Monday, October 3, 2011

Planting Trees, Bearing Fruit and Building Dedication

While delivering pews to the Landmark Baptist Church of Mayanja this week, we were asked to do something that was a new experience for Terry and I since we started our mission work here in Kenya. Pastor Nixon and the members of LBC Mayanja gave us two trees to plant on the new plot which was purchased last week. Now I am sure of the significance of tree planting in this culture, and even in our culture, tree planting means different things to different people.
For example: it has been said that,
           “He who plants a tree, plants hope”.
It has also been my past experience that trees are planted in memory of someone as well as to coincide with the laying of the foundation of a building project. Regardless of the intent, here is how it spoke to my heart. As we placed the young saplings into the prepared holes my thoughts were all about bringing lost people to a relationship with God Almighty through His son Jesus and then seeing them grow and mature in their faith as a part of God’s local New Testament Church while producing much fruit along the path of their life.    Delivering Pews
The symbolism regarding the church itself was equally compelling as we have been privileged to take part in the greatest endeavor on earth, Church Planting. We have had the high privilege of planting new Churches with new believers who have coveted together to keep the commands of the Lord Jesus Christ. Nowhere is this more evident than at the Landmark Baptist Church of Mawe Tatu (3 Stones) with Pastor Shadrach where we participated in the building dedication service yesterday.
                                       Dedication Prayer
The members decorated the mud building in such a way that it was absolutely beautiful.
It just proves that you can still give God your best regardless of your social economic status anywhere in the world. We came along side of Pastor Shadrach at the beginning of 2009 to help him fulfill his calling in this new village.                                   Congregation at Dedication
The Church was started in the Pastors house with his young family. It was planted with days of preparation through prayer, fasting and village evangelism as we began to reach his neighbors with the gospel. The church began to grow as his neighbors began to make professions of faith in Christ and followed Jesus in scriptural baptism. The growth would continue week after week, month after month and now after some years we see men and women of God who are maturing into saints of God who are bearing much fruit in their life. These mature men and women are now becoming seasoned and have been well trained and well equipped to do the work God has called them to do.
The significance of the Church far exceeds the size, style and shape of the building and as we learned as children, the people are the church. We praise the Lord and give him all the glory for providing a sanctuary for these wonderful saints of God to assemble themselves through the sacrificial offerings of God‘s people in America. The Pastor and members are thankful for those who have partnered with them during this building process, but make no mistake that they also give God the credit and glory for this great provision. They, too ,have given sacrificial offerings towards the building of their sanctuary. Pastor Digging Outhouse
Pastors from the six Churches we have been working with were able to attend this special day of celebration.
                                  Dream Team
We have learned the importance of creating a fellowship of Churches as there is strength in numbers and it is our hearts desire that if we plant one church there would be at least four more close enough for training and fellowship.
                             Terry and Wamama
The day ended as you might have guessed with another tree planting at LBC 3-Stones where I planted an avocado tree.
My hope is that this tree too will bear much fruit that we will enjoy for many years to come.

John 15:16 "Ye have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain:
that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in My Name, He may give it you. "
In His Service,
                                                        Candy Time
Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez, Kenya
Phil. 4:13 
   Little Worker at  Landmark Baptist Church

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