on the new baptism pool. Since these remote interior villages do not have Home Depot or Lowe's I brought a few of the items they needed to complete the project from Eldoret, ie: gate valve for drain and water proofing material that they mixed with the cement for the final coating. They had also bought one hundred more bricks which added a couple more courses to get the proper depth for baptism pool. Pastor Shadrach & Pastor Japheth
We worked, laughed and even joked about what Pastor’s neighbors might think about this new pool by the creek on his farm since this is something of a new and an unusual project for the area. I thought they might think it was a new ”cattle dip” for the area rather than a “Christian dip”. Our working relationship with these folks can best be described as harmonious and joyful and my heart tells me it is one of the purest relationships we have ever experienced. This week we were blessed with two very special visitors that came to visit us for fellowship and worship services.
                                   Ernie Hopper Teaching
Ernie and Cissy Hopper have been Missionaries to Kenya for around twenty~five years and being one of the younger missionaries in our associated work we were honored that they would come to see what God is and has done with us and through us. It was also good to see them visit with some of our folks whom they had known from their time spent in the Western Province. 
                                       Terry and Cissy 
We were also able to visit the Landmark Baptist Church of Namarambi and the Landmark Baptist Church of Ndivisi for two services which made a long but Spirit filled day.
LBC Ndivis
LBC Ndivis
Ernie is the consummate Bible teacher and has a true grasp on African culture.
It was good for Terry to have fellowship with Sister Cissy and we were so proud to listen to their observations of the work we have done over the last four years.
We long for the day when we hear our Heavenly Father say,
 “well done thy good and faithful servants”, but every person from time to time needs some affirmation with regard to the work they are doing and it is especially important to us coming from veteran missionaries.
Our already long day of worship was extended by a broken fan belt on the Land Cruiser but as Missionaries of over twenty five years the Hoppers where graceful and totally understanding.  
What can I say other than it is always an adventure.
                                      Broken Fan Belt Repair
Thank you for allowing us to share snap shots into our lives and ministry here in Kenya as we serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  Terry & Namesake, 'Terry'.... 
Loaded Vehicle
In His Service,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

Phil. 4:13

Monday, November 19, 2012

Tent Making & Soysambu Baptism

Creek Crossing
Terry's Troops
This week we had couple of small building projects that needed to be completed like fabricating a tent frame for the Landmark Baptist Church of Cheptandan on Mt. Elgon and also building a new stand for our internet receiver. These small projects are much like therapy for a Florida boy who used to regularly jump in a flats boat and go red fishing when I needed a break but unfortunately there is none of that here in Kenya. We sure are home sick at this time and really looking forward to our next furlough so we can hold our grandchildren and meet our two new ones, Sebastian & Ensley. With that said, the best thing for us to do is stay busy doing what God has called us to do and spend time with our Churches, Pastors and Brethren.   
We were invited to attend baptism services at the newly organized Landmark Baptist Church of Soysambu by Pastor Japheth and Pastor Shadrach. This work blesses our hearts in so many ways and none more so than seeing God’s hand at work in the lives of this precious Church family. It is a church family that is much like what you will find anywhere in the world, many youth, some teens and this church has been blessed with a good number of village elders. They even had two first time visitors this week which is also a blessing to this new church which runs between 20-30. We enjoyed a great day of worship with these folks and our hearts are touched by the love that we witness for their Pastor and each other. Our role in this second generation work started by the burden and initiative of LBC Mawe Tatu, Pastor Shadrach & Pastor Japheth is limited, and to be honest, we need to keep it that way so they will continue to grow in faith and dependence on God. Our ministry philosophy is one that incorporates a diminishing role as these folks mature over time. With that said, my teachings with this young Church and Christians remain primarily basic and doctrinal to help ground them in their new faith which at this point is just one year old.
These basic doctrinal subjects include the deity of Christ, the trinity, the Genesis account of creation, the virgin birth & sinless humanity of Christ ,the work of the Holy Spirit, the substitutionary death, eternal security as well as other subjects like the offices and ordinances of the Church.  
There is a lot for new Christians to learn after salvation but we are told repeatedly that our teachings and doctrine are what keeps people coming back for more as they are hungry for God’s word. I thank God that we can trace our teachings and doctrine back to our Savior and His apostles as we pass them down to this new generation of Christians to live by.
Matt 4:4 "But he answered and said, 'It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."
I was also especially proud to hear Pastor Shadrach preach from Matt. 6 about laying up your treasures in heaven and not on earth. Pastor Shadrach is among our least educated Pastors with only an eighth grade education but is probably one of our best expository preachers.
I love to hear him preach God's word.
One of the reasons our work has prospered in such a great way is that God has blessed us and we have surrounded ourselves with quality people. As I look back over the last four years we can see that God has assembled a great team of men and women, like~hearted, like~minded and of like~faith to further His kingdom.     Church Unity
Pastor Japheth did a great job baptizing three new converts and I didn’t even have to get wet and muddy.   
                                     Baptism Candidates
Before we left, we were able to distribute new Bibles and new reading glasses courtesy of Deans Springs Missionary Baptist Church in Alma, Arkansas.  
New Bibles
The Word of God is of little blessing to these senior saints who cannot see the words. Thank you for giving to those who cannot afford Bibles and reading glasses.
Reading Glasses
May God keep you and bless you and thank you for allowing us to share God's work here in Kenya. Please pray for us brethren.
God Bless,
Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

Phil. 4:13

Monday, November 12, 2012

"We Dedicate This Place to You Lord" and LBC Soysambu Organized

                                             Mt. Elgon   
                                     Ribbon Cutting
Mountain climbing for some folks is a recreational sport unless you live on a mountain or you are a Missionary to Mt. Elgon, then it become a necessity to reach the people God has put on your heart. What is supposed to be the dry season on Mt. Elgon is still the rainy season as it seems that El Niño is having lasting effects on this region.
The trip up the mountain is nothing short of breathtaking when you are slipping and sliding at extreme angles but God has blessed with a strong truck and new mud tires that plow through mud like a farmer plowing a field.
Once we arrived at the village of Cheptabrubru the trekking by foot gets treacherous because your shoes get caked with sticky mud with the first few steps, then is all downhill from there if you know what I mean. The purpose of our climb this week was to dedicate the newly completed sanctuary of the Landmark Baptist Church of Cheptabrubru to the Lord for His honor and glory.
Pastor Alex and the members of the LBC Cheptabrubru are some incredibly faithful folks as they have taken the leadership role in reaching Mt. Elgon for Christ. 
                            Pastor Alex & Missionary
             Pastor Alex and Family                                                               
This young church is a little over three years old and has already sent out three preachers to the neighboring villages of Cheptandan, Chemta and Cheptkurukuru where three more Churches have been planted as well as recently starting a new outreach at the base of Mt. Elgon at a village called Chemondi.
Pastor Alex and these folks really believe 'enlarging the place of their tent' and reaching Mt. Elgon for Christ.
Isa 54:2 "Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes".   
They are now in the process of surveying the Uganda side of Mt. Elgon so please keep them in your prayers. 
Members of the neighboring Churches walked many kilometers in muddy conditions to attend this very powerful service.
While Terry and I are recognized as their Missionaries, it blesses our hearts to see all the praise, all the honor and all the glory given to God for blessing them with the new sanctuary.
And while the sanctuary is not an engineering marvel it is something very beautiful to these folks and I believe in the eyes of the Lord.  
We dedicated the sanctuary to God as a place of Prayer, Praise, Preaching, Promise and a place where the name of Jesus is lifted above all other names. New Sanctuary
                                    Full House
                                        Church Vote
Praise, Worship and Prayers of God's Precious People
Prayers of Blessings
In closing, I want to highlight an event that took place in our work this week without my presence, planning or prompting.
The work at Soysambu which is a second generation outreach of the Church at Mawe Tatu Nzoia was organized into a New Testament Church this week as Pastor Shadrach, Pastor Peter and Pastor Japheth came together to lead this special service.  Church Organization
Soysambu Baptism
Terry & Pastor's Wives
Over the last eleven months we have invested a considerable amount of teaching into the lives of these precious folks and they have demonstrated that they have matured into a doctrinally sound group of believers who have covenanted together to keep the commands of the Lord Jesus Christ. This step of growth and maturity is an answer to our heart’s prayer in that God would help us plant New Testament Churches that would reproduce Churches of like faith & practice without us for generations to come.  
We believe that is God’s will and that is God’s plan. 
Thank you for allowing us to share this great work that God is doing in our lives and the lives of others here in Kenya and Uganda.

God Bless,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

Monday, November 5, 2012

Kokoron, Uganda & Evangelism Crusade

                               Sharing God's Word in Uganda
Let me preface this journal blog by saying thank you to those of you who remembered to pray for us concerning our evangelism crusade to Kokoron, Uganda.
After spending three days traveling, preaching and sleeping in the bush, it would be fair to say that we are well spent, but on the other hand there is spiritual high that comes from such a powerful event in the servant’s life.
You may be wondering how we ended up in Uganda when our primary ministry has been in Kenya over the last four years?
Well, I am glad you asked.
There are several answers to that question.
First, we have made great effort to put into practice what Jesus taught the early church in Jerusalem: 
Act 1:8 "But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth."
 A. Start with being a witness in your home town or city.
 B. Be a witness in your state & country.
C. Be a witness to your neighboring country and to the rest of the world.
Secondly, our work with the Pokot tribe and the Landmark Baptist Church of Cheposabei which is located in the Kerio Valley is next to the border of Uganda and has close ties to the village of Kokoron in Uganda.
Kokoron may best be described as the “sister village” to Cheposabei due to the fact that the Pokot are a semi-nomadic tribe that move back and forth between these two villages with their animals and families according to weather patterns and seasonal needs.   
Thirdly, the District Chief, who is a member of the Landmark Baptist Church of Cheposabei has been asking us to accompany him there for over a year now to bring the gospel to his family who lives there.  
By the way, Chief Joshua has been a blessing to us and our ministry to the Pokot tribe from the first day we met him and brought him to Christ.
As District Chief he has 20 villages and over 6,000 people under his care.
Little did we know that we would have a member of the LBC Cheposabei with so much influence to the area.
What a blessing!  
Fourthly, As we have worked in the village of Cheposabei over the last several years we have noticed that at any given time, nearly half the population of the village and Church is missing.
So we felt that we needed to give our members another opportunity for worship and fellowship when they are in Kokoron tending to their cattle and farms. 
Fifthly, it is important for us to continue to share our vision and burden with these young Pastors and Churches to continue to preach the gospel into areas even when we cannot go.
                                Teaching God's Word
With all that said, day one we traveled into the valley to do evangelism at one of the neighboring villages to Chepsobei called Lopushenkau, however, due to a heavy rain just minutes before we hiked to the village, we were unable to pass. 
There must always be a plan B in a third world country so we went to the neighboring called, Kalas, where one of most faithful church member lives named Loboduk.
Since Loboduk and I have such a close kinship in Christ they call me Carlos Loboduk.
I found out that my Pokot name refers to the prize bull of the herd, no comments from the peanut gallery please, LOL. 
While in Kalas we led six of Loboduk’s neighbors to Christ.
 Day Two, we traveled into Uganda while stopping at various check points to register our presence in their country.  
Along the way we would share God’s word and hear the pleas from the people to come and teach them God’s word as there was no Christian witness there.   
At one point, before we arrived at Kokoron, we hit a patch of road that was blocked with several trucks which had slid off the road because of the deep mud.
Thank God for four wheel drive and good mud tires as I was able to make a detour around the stuck trucks.  
My passengers were not as fortunate as I had to unload them to lighten the truck to go off road which left them walking through the deep mud while slipping and sliding.  
                    Chief Joshua Sliding  
You never know what obstacles you are going to face on a spiritual adventure in remote interior regions of Africa.
After arriving at Kokoron it became clearly apparent why our Pokot members travel out of the semi-arid region of Kenya to the lush green pastures of Uganda.
It is like the 'land of plenty' with chest high grazing grass and vegetables which grow wild.
While the countryside was green and lush we also found signs of the war torn country with structures which were blown up and destroyed during the era of the dictator Idi Amin when hundreds of thousands of Ugandans where killed.   
We were well received in Kokoron and we saw thirty-eight profess Christ.
We also organized three different group Bible studies using Audio Bibles which we assigned to a senior man named Jefferson to lead the older men, a woman named Fredda to lead the women’s Bible study and a teenager named Abraham to lead the youth’s bible study. 
                            Japeth Preaching
Japeth Teaching Children
These studies are very simple as they just have to schedule a time and place to listen to the audio Bible as a group and have prayer.
    Listening to Audio Bible in their Language
Please pray that God will call and raise a leader in Kokoron to help these folks grow in their new faith.                Family in Kakron, Uganda
Day three we finally made it to the village of Lopushenkau to do evangelism. 
                          Lapushenkau Village Elders  
This village is the sixth and final neighboring village to the LBC of Chepsobei.
Pastor Loquardo and His men have their work cut out for them in the Kerio Valley,
but all things are possible with God’s help. 
                                  Pastor Loquardo
Word of God
I believe we saw a total of sixty-eight people believe and confess Christ as Lord and Savior over a three day period and for that we give God all the honor, all the praise and all the glory.
                         Pumpkin Offering
We covet and need your continued daily prayers.
                                Desert Flooding
God Speed,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez