Monday, October 31, 2011

Tent Making and Ordination

Much of this week’s activities included making a new tent and pews for the work in Lake Victoria. Purchasing steel, cutting, fabrication, painting and assembly was all part of our regular ministry duties. We will be traveling next week to the fishing village of Wichlum again to deliver the tent and to do some teaching and training of the man God has called to preach there. The highlight of this week’s work was the ordination service of Pastor Peter Barasa. It was a good thing we completed the tent for Wichlum as it was needed along with two other tents to hold all the people who came to Ndivisi Landmark Baptist Church to be a part of the ordination service for this special Pastor and preacher. From the first day we met Pastor Peter and teamed up with him to reach the lost on Mt. Elgon we knew there was something very special about him. Every once in a while God will allow us to be a part of a special person’s life and they impact your life effortlessly while just being who God made them to be. This is the case with Pastor Peter, his heart for the Lord, his love for the lost and God’s people is something that is rare to find in this day and age anywhere in the world. After almost three years of working side by side to preach the gospel on Mt. Elgon, the Kerio Valley and now Lake Victoria, we have grown to love and respect him in a great way. It was an honor to ordain him as a preacher of the gospel and to be his brother in Christ.
This was the largest event we have experience during our ministry thus far and was one of the most joyous events. Terry and I were so happy to see the outpouring of love expressed to honor this sharp young man who has surrendered his life to preaching God’s Word. Pastor Peter’s family, friends, neighbors and Church members all testified of a life honoring God. 
                  Pastor Peter & Family
For my part, I taught on the qualifications of a Pastor and the qualities of a “good shepherd” as well as serving a member of the presbytery.
After the teachings and the preaching of the charge, the presbytery had an opportunity to publicly ask Pastor Peter questions concerning his doctrine and biblical knowledge which he answered with great command of the scriptures. He has not only been a great leader within our team but is also a great student of the Word. The ordination process was yet another opportunity to teach the younger men of God the method and biblical tradition that has been practiced by the New Testament church for over two thousand years. Praise the Lord we have a biblical pattern to follow! After he was thoroughly examined along with his wife and children, the presbytery prayed for him with the laying on of the hands.
1Ti 4:14 Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery.
Pastor Peter now is not only a phenomenal man of God but also carries one the highest honors and stamp of approval as a God ordained preacher of the gospel. A Kenyan tradition we have grown to love was at the conclusion of the ceremony when all those in attendance give Pastor Peter and his family a love offering. What makes it is special is that the offerings include: live chickens, bananas, corn, beans, tea cups, lanterns, a live sheep (fitting for a shepherd) and of course money. This shower and outpouring of love really touches our hearts every time we experience it.
As special as this was I believe the most precious moment may have been just before the dismissal prayer and lunch when the newly ordained Pastor, his wife Sporta (who Terry has gotten close to) and their five children sang a special.
Wow! What a great way to end a great day!
                        Women's Choir
Thank you for traveling this journey of faith with us as we serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lord’s. 

In His Service,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

Phil. 4:13

Monday, October 24, 2011

About Our Father’s Business While It is Day

                  Our Father’s Business
Jesus made two statements in the gospels that characterize our mission work this week. The first one was as a child who went missing in Jerusalem from His parents and was later found in the temple confounding the doctors. When confronted by His parents He told them,
How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?  
Our Fathers business is what compels us, challenges us and consumes us.
As I look back at the week in review I can see our fathers business remains the top priority for us as we fulfill His will for our lives. 
                                      Delivering Doors
For time sake, I will record this week’s activities in somewhat of log form to capture the essence of our Fathers business on the foreign field.

Monday: A. Write and report weekly journal, send out approx. 1000 emails

B. Purchased wood for pews at Wichlum, C.
Clutch went out in Land Rover while Terry and I were in Eldoret, thank God it did not go out while in the interior,
(2nd one in 11 months)

Tuesday: A. Pulled motor out of Land Rover to replace broken clutch fork, throw out bearing & motor mount.
B. Replaced piston, ring and fuel pickup on chainsaw to cut trees on Mt. Elgon for new sanctuary.
C. Tuesday evening Eldoret Men’s Bible study, (There are ten men that I am mentoring and teaching the Word of God each week), taught from Titus on the qualifications of a Pastor. 
D. collected pews from welder to be assembled

Wednesday: A. collected Swahili Bibles for members without a Bible
B. Started cutting trees on Mt. Elgon for the Landmark Baptist Church of Cheptabrubru.

Thursday: A collected cement, tin, wire, vents and doors for restroom at Landmark Baptist Church of Mayanja.
Note: Terry and I praise the Lord for our Pastor and members of our sending Church.  
Not only is Ft. Cooper our sending Church but it is our home Church were we grew up in the Lord. We are thankful for all of those who partner with us financially; however, Ft. Cooper BC has taken the leadership role in the building process by raising the funds through special offerings to build the Landmark Baptist Church at Mayanja.
Rom 1:8 First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world.

Friday: A. Traveled over 200 km roundtrip to deliver the supplies for the restroom at LBC Mayanja.
                             Restroom Digging
B. Had fellowship with Pastor Nixon and Church Members
                                    (Very Important in Any Culture)
C. Met with Pastor Peter & Pastor Timothy to discuss plans for our newest Pokot Tribe Church, outreach & upcoming ordination service.
D. Attended fellowship & Bible Study at Landmark Baptist Church of Ndivisi, taught on Paul’s first missionary journey.
E. Had the unique opportunity to witness to a Muslim who claimed to be a former Christian, however during our conversations he admitted that he was never born again. 
He did allow me to share the gospel with him and pray for him.

Saturday: A. Collected educational material from printer to deliver to four preachers who are continuing their education.
B. Prepared Sunday sermon and Sunday school lesson. Note: Remember that we are not only studying and preparing to interpret, illustrate and applicate the Word of God but preaching and teaching in Swahili takes many extra hours of translating.

Sunday: A. Traveled 100km’s round trip to Landmark Baptist Church of Mawe Tatu
 B. Taught and Preached on the return of Christ.
C. Baptized five new believers in the River Nzoia, this make fifty-nine new converts who have been baptized in the last three weeks.
In closing, I know that this type of journal log is not atypical for my style of writing and I hope I did not bore you with a lot of details but sometimes it is good to remember how we are spending each day that is a gift from God. If it seems like we are busy, you are right. But know that we are happy in the Lord doing His work and given the great sacrifice our Lord and Savior made for us there is nothing too small or great that we would not do for Him.
Jesus also reminds us that we must work while we can when He said,
I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.”  
                              Terry & Sporta
God Speed,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

Monday, October 17, 2011

Pokot Outreach becomes Landmark Baptist Church of Chepsabei

                                    Not ALL Fun!
After one year, what started with a burden to reach the Pokot tribe in the Kerio Valley has developed and been organized into the Landmark Baptist Church of Chepsabei.
We baptized twenty three charter members into the church this week then that followed their baptisms by voting on their new Pastor Loquardo, the church secretary and church treasurer.                   Baptism
We have not been in any rush to plant churches, however, God continues to assemble born again believers and call men of God to Pastor them. Church planting is a humbling experience as we watch God work in individual lives as well as the villages He has put on our hearts. It is hard to describe the incredible transformation that has taken place in Chepsabei since that first Spirit led day God brought us there to preach the gospel. No missionary, no church had ever entered into this village that was living in total darkness but praise be to God they have seen the light and it is truly radiating throughout this village.
2 Co 4:6..." For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. "
 We now see individuals who were living with such oppression upon their lives through drunkenness and witchcraft that they are now totally delivered and set free to live for God. 
At this point, there is so much joy, happiness and unity within this group of born-again believers that is literally contagious to those of us who are working to teach, train and disciple this group as well as many of their fellow villagers who are enjoying this sweet fellowship.                       
                                       Solomon's Family
This Church plant, which is our seventh in the last three years, has also been an incredible faith builder for our team of six who were on the initial survey trips into the Kerio Valley to work with the Pokot tribe.    Teresa Baptized
I still hear those men regularly reference how God directed us to Chepsabi while seeking His will for us to reach this tribe for His honor and glory. It was an awesome experience and we will never forget how His presence was so strong, so real and so powerful.  
We have enjoyed God’s goodness and His sweet presence in such a way that we want others to experience this personal relationship with our God through His Son Jesus. This work has been a team effort as Terry has been teaching the ladies and we have had a rotating team of preachers from Mt. Elgon come on a weekly basis.

The believers of Chepsabei are already having an effect on the neighboring village of Asilong as some have also been saved there. God has called another Kenyan National preacher to work in this village. Our love for these folks grows deeper with each passing day as we continue to invest our lives and the lessons God has taught us into the lives of these new believers. Our work is more than nameless people, nameless villages and nameless Churches but is rather deeply personal as Terry and I form close personal relationships with people that will last throughout eternity.
                                      Church Vote
This approach to mission work involves time, energy and commitment to those who we bring to Christ but is one of the richest and most rewarding experiences a person will ever have. It is our conviction that these types of deeper discipling relationships are what Jesus modeled for us as he walked, talked and taught His apostles for some three and half years. This is “Great Commission” centered mission work as commanded by our Leader and Savior.  
Mat 28:19....." Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost"
Mat 28:20...." Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world." Amen.
In Closing, We want to give special thanks to the ladies of First Missionary Baptist Church of Auburndale, Florida for making pillow case dresses and shorts for the children of Chepsabei.       
Terry Helping
Dressing Little Ones
New Dresses
New Shorts
Happy Girls
We covet your continued prayers and we need your continued support to be able to reach the lost and disciple the saved here in Kenya. 

In His Service,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

Kenya, East Africa

Phil. 4:13

Monday, October 10, 2011

Lake Victoria Crusade & Revival

We spent the last five days at Lake Victoria working in the fishing village of Wichlum and as well as the neighboring village of “Got”.  This was our third mission trip to this area and was by far the most powerful yet.  The camping was rigorous and the pace was intense but as the Bible says," great grace was upon us all."
Our introduction to the Luo tribe and the Lake Victoria mission started in 2009 when I led a young man named Kennedy to Christ. He became our traditional hunting guide for antelope and gazelle.   However, God has used those hunting trips in a way that we never could have expected or imagined.   During the course of our trips we have brought Kennedy’s family to Christ and did some village evangelism in Wichlum.   
                                           Kennedy Sharing God's Word
So I guess you could say we went hunting for animals but ended up fishing for men.  This third trip was no longer about hunting but was solely ministry related.    We have seen over one hundred profess Christ in this rough fishing village where there is not a single Church.
After each trip we would leave the new believers with Swahili John & Romans as well as some basic discipleship material.                                                                  Swahili John & Romans
Now God’s amazing grace and life changing salvation never ceases to amaze me but what is also amazing is how the way the Lord works in the lives of these new believers who have been saved and personally calls others into service.   You see during our absence from year to year there have been a group of believers who started assembling themselves on a weekly basis for prayers and Bible reading.    This group has been led by a fisherman named Jackson who has taken the initiative to lead them and also started doing evangelism in the neighboring village of “Got”.
                                         Evangelism Team
I will never forget the day we led Jackson to Christ as he was just returning from a night of fishing with three small fish on a string.   (Talking about scripture coming to life!)
                                    Chuck & Jackson
From the very first day he professed Christ he took us around to visit his neighbors to preach the gospel and now his entire block of neighbors are born again Christians attending His bible study.  We could hear several of Jackson’s fellow fishermen say, “If God can save Jackson and use him to do His work, all of Wichlum can be saved.”   Jackson Baptized
 Given the move of God upon these folks lives our team thought it was time to come along side of this group who have proven themselves faithful even without a Pastor or Church to encourage their growth and strengthen their young faith.
We did two more days of evangelism in Wichlum and we also had a three day tent revival.
There were 56 who made professions of faith on this trip and we baptized 32 who have been patiently waiting for over a year to follow Christ in scriptural baptism.
                                          Lake Victoria Baptism
Scriptural Baptism
Jackson has surrendered his life to the ministry and we are in the processing of training him and equipping him to do what God has called him to do.   One of the saddest visits we made was on the first day at the house closest to the plot where the tent was set up where we met a young backslidden preacher.   Very sharp, very articulate, with a very clear account of salvation but now a drunkard who has wondered far from God.   Here he sits in the middle of a village of over 3000 people who are lost without Christ wasting his life with riotous living.   We tried to encourage him in the Lord and he attended the meetings two days but was missing on the third.
His name is James and he could use our prayers.
The Mt. Elgon and Pokot Ministry are areas that God really burdened us to reach but in His great love and through His sovereignty He is raising more men of God to reach into this region of Lake Victoria.   We covet your continued prayers and thank you to all those who partner with us to fulfill the great commission.              
        In His Service,
        Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

Monday, October 3, 2011

Planting Trees, Bearing Fruit and Building Dedication

While delivering pews to the Landmark Baptist Church of Mayanja this week, we were asked to do something that was a new experience for Terry and I since we started our mission work here in Kenya. Pastor Nixon and the members of LBC Mayanja gave us two trees to plant on the new plot which was purchased last week. Now I am sure of the significance of tree planting in this culture, and even in our culture, tree planting means different things to different people.
For example: it has been said that,
           “He who plants a tree, plants hope”.
It has also been my past experience that trees are planted in memory of someone as well as to coincide with the laying of the foundation of a building project. Regardless of the intent, here is how it spoke to my heart. As we placed the young saplings into the prepared holes my thoughts were all about bringing lost people to a relationship with God Almighty through His son Jesus and then seeing them grow and mature in their faith as a part of God’s local New Testament Church while producing much fruit along the path of their life.    Delivering Pews
The symbolism regarding the church itself was equally compelling as we have been privileged to take part in the greatest endeavor on earth, Church Planting. We have had the high privilege of planting new Churches with new believers who have coveted together to keep the commands of the Lord Jesus Christ. Nowhere is this more evident than at the Landmark Baptist Church of Mawe Tatu (3 Stones) with Pastor Shadrach where we participated in the building dedication service yesterday.
                                       Dedication Prayer
The members decorated the mud building in such a way that it was absolutely beautiful.
It just proves that you can still give God your best regardless of your social economic status anywhere in the world. We came along side of Pastor Shadrach at the beginning of 2009 to help him fulfill his calling in this new village.                                   Congregation at Dedication
The Church was started in the Pastors house with his young family. It was planted with days of preparation through prayer, fasting and village evangelism as we began to reach his neighbors with the gospel. The church began to grow as his neighbors began to make professions of faith in Christ and followed Jesus in scriptural baptism. The growth would continue week after week, month after month and now after some years we see men and women of God who are maturing into saints of God who are bearing much fruit in their life. These mature men and women are now becoming seasoned and have been well trained and well equipped to do the work God has called them to do.
The significance of the Church far exceeds the size, style and shape of the building and as we learned as children, the people are the church. We praise the Lord and give him all the glory for providing a sanctuary for these wonderful saints of God to assemble themselves through the sacrificial offerings of God‘s people in America. The Pastor and members are thankful for those who have partnered with them during this building process, but make no mistake that they also give God the credit and glory for this great provision. They, too ,have given sacrificial offerings towards the building of their sanctuary. Pastor Digging Outhouse
Pastors from the six Churches we have been working with were able to attend this special day of celebration.
                                  Dream Team
We have learned the importance of creating a fellowship of Churches as there is strength in numbers and it is our hearts desire that if we plant one church there would be at least four more close enough for training and fellowship.
                             Terry and Wamama
The day ended as you might have guessed with another tree planting at LBC 3-Stones where I planted an avocado tree.
My hope is that this tree too will bear much fruit that we will enjoy for many years to come.

John 15:16 "Ye have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain:
that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in My Name, He may give it you. "
In His Service,
                                                        Candy Time
Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez, Kenya
Phil. 4:13 
   Little Worker at  Landmark Baptist Church