Acts 2:42....." And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers."
Not only was the breaking of bread an important event during biblical days but it is also an equally important part of Kenyan culture. One of the many talents Terry has is cooking.
Generally she bakes fresh banana bread or corn bread for our Bible Studies and meetings which have become very popular among our Kenyan brethren. They possess the capability and ingredients to bake both of these breads but have never been taught how until now.
Now keep in mind these women are used to cooking with a pot on three stones and Terry has no experience at cooking on open fire.
So to bridge the gap we purchased a small wood burning oven in Eldoret and donated it to the Church so the Momma’s will be able to use it for future fellowships.
After the Bible based teachings on the Christian home the women assembled outside for their first class in baking 101.
Most had never seen a wood burning oven and they were all very impressed by it.
We tend to take for granted the many blessings we have which include cooking by gas or electricity.
Each woman was given a copy of both recipes in Swahili and then listened intently to the instructions on mixing and baking.
After approximately one hour of cooking the bread was ready for testing.
As each woman tasted the sweat banana bread and corn bread you could see how excited they were as they realized they will be able to cook something they have never cooked in their life.Can you imagine tasting something new and different like banana bread for the first time?
One of the men told me that Terry loves the Momma’s and Children very much and had given the Momma’s something eternal through the Word of God and something that can be passed down from generation to generation through cooking.
Please pray for us this week as will be doing extensive traveling over the next ten days with our guests.
God Keep You and Bless You,
Chuck and Terry Fernandez
Mt. Elgon and Western Kenyahil
Phil. 4:13
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