While we have enjoyed the company of our guests from American over the last week, we know that all good things come to an end. Well, at least earthly things. The first five days of their trip we lived on the road with Bro. Dan Riley and his father Don doing seminars, building, village evangelism, preaching and baptisms. We finally gave them a day of rest before returning back to the real reason why they came. Now it goes without saying they will be able to give a firsthand account and report as to the work we are doing on Mt. Elgon and Western Kenya to our Pastor and sending Church but the main purpose for their visit was to do the work of God. Both of these men have compassion for the lost and participate in evangelism through our Church. They were a great blessing to work with during our day of Eldoret street evangelism because they are both well trained and well seasoned soul winners. What great fishers of men!
I am thankful that the Lord has sent me to such a great field to bring in the harvest and I am also thankful that he has sent forth laborers who are willing to partner in the Great Commission. It was such an honor to watch Bro. Don Riley who is seventy nine years young share his testimony along with the gospel to people who he had never met before and perhaps will never see again on this side of eternity.
I sat back and listened with delight as he preached all over the Bible to large groups of rough neck men who work with their hands. Note: (Bro. Don worked some thirty five years as a fabricator/mechanic for Eastern Airlines and could really relate to these men). They listened intently as this wise man shared his faith in a clear and concise manner. In the end it was apparent that he was endued with the power from on high as we saw many men who were sincerely concerned about their spiritual condition come to Christ by faith. One of the young preachers who we work with said something about Bro. Don that really made sense to me as I watched him work throughout the week. He said, “Even if Bro. Don did not say a word while here in Kenya, he had inspired us all just by coming”. I personally agree one hundred percent.
We saw fourteen men from various tribes accept Christ that afternoon.
After street evangelism we made our way to the two Bibles studies where Bro. Dan taught on Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego as well as Daniel while Bro. Don taught on Jesus, Who is the image of the invisible God. The lessons were passionate and powerful. As we closed the Bible studies we received a phone call from a man we met on the streets who took a Swahili Bible and a Gospel tract, he said he had read the material and had made a decision to receive Christ and turn his life over to the Lord. We praised the Lord at the end of the day as we witnessed yet another great example of how the Spirit of God moves independent of our efforts in the redemption of the lost. AMEN!
The last item and last priority for our honored guests was to give them the opportunity to see some of the wildlife here in Kenya at the Lake Nakuru Game Park.
It is always fun to end a short term mission trip with an animal safari.
We know it is a great sacrifice for people to travel thousands of miles to visit us in Kenya but we also know from the testimonies and personal experience that their lives will never be the same.
We hate to say goodbye but they leave with great memories and they leave having strengthened and encouraged us to press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. In closing, we thank God for these two men and we ask you to please pray for Bro. Dan and Bro. Don as they have had numerous delays on their return trip by runway problems in Kenya, overbooking in London, etc, etc…
God Bless You and Keep You,Chuck & Terry Fernandez
Mt. Elgon and Western KenyaPhil. 4:13
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