Monday, August 9, 2010

Answered Prayers, God's Clan & Blessings Beyond Measure

God has answered our prayers this week as Kenyans turned out to vote on the new constitution which was passed by a great majority. The vote on Wednesday took place in a peaceful and orderly manner. There seemed to be a great sigh of relief and a huge step forward for a country that was torn apart just two years ago through the post election tribal clashes. Thank you to all who prayed for the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Since there were no negative side effects from the vote we turned our attention back to the work God has called us to do. Saturday we returned to a village called Myanja or sometimes known as “Sand Land” for its abundant building sand which is sold all over Kenya .

It is located within ten kilometers of the Ugandan border and at the southern part of Mt. Elgon. For over a year now a young preacher named Nixon has been holding a weekly Bible study there and we have gone on many occasions to support his efforts through village evangelism.
However, during the course of our visits it seemed as if Nixon would run into one problem after another.
For some reason it was a real struggle for him:
 #1 To even find a solid meeting place,
 #2 To find people who were genuinely interested in knowing and walking with God
 #3. To build a work that would eventually turn into a new testament church.
Barriers, walls and hurdles seemed to be the norm for this new work until this month when God opened the windows of heaven and poured out a blessing. Throughout all the trials and struggles this young preacher kept seeking and searching for God’s perfect will until it was clearly revealed in a great way.
Before I go any further it important to realize that large villages such as Myanja are made up of many different clans. Previously we have done evangelism with two other large clans within the village that were cold and indifferent at best. From the first time we visited Myanja, My wife Terry said, “there is something wrong in this place”. It is funny how a wife can have spiritual insight and discernment ahead of a husband from time to time and I am not ashamed to admit that Terry was absolutely right on this one. I hate to think what it would be like to try to do God’s work without a help met that compliments me in every way. However, through prayer and repeated efforts God led us to the right place and the right people at the right time. As ten of us met to do hut to hut evangelism it was as if we were in a different world because the hearts of the people were so open and eager to hear God’s Word. Keep in mind we were in the same village but just witnessing to a different clan.
We met at a village elders house named Joseph who said he had been praying for years that God would bring someone to his clan to teach them God’s Word. To hear someone say that we are part of an answered prayer they have been praying for years goes beyond the routine and into the realm of providential.
William Cary, the great missionary to India once said “To know the will of God, we need an open Bible and an open map.”
Looking back on this Sand Land experience we can see God’s leading from Clan to Clan without finding true peace until we arrived at the right area on the map. We pray above all things that God will lead us as our hearts desire is to give Him the glory for every soul saved and every life transformed. As we visited house to house the reception to the gospel and God’s people was overwhelming. When each one of the four evangelism groups returned for prayer the reports were all the same. People who did not know Christ gladly received his word and were so thrilled to know that they had a Bibles study they could attend to learn more.

We are not talking about people who were receiving food, medical aid or clothing but people who were happy to know that God loved them and now would have a weekly meeting place where they could come and grow spiritually through God’s word. The people were so enthusiastic about hearing God’s Word that they were practically begging us to come and share the Bible with them.
There were twenty five precious souls that trusted Christ from this clan and there are literally hundreds more waiting to hear the truth. Since this group has exploded overnight and outgrown their ability to met in a home I told Nixon that we would get a tent to him as soon as possible. I thank God he has called this young preacher to Myanja and we can expect great things now that we found God’s clan.
A prepared people for a prepared preacher with a prepared message about a prepared Savior.
It does not get any better than that.
Sunday we taught and worshiped at Mawe Tatu with Pastor Shadrach.
The Landmark Baptist Church at Three Stones, as we affectionately call it, is busting at the seams with their tent overflowing as God continues to bless this young Church. When I take the time to reflect on what God is doing on Mt.Elgon and in these surrounding areas where we are working I am completely and utterly amazed by God’s grace and I want to praise Him more and more. We ask you to pray and possibly fast if you are able as we will travel Tuesday through Thursday to bring God’s Word to the Pokot tribe.
Our survey team was granted permission last week from the appropriate Chief and DC’s to allow us to preach the Gospel to this often troubled tribe. God is able if we will be faithful and obedient.
May God Keep you and Bless you.
The 'Hands Picture' of  Friends is Nelson & I.....Both safe in the Hands of Jesus....

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
Kenya, East Africa

Phil. 4:13

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