Monday, July 30, 2012

Funerals, Tent Making and 14 Baptized

This week was an emotional roller coaster and it seems as though we were consumed with the work of the Lord at every waking moment. It was one of those weeks that you look back on and realize that it is over in the blink of an eye. With that said, the only way I feel I can adequately record all that we accomplished this week is through somewhat of a journal log rather than a journal blog in order to maintain my long standing belief that people do not want to read more than about a page at a time. So following is an overview of this week’s ministry activities:

A. We had two funerals this week in the work that we are involved in: Mama Grace, treasurer, at LBC Mayanja fell ill this week and died very suddenly and unexpectedly.
B. A young man from LBC Namarambi was shot in North Pokot by Turkana cattle raiders this week and died from His wounds.
C. We took a survey trip to the village of Netima which is located near the LBC of Mayanja at the base of Mt. Elgon. This village has been in our hearts and prayers for the last two years as several of the members of the LBC of Mayanja live in this village and walk ten kilometers to Mayanja for worship.
D. With my trustee “help met” by my side, Terry and I cut, assembled and painted the necessary items for the new tent and benches to be used at the outreach at Soysambu, not to mention shopping and collecting all these items which in itself is a laborious task here in Kenya.
Note: Thank you North Loop MBC for partnering with us financially to make this possible. 
E. We traveled with three of our Eldoret converts for joint services with the Landmark Baptist Church of Mawe Tatu and Soysambu.
F. Had Children’s dedication for eight new babies born over the last month.
G. Baptized 14 converts from the outreach at Soysambu.
H. Delivered the new tent and benches to be used for their midweek bible study and for Sunday services they are now holding,
(they have outgrown the house they have been using), Praise the Lord!

Mama Grace’s funeral painted the picture of someone who was loved dearly and will be missed sorely by all. Not only was she a faithful Church member/treasurer of LBC Mayanja but she was also a cook at a very large neighboring primary school for thirty years. Needless to say, school was postponed to allow the staff and students to come and pay their respect for Mama Grace. 
                                       Mama Grace & Terry                    
Mama Grace gave Terry a Blessing before she went to be with the Lord
The testimonies of a Godly Christian woman who had a servant’s heart were incredible and lasted for over an hour. Equally as impressive was the fact that there were four Landmark Baptist Churches present to help plan and organize the funeral.
 Grace's brother, Dismus
There were also dozens who made professions of faith during the invitation at the close of her funeral. The setting was not unusual for this time of year as she lived in the middle of a cornfield, however it added a strange dimension to the service with hundreds of people scattered in and amongst the corn and banana trees.
                         Landmark Baptist Church Ladies
Sunday, we combined the services of the LBC Mawe Tatu and the outreach at Soysambu which provided an amazing day of worship. We baptized 14 new converts and I had the privilege of teaching their leader Japheth how to baptize.
Baptism Service
He did a great job as he was able to perform his first baptism. The outreach at Soysambu continues to be a great source of blessing and encouragement to Terry and I.  
We were very surprised by their reaction to the pictures we showed them of us doing the work this week on their new tent and benches.
                                   Painter Helper
They were blown away when they realized that we do not just purchase these items but that we actually put our blood and sweat into them so that they will have a place to worship the Lord.                New Benches
In closing, words cannot describe the sights and sounds of the joy expressed by these new young Christians. They are so happy to be saved and so happy to be growing in the newness of life as they walk with the Lord.   
                      PRAYERS....THANKING GOD! 
We thank our God for allowing us to be a small part of His great work in the lives of so many and we covet your continued prayers

In His Service,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

Monday, July 23, 2012

Thirteen New Converts on Mt. Elgon & Wind Generator

Frames For Pews
Even though we spent much time this week having pews and tents fabricated, we were able to return to the roots of our ministry by traveling to the village of Kipsigon, which is located at the top of Mt. Elgon for evangelism.  
This is one of the first places where our work in Kenya started with Terry and I and a few faithful Christians who had a burden to reach those who survived the tribal clashes of 2008 with the gospel.
This opportunity stood in stark contrast to our first evangelism crusade as we were joined by the Pastors and members from all five of the Churches which have been planted on Mt. Elgon since that time.
We were greatly encouraged as each group showed up to continue to preach the gospel in this village.
                         Pastor Peter Preaching The Gospel
Since those initial visits, there has been a steady flow of new residents who have moved to Kipsigon to farm or who have been given land by the government to repopulate Mt. Elgon. Pastors and members came together from the Landmark Baptist Church of Cheptabrubru, Cheptandan, Chemta and Cheptkurkru to join the LBC of Kipsigon for house to house evangelism.          Terry & Church Members 
We are truly experiencing the Bible principle that teaches that 'two are better than one' and that we are to 'exhort and encourage one another'.  
By the grace of God we have seen our vision of five Churches planted in five years on Mt. Elgon come to a reality ahead of schedule and this work continues to strengthen our faith with each visit.  
It is also yet another great reminder of how important it is for this fellowship of Churches of like faith and practice to work together as they do God’s work. 
With all the building that we have been doing over the last six months it was so refreshing to be able to get back to what stirs our hearts and motivates us to do all that we do here in Kenya and abroad; 
That is sharing the love of God through the gospel of Jesus Christ.  
As I say that, we also started another foundation for another new sanctuary this week after barely being able to catch our breath from the last three building projects.
School Children Helping
Oh well, as Jesus said, 'we must be about our Father’s business because we know there is coming a day when no man will be able to work.'
We praise the Lord for the thirteen who made professions of faith in Christ.
                                     New Converts Kipsigon
They now have a New Testament Church in their village where they can go for baptism and teachings to be strengthened and grow.   
God’s word accompanied by God’s Spirit is still sufficient to do God’s work.  
It is our hearts prayer that God alone will be glorified throughout Mt. Elgon as people are saved and surrender their lives to their Lord and Savior.  
Please continue to pray for these young converts as they are planted together with Christ through salvation and baptism.
In closing, we had yet another unique opportunity this week to be a blessing to the LBC of Kipsigon.
We did this by setting up a wind generator, battery and 12 volt lighting system which was donated by Steve Goodwin and HUGE ministries to be used at night so that these young Christians can assemble themselves in the evenings for more teachings.
Wind Generator
Wind Generator Blessing
This is a huge blessing to this Church as they have had the desire for evening prayer and teaching but did not have electricity for lighting.
They now have the capability by harnessing what God has provided in abundance, and if there is ever a place that is great for a wind generator, it is Mt. Elgon.
God continues to provide for His people and we believe  He will continue to provide in a great way if we continue to give Him all the honor, all the praise and all the glory.
Thank you for traveling along this journey of life with us for we are together in Christ.

God bless,
Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

Monday, July 16, 2012

No Pain-No Gain, Terry’s Honor & Antelope Offering

Preaching God's Word
Not sure where to start this journal entry other than by saying all that God accomplished this week almost did not happen. Both of us were plagued this week by multiple health issues that left us really searching our hearts for the strength to get out to minister to our people. Not to bore with all the details, but both of our backs were experiencing much pain from last week’s trip to visit one of our interior Churches where the roads were absolutely destroyed by heavy rains, not to mention kidney and UT infections as well as stomach problems. After several days of medications and fervent prayer asking God to help us overcome these health issues, He gave us an extra measure of grace to enable us to make two more trips into the Kerio Valley to do what He has put on our hearts. We can truly say God’s grace is sufficient because we simply were not able to do all that we did this week without Him. We’ll let the theologians determine how spiritual it is, but we agree with the statement, “no pain, no gain” and from time to time you have to work with pain. By His grace we were able to frame and hang two steel doors at the new sanctuary of the Landmark Baptist Church of Cheposabei.
Framing Doors
This Pokot village and these new believers have such a special place in our hearts and we are continually finding out how special we are to them. After bringing them to Christ, teaching them, baptizing them, praying with them, eating with them and now building with them, we have built as solid relationship through Christ as any group we have ever worked with. We also had some great laughs this week while working side by side as they tried to teach Terry how to milk a goat.
All kidding aside, after the Sunday worship service the women of the village honored Terry in a great way by presenting her with a Pokot necklace, belt and sash, thus signifying that she has become as one of them through her love and spirit.  
Terry's Sash Blessing
Not sure that others will be able to fully grasp and appreciate the depth of this honor and blessing for Terry because it is really hard to describe those moments when God gives the Missionaries a great blessing through the people whom they have poured out their hearts and souls to for three years now. You see as the ladies honored Terry with their traditional Pokot attire they were making it known that she has connected with them through the love of Christ in such a great way that she is now really at one with them. It is not what the Missionary lives for, but it is truly a huge blessing from God.
Now don’t think that I was left out as immediately following the Sunday worship service I was presented with a Diki Diki (world’s smallest Antelope) as a love offering. My heart wanted to refuse it because I know the hunter that killed it is a fourteen year old boy who has to provide for His family of seven because his father is crippled, however, I also knew I could not refuse such a great blessing and God will bless them for it.           Love Offering
In closing, we also had the privilege to give out witness dolls made by the women of Dean Springs Missionary Baptist Church of Alma, Arkansas.
We thank Pastor Tim Johnson and the members of DSMBC for partnering with us in so many ways to be a blessing to others.  
Wittness Dolls Blessing
We covet your continue prayers as we are still experiencing physical trials.

God Speed,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

Monday, July 9, 2012

Special Delivery, Bricks, Bricks & More Bricks

Bricks Made By Church Members
Generally speaking, each week we rotate among what has now grown to seventeen different villages, ten of which have Indigenous New Testament Church’s planted with National Pastors. The statistics are not more important than the people but we are greatly encouraged by what God is doing in our lives and the lives of hundreds of others. It has often been said that God’s greatest mission work is done in the heart of the Missionary. As I study the scriptures I find that the Apostles would also meet back together after evangelism or teaching their new converts to recall what God had done and rejoice. 
Act 14:27 "And when they were come, and had gathered the church together, they rehearsed all that God had done with them, and how he had opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles."
With all that said, we were able to visit four of the villages this week where we currently have works established. Part of our visits this week included delivery of building items such as doors and windows as well as Bibles to the LBC at Mayanja. 
New Bibles
The members have started the brick making process and it is impossible to overstate the difficulty of the monumental task of making bricks. I won’t get into the specifics, but mixing mud to form bricks which have to be baked in a mud oven is definitely something we know nothing of.       3100 Bricks
What blesses our heart about this whole building process is that the people have a will to work. They are not looking for a hand out as it is clearly evident that they want to use their talents to give to the Lord’s work.
                    Terry and Women of Church n Bricks 
The Lord’s Day was spent with the Landmark Baptist Church of Ndivisi. While this Church has been established for years we simply enjoy the sweet fellowship with Pastor Peter and His congregation. This visit also afforded us the opportunity to drop off Bible Institute study materials for one of their young associate Pastors.
Additionally, we were able to deliver a new solar system that was donated to give these Churches the ability to meet for evening services and fellowships. We want to thank Steve Goodwin and H.U.G.E. ministries for donating these solar systems. They will truly be a blessing to people who have no electricity.  
The amount and depth of involvement while establishing New Testament Churches is often widely debated, however, with the Bible as our guide we can see that when the Apostle Paul gathered congregations together he invested much time and effort into their lives rather than leaving them alone to fend for themselves. It is not to say that God is unable to do the work of teaching these new converts without a Missionary but rather that God allows us the privilege of grounding these young works in faith and practice so they will be able to ultimately work out their own problems and overcome any hindrances from within and without.
Some time back while spending time with our preachers, they told me a story of a Missionary who had planted Churches but would only come one time per year to encourage them. They said that the Churches were playing games with the Missionary as they would invite everyone in the village to come for a “big day”, so when the Missionary would visit he would think that the Church was thriving. After the Missionary left, the Church would return to its normal state. While telling me this story, our Pastors gave me what I thought was the ultimate compliment as a Missionary when they said, “We cannot do that with you Brother, because you and Mama Terry are always with us."    Roof Repair
Please continue to pray that we will be what God wants us to be as we strive to help encourage these new works without hurting their faith by creating dependence on us.

In His Service,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

Phil. 4:13

Monday, July 2, 2012

June Newsletter & Summary Plus Note

Thank you for taking time to read our June monthly newsletter which many of you have received.
We covet your continued prayers as we preach the gospel to the uttermost part of the earth.

Note: Gunmen attacked two churches in Garissa, Kenya yesterday while they were in their worship services. A Catholic and A.I.C. church were attacked, at least 50 were injured as the gunmen stood at the door of the church and shot, 16 are dead. Asking prayer for our country and the people who were in attendance at these services.

God Bless,

Chuck & Terry Fernandez
Kenya, East Africa

Phil. 4:13