Our Macedonia Short term missions team wrapped up their two week mission trip and headed back to California leaving behind a wake of blessings for us and God’s people here in Kenya.
Visitors to the foreign field are usually far and few between so there is definite void in our lives as the reality sets in that Terry and I are the ones that are left behind to continue the long term work of helping establish the saints in their faith and discipling them so that they will reach others and glorify Jesus throughout all the earth. The team worked extremely hard so we rewarded them with a wild game safari through one of the National Game Parks. Safari
No trip to Africa would be complete without seeing some of God’s creation that has become synonymous with Africa.
The animals did not cooperate with us on this safari however they are “wild” and there are no guarantees.
Bro. Gary Weidenbach
The only guarantee is that the team did get an experience that they would have never gotten anywhere else. AJ
Phil. 4:19
" But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."
With the truck in the garage, Terry and I were forced to spend a few days of down time in Nairobi and probably some needed rest. One of the advantages of Nairobi is that there are many imported items that can be found there and nowhere else in the country.
One such item that we found during our delay were Oscar Mayer Hotdogs.
For someone who loves a good hotdog this was a real blessing. Needless to say, we bought a half dozen packs at great price but figured it was worth it to have a part of American culture in our belly from time to time.
Thank you to all who support our ministry through prayers and offerings for we could not do what we do without either.
Visitors to the foreign field are usually far and few between so there is definite void in our lives as the reality sets in that Terry and I are the ones that are left behind to continue the long term work of helping establish the saints in their faith and discipling them so that they will reach others and glorify Jesus throughout all the earth. The team worked extremely hard so we rewarded them with a wild game safari through one of the National Game Parks. Safari
No trip to Africa would be complete without seeing some of God’s creation that has become synonymous with Africa.
The animals did not cooperate with us on this safari however they are “wild” and there are no guarantees.
Bro. Gary Weidenbach
The only guarantee is that the team did get an experience that they would have never gotten anywhere else. AJ
Elephant Orphanage
Terry & Giraffe
While on the safari the Rover started making noises in the transmission region that I knew were not good. We were able to baby it along until late Wednesday evening while transporting our group to the airport. It is always fun and quit anxious when you are in route to the airport with your guests who are on a schedule to make an international flight and the transmission comes apart on the road. With all the noise from parts breaking I knew Bro. Gary, our group leader was praying in a great way. The Lord answered our prayers and we limped into the airport with transmission parts grinding and breaking. Saying goodbye at the airport is always difficult but we believe we will see many of the members of this team return to Kenya again in the distant future. Terry and I would spend the next three days in Nairobi waiting for parts and repair on what turned out to be a broken transfercase housing which basically split in half. The British mechanic who repaired the truck said this was the first one he had ever seen break like that in twenty years. We are thankful that it did not happen somewhere out in the bush. This repair has really helped us confirm that it is time to replace the Rover which is actually on loan to us from another Baptist Missionary who has left the country. While we are thankful for the provision, the truck is chronically fatigued with 250,ooo African Kms on it and soaring operating costs which have been running around $6,000.00 per year. It does not take a mathematician to figure out that within three years we could replace the truck with something newer and more dependable. We now ask you to prayerfully consider this need and we feel it must be God’s will because there have been people who have recognized the need and given without us really putting out a formal plea. God knows our needs and will provide our needs according to His riches and mercies. Phil. 4:19
" But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."
With the truck in the garage, Terry and I were forced to spend a few days of down time in Nairobi and probably some needed rest. One of the advantages of Nairobi is that there are many imported items that can be found there and nowhere else in the country.
One such item that we found during our delay were Oscar Mayer Hotdogs.
For someone who loves a good hotdog this was a real blessing. Needless to say, we bought a half dozen packs at great price but figured it was worth it to have a part of American culture in our belly from time to time.
Thank you to all who support our ministry through prayers and offerings for we could not do what we do without either.
In His Service,
Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
Phil. 4:13
Dear Bro. Chuck and Sis Terry,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for hosting the Mac Trip travelers. This was our son, AJ's, third mission trip and while he enjoyed and was blessed by the others, you clearly hold a special place in his heart, along with the people in Kenya. When AJ, Kristen, and Lindsey shared their trip with our church a member asked AJ if he could change one thing for the people in Kenya what would it be? He replied, "nothing, they are the friendliest, happiest most loving people I've been around, they thirst for and love the Lord, I wouldn't want to change any of that." My heart was so touched, I wanted to say thank you. Know that our church family and our biological family now prays for you regularly. May God continue to bless your work. Mark and Zeta Dendy