Monday, April 2, 2012

Desert Heat, Thorns & Sanctuary Construction

Most of this week was spent in the village of Cheposabei which is located near the border of Uganda in the Kerio Valley constructing our first sanctuary in our work with the Pokot tribe. Working in the intense heat (110’) can be somewhat dangerous but we managed to keep ourselves hydrated with cases and cases of bottled water.
As you can see from the pictures, we have changed from using wood to steel for construction for the following reasons:
  #1. Deforestation has become a real issue country wide and is making wood more scarce which in turn has has increased the price two fold since we started building three years ago.  
#2. Processing the wood has also become an issue with fuel, oil, maintaining the chainsaws as well as transportation costs.  
#3. Finally, the termite issue is a real concern in the Kerio Valley as they will devour wood in short order. So building with steel is now a more cost effective and efficient method of construction for us. The building will still look somewhat indigenous with mud and thatch walls but the frame is steel.
                                 First Truss Up.... 
African Tool Box
Assembling Truss
Children Gathering Rocks
Solomon Digging
Hot but Happy :)
Tent Inside New Sanctuary
While we brought our team of builders in from the Mt.Elgon region, the members of the Landmark Baptist Church of Cheposabei worked hand in hand with us and particularly the women. You see, in Pokot culture, the women are responsible for building the family home. They waited patiently in the intense heat so they could contribute to God’s work by digging the holes for the posts. They also gathered rocks and a specific type of sand to be mixed with the cement.
                            Mamma's Digging
It was truly a thing of beauty to see the men, women and children of the church come together to help build the house of God.     Jesus School
During day one I must have had ten thorn punctures that went through my shoes like a hot knife through butter. What amazes me is that the children walk around barefoot and rarely step on one, oh well, I guess that is what we call “home field advantage”. 
                       Thorn N Shoe
Day two I kindly asked the women if they would sweep our work area free of thorns which they gladly did after an entertaining day of watching me remove thorns from my feet.
We accomplished our major objective of setting the posts and a couple of trusses while more are being fabricated here in Eldoret. Spending three days in the village continues to help grow our relationship with these believers closer and closer and you really start to feel like you are part of the village family. Our conversations become longer and more personal and I often have to stop and think of how we are viewed in a village that had never heard the gospel or never had another white man enter their village. The celebrity status is interesting but it is the love for one another in Christ that is special to me. Our desert worship services were nothing short of heavenly and I continued to be humble with four eggs given to me by a elderly man who had walked many kilometers from a neighboring village as well as a jar of honey the ladies sent home to Terry.  
                                                                Eggs Gift
There are now five neighboring villages that we are preaching the gospel in. We had no idea three years ago how God would use this village he led us to so that we may reach many others for Christ.
Our theme verses this week were:
Psalm 121:1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. Vs 2 My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.
Please continue to pray this Pokot outreach ministry.

In His Service,

Chuck & Terry Fernandez

1 comment:

  1. Dear Servant Of the Lord,
    Am humbled on the kind of work the lord is using you to do as a Servant and as how the lord can connect his people i looked at your Web and the it moved me to ask you for friendship and even a right hand in fellowship and even if the lord allows you if you can come over and be with us in a meeting we are planning for the lord in Kenya western province starting August 16-18th this year.I want to have you as our speaker too.
    But am asking you to pray about this firs and please let me know what the lord is leading you to do as per this request to work together.
    The lord has for the past 14 years been speaking to me about Revival and am in Gods direction humbling to get the instruction to get the Church ready for His second coming as we preach the end time gospel.
    He has insisted on Holiness and Righteousness as this is the key to getting to the kingdom of heaven,am requesting you to pray and listen to the holy spirit for the days are evil,only obey the lords leading.
    Our ministry is God With Us Mission team is working with orphans,widows and destitute children in Africa,but we are focusing more on evangelism in the the asking you to accept coming over to just stand with us.
    Yours in Christ,
    Apostle Dan Wanyonyi.


Please Leave Comments for Chuck & Terry....God Bless