Sunday, December 25, 2011

Celebrating Christmas Village Style

Christmas day was spent worshiping with our brethren at the Landmark Baptist Church of Namarambi near the base of Mt. Elgon.
    It gives Terry and me great joy to return to villages that we have become a small part of through our involvement in planting New Testament Churches.  
The bond that has been formed through Christ is one that runs deep and will last throughout eternity.
Pastor Daniel and these folks are growing in the faith as they continue to be faithful year after year. We know one day we will commend them to the Lord on whom they believe but for now we are enjoying the worship and fellowship along the way.
                            Pastor Daniel
Like all of the new Sanctuaries, LBC Namarambi is a work in progress but the building is further along than the others as it has a layer of cement over the mud and the congregation as purchased and installed glass in the windows.
After Sunday services we traveled to the home of Pastor Peter and his family.
After three years of service here in Kenya Terry and I have experienced much of their culture and we felt it was time for us to share a small part of our culture with them.  
We asked Pastor Peter and his family if we could bring  some of our culture to their village home to celebrate Christmas.
They were very gracious to allow us to bring a turkey and Christmas cookies Terry had cooked as well as set up a small Christmas tree and of course presents.
We were reminded that we Americans take so many things for granted as this was the first time in their lives to taste turkey (which they loved) and to have a Christmas tree.   
It is not something that is necessary counter culture but more so something that is not part of their basic necessities which dictate much of their lives.
                          Warming Turkey
                                     Turkey Time  
In any case, we enjoyed the smiles on their faces as everyone got their fill of turkey and then opened presents which are a rarity here.
I think we had more fun watching the kids chase bubbles and try on their new outfits as they celebrated Christmas in a new way.     Bubble Time
We miss our family in a great way and even more so during these holidays and while it is not quite the same it is nice to be a part of our extended family here in Kenya. 
Thank you to those who sent Christmas wishes and prayers as we serve our Lord and Savior on the foreign field.  
May God bless you and keep you.

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
Kenya, East Africa

Phil. 4:13