Monday, September 24, 2012

Can You Say Tostones? & Full House?

 The House of God was very full on Sunday at LBC Ndivisi 
My help met, ministry partner and beautiful wife has started a rotational women’s fellowship among the churches we are working as part of her personal ministry to the ladies.
          Terry and  Ladies Fellowship LBC Ndivisi 
These types of events are great opportunities to build stronger relationships with the women while teaching them the Word of God. She also continues to use these intimate teaching sessions to teach them how to cook different dishes for their families with the items that they have available in their villages. This week she taught the ladies of LBC Ndivisi about five Godly women of the Bible and five ungodly women of the Bible.   
Terry has really matured into a great teacher who is dearly loved and respected among the women of these Churches.                     Students
From my perspective, these types of events remind me just how blessed I am to have a wife that is plugged into my ministry in a great way and is able to enhance everything that we are trying to accomplish while planting New Testament Churches. She has helped these women mature into Godly women that are now mentoring and teaching the younger women of the Church. Every time she teaches I feel like I am not carrying the entire weight of the ministry but have someone who is really supporting me in a great way.
What a blessing and what an encouragement!
After giving them food from the Word of God she taught them how to make a very traditional Spanish dish that is one of our family favorites, can you say tostones?
It is hilarious to listen to Kenyan’s attempt to pronounce these Spanish words as we share some of our culture with them.   
The recipe for this entrée is so easy, as you only need green bananas (which they have), oil and salt. In the end they were amazed how easy the tostones were to make and how tasty they were. Terry has taught them to bake various types of breads and now tostones.  
Here they are, surrounded with the ingredients and the ability to offer their families some variety, yet without the knowledge of how to cook it. Very similar to where they have come from with their ability to use the Word of God. The parallel to the Bible is very interesting as they have it and Terry is teaching them how to apply it to their lives and families.
I say, AMEN!
By the way, we have already received preliminary reports out of the village from those Mama’s who have cooked the tostones for their husbands and children and they simply love them.
One man said he could eat an entire plate of them, me too.  
                           Ummm Good!  
We spent the Lord ’s Day at the Landmark Baptist Church of Mayanja which is located at the base of Mt. Elgon. I taught about the grace of God during Sunday School and preached on the invitation to the Great Supper found in Luke 14.
The house of God was very full on Sunday.
As we pour our hearts and souls into these young Christians and Churches we are seeing our efforts bear much fruit by the grace of God.
Words cannot describe how encouraged we are to see what God is doing in the lives of so many as we labor for His honor and glory.
LBC of Mayanja is really growing as they reach their village for Christ.
Every time we visit Mayanja I am also greatly encouraged by two brothers named Fred and Moses whom I led to Christ on our first evangelism campaign into Mayanja three years ago.  
                Fred, Moses and Missionary Chuck  
These two men have been totally transformed by the grace of God into fine Christian men who are faithfully serving the Lord and have become Church leaders at LBC Mayanja. I will never forget the privilege of bringing them to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and I will never forget the day that we marched them down to a pond for baptism.
Maybe I should say that I will never forget the reaction of their neighbors who were standing outside of their huts cheering with gratitude that these two reprobate drunkards and thieves had been saved.
Now Moses leads music and Fred is the secretary of the Church. Friends, family and brethren, that is a work that only God almighty can do.
My old Arkansas pastor, Brother Robert Brumfield use to say, instead of putting a new suit on an old man, God puts a new man in an old suit. Praise the Lord for His love, grace and mercy as He transforms us all thru his Word and His Spirit.
Thank you for tuning into this amazing journey of faith.

God Speed,

Bro. Chuck & Terry Fernandez

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