Monday, October 11, 2010

Builders and Bow Hunters

Terry Helping as Usual...
Over the last twenty two months we have done our best to let God set our ministry goals and priorities.  I believe because of His leadership we have accomplished way more than we ever could have dreamed or anticipated.   As the time has passed and as God has given the increase we find ourselves more involved and busier than ever.   Much of our work load in addition to seminars, Bible studies and evangelism currently involves three simultaneous building projects. We have one down and two to go before our first scheduled furlough in two months.   One of the many things I remember from my military training in ROTC and from my father who is a retired U.S. Army Colonel was a method of planning called the “reverse planning sequence”.   It involves working backwards from your “D-Day” to the present day and is a very effective way of keeping you on schedule.  Well, looking at my calendar and staring down the barrel of a new year which we will start back in the USA with our children and grandchildren, I can see that we need to continue to push ourselves in order to properly prepare our work for our furlough.   Because of the demands of our schedule we are spending much more time traveling to the Mt. Elgon region to deliver materials and to help build wherever we are needed.   This week we finished the trusses on our second sanctuary and we are preparing to install roofing next week. 
Each truss has to be built in place as there is no way to prefabricate them and then to lift them onto the new sanctuary.   With the trusses installed, the buildings full shape and size is clearly defined and the excitement grows each week with the anticipation of our dedication service next month. 
We definitely need prayers for our backs in particular because we are truly feeling the pain from two years of off-roading in the interior and paved roads which are absolutely in utter disrepair.
  Add to this three building projects, the fact that we are middle age grandparents and you have a recipe for chronic back pain.
Camel Crossing
My hat goes off to our missionaries who have served in Africa for dozens of years as I know they have endured daily back trauma year after year.   In addition to the business of building we took our third trip into the Kerio Valley to minister to the Pokot tribe and in particular the people of a village called “Chepsabei”.  
There are many things that make this part of our ministry very special but each time we visit I am reminded of just how important it is because we are truly sharing the gospel with people who have never heard it before.  On more than one occasion I have heard the words of the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8:31 from the villagers of Chepsabei, ”how can I except some man guide me”. 
We are continuing to push deeper and deeper by foot inside this huge sprawling village that covers many kilometers.  The temperature can run up to one hundred degrees and I have to give credit to my dear wife Terry as she went this week in spite of not feeling well.  I know her servant’s heart was leading her as she did not want to let the momma’s down that she has started a relationship with in this village. 
Terry & Mary bringing God's Love to Mamas and Children
Her involvement with the ladies cannot be overstated as they practically cheer when they see her coming.  I have to admit she was a great encouragement to me knowing she was suffering from her health but willing to continue to serve the Lord.  The Lord honored her sacrifice as she and Mary lead ten people to Christ.
I thank the Lord for her. With each visit we are meeting large groups of new people. We also now have our new converts that anxiously await our return and welcome us as brothers and sisters in Christ.  
Terry gives Mamas Audio Bibles in the Pokot Language
It is an amazing thing to see the hand of God at work before our very eyes in the lives of these new believers as they make peace with Him through the Lord Jesus.   Amazing Grace how sweet the sound!
We are also learning more about the Pokot culture as these precious folks open up their lives to us.  For example: this week I learned that in addition to being pastoralist’s that raise camels, goats, sheep and cows for a livelihood they are also skilled bow hunters.   While we were waiting for our guide Peter who is a new convert there were many children who gathered around us.  Most of the young boys carried small bow and arrows with steel broad heads.   At first I thought they were just for target practice or for pass time until we met one of their fathers who was returning from hunting with a “man’s bow”.   He explained that they hunt a smaller version of the antelope in the grazing foothills of Uganda which borders their village.
***(click on picture to enlarge and see expressions on childrens faces)
Each time we visit we leave more solar powered audio bibles in the Pokot dialect which are turning into small group community Bible listening stations throughout the village. 
In closing, our group has been confronted by one of the local witch doctors who tried to scare us away but "greater is He that is us than he that is in the world."    We covet your continued prayers.
God Keep You and Bless You,
Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
Phil. 4:13
Mamas & Children...Pokot Village

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