While Kenya does not celebrate the same holidays as we do in America our hearts and minds are always thinking of what is taking place back home. We are keenly aware of the holidays we are missing with our family, friends and Church. Memorial Day is very special to both Terry and I as our fathers are both Viet Nam Veterans who lost friends in action. Also our Son Chuck III who is a Marine lost friends in combat while serving in Iraq. Our hearts and prayers go out to the families of those who paid the ultimate price for our freedom and the American flag proudly flies in front of our house today. This week we held our second street evangelism campaign here in Eldoret.
The first one was attended by the Pastors we work with from Western Kenya but this time the men of our weekly Bible study also participated. For many of these men it was the first time in their life they have ever shared their faith with others. We prepared this day with months of prayer believing God would delivered in a great way. There were eleven men who united for a day on the streets of Eldoret to share the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. After meeting for prayer and dividing up into four groups representing four sections of the city we fanned out into what would be the busiest day in Eldoret I believe I have ever seen. Eldoret is a central city where people come from all over for business and supplies.

At times we were surrounded by what seemed like one hundred people as we gave out gospel tracts, the book of John and Romans and preached on street corners.
It is a far different atmosphere from the quiet country farm setting where we go house to house in the interior of Western Kenya or on Mt. Elgon. Nevertheless it was an answer to prayer as our hearts desire is to reach as many people as possible with the “Good News”.
While there were hundreds that took time out of their busy schedule to hear God’s Word proclaimed we really needed the power of the Holy Spirit to cut through the noise from vehicles, construction and even mockers. The day was blessed as there were twenty four precious souls who made professions of faith and there were dozens more that I cannot even began to speculate who prayed publicly to receive Christ and whose names we did not get. Only the Lord knows, but time and heaven will eventually reveal the faith of those who accepted Christ on Tuesday.
The day was both blessed and wild.

Ater evangelism we held two Bible studies for those that wanted more teachings and we were also blessed to have the Mayor of Eldoret stop in and thank us for the evangelism efforts we put forth in her town.
Sunday, we attended one of our
Churches that was holding a special offering for the purpose of building a laboratory. While the restrooms here may look very much like an outhouse they are a necessity for every new Church. The thirty foot hole is dug and I was told that they raised enough funds to start building this week. Offerings here are a real blessing as they contain the best of what the people have to give to God which obviously includes coins and bills but also includes chickens, bananas, beans and avocados. We need to give special thanks to F.I.S.H. Ministries for providing the John and Romans books that were given out this week and all who support our work with prayers and finances for we know it would not be possible without either.
May God Keep You and Bless You,
Chuck & Terry Fernandez
Mt. Elgon and Western Kenya
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