Monday, July 16, 2012

No Pain-No Gain, Terry’s Honor & Antelope Offering

Preaching God's Word
Not sure where to start this journal entry other than by saying all that God accomplished this week almost did not happen. Both of us were plagued this week by multiple health issues that left us really searching our hearts for the strength to get out to minister to our people. Not to bore with all the details, but both of our backs were experiencing much pain from last week’s trip to visit one of our interior Churches where the roads were absolutely destroyed by heavy rains, not to mention kidney and UT infections as well as stomach problems. After several days of medications and fervent prayer asking God to help us overcome these health issues, He gave us an extra measure of grace to enable us to make two more trips into the Kerio Valley to do what He has put on our hearts. We can truly say God’s grace is sufficient because we simply were not able to do all that we did this week without Him. We’ll let the theologians determine how spiritual it is, but we agree with the statement, “no pain, no gain” and from time to time you have to work with pain. By His grace we were able to frame and hang two steel doors at the new sanctuary of the Landmark Baptist Church of Cheposabei.
Framing Doors
This Pokot village and these new believers have such a special place in our hearts and we are continually finding out how special we are to them. After bringing them to Christ, teaching them, baptizing them, praying with them, eating with them and now building with them, we have built as solid relationship through Christ as any group we have ever worked with. We also had some great laughs this week while working side by side as they tried to teach Terry how to milk a goat.
All kidding aside, after the Sunday worship service the women of the village honored Terry in a great way by presenting her with a Pokot necklace, belt and sash, thus signifying that she has become as one of them through her love and spirit.  
Terry's Sash Blessing
Not sure that others will be able to fully grasp and appreciate the depth of this honor and blessing for Terry because it is really hard to describe those moments when God gives the Missionaries a great blessing through the people whom they have poured out their hearts and souls to for three years now. You see as the ladies honored Terry with their traditional Pokot attire they were making it known that she has connected with them through the love of Christ in such a great way that she is now really at one with them. It is not what the Missionary lives for, but it is truly a huge blessing from God.
Now don’t think that I was left out as immediately following the Sunday worship service I was presented with a Diki Diki (world’s smallest Antelope) as a love offering. My heart wanted to refuse it because I know the hunter that killed it is a fourteen year old boy who has to provide for His family of seven because his father is crippled, however, I also knew I could not refuse such a great blessing and God will bless them for it.           Love Offering
In closing, we also had the privilege to give out witness dolls made by the women of Dean Springs Missionary Baptist Church of Alma, Arkansas.
We thank Pastor Tim Johnson and the members of DSMBC for partnering with us in so many ways to be a blessing to others.  
Wittness Dolls Blessing
We covet your continue prayers as we are still experiencing physical trials.

God Speed,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

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