Monday, September 20, 2010

Under Construction and the Eternal Gift

With three churches under construction and no sawmill around we are having to cut large amounts of timbers from local trees.   We spent three days this week processing lumber to be used for building sanctuaries.    This type of work is very demanding but is also very rewarding when we see God’s people coming together to build the house of God.  We may be shortchanging our brethren in the United States who give to a building project but never have the opportunity to get their hands dirty.   In any case there is such a great level of pride on the part of these church members who sacrifice time and energy to see the work of the Lord progress. 
    1st Tree Down
One such member of Landmark Baptist Church of Mawe Tatu is a man called “Japheth”.   You have seen Japheth in most of our photos over the last year and half doing evangelism, teaching, preaching and construction.   God really knew we would need him to do all this construction.   He is a master builder with over 25 years of experience in almost every area of Kenya as well as Sudan and Uganda. 

I stand amazed at his skill with a chainsaw as he is able to cut some of the finest 2x3’s and 2x4’s possible.    As a young man he obtained the nickname of “Smasher” because he was able to cut down as many as 900 trees in a day.   He has built bridges, buildings, walls and now in his semi-retirement God has made him an intricate part of our ministry team.  
His spiritual growth has been incredible and he is currently serving as a teacher, secretary and right hand man to his Pastor Shadrach at the Landmark Baptist Church of Mawe Tatu (3 Stones). 
Dueling Saws....Japheth on left...
Guava Break
His testimony of salvation is as follows:  During the early days of the work at Mawe Tatu he said he saw Pastor Peter and I as we were in the village doing evangelism.   He said that when we got close to his house he purposely left so he would not have to listen to us.    However, on our second visit to his village God got a hold of him and we caught him at home.   No longer running from God he trusted Christ by faith and was immediately baptized.   
Since that day he has been instrumental in the Church leadership and has become a great soul winner with the testimony of an alcoholic who has been totally transformed by his faith in Christ. 

He participates along with Pastor Shadrach in evangelism on Mt. Elgon and has helped pioneer the Pokot Tribe Outreach.                Loading Wood
Japheth has been a blessing to our work and we thank God that He brought the right people to the right place at the right time that His will may be accomplished.  
 Not only did we work with Pastor Shadrach and Japheth during the week cutting wood but we also worshipped with them on the Lord’s Day.    The mud was thick from the overnight rain but we had a great day of singing, praying, teaching and preaching with the folks at LBC of Mawe Tatu.  
After the service we gave out fifteen new Bibles which were given by Rose Lawn Missionary Baptist Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. 
One of the many ministries of RLMBC is to get Bibles in the hands of missionaries. 
God uses many different Churches and individuals in the work here.  We thank Pastor Rick McVigh and the members for giving an eternal gift to the members at LBC of Mawe Tatu. 
They were extremely happy to receive something that would cost them around a week’s pay but more importantly they honor the Word of God in such a way that it is one of their most precious possessions. 
It is the eternal gift they will cherish for many years to come.  
Little Lamb 

God Keep You and Bless You,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
Kenya, East Africa

Phil. 4:13

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