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After two weeks of teaching, training and Christian mentoring, our two Pokot brothers Peter and Solomon from Chepsabei returned home to their families and friends to start what we believe is going to be a very powerful extension of our ministry. The early Church in the book of Acts has left us a clear pattern to follow as we see disciples making disciples. That is our hope and our prayer with Peter and Solomon. Not only were their families anxiously awaiting their return but so was much of the village. They came bearing gifts from our brethren in Western Kenya which included: bananas, avocados (which they had never seen), beans, clothing and candy. The people were amazed that they made it back in one piece and by the fact that they have people that care about their physical needs as well as their spiritual needs. We used the occasion as another opportunity to teach them about the life of Christ through the word of God. The more we go, the more we teach, the more we invest in their lives, the more they are growing to know and love us. Mt. Elgon Chief's

After a day of recovery from traveling to Pokot we were finally able to successfully climb Mt. Elgon to deliver roofing materials for the Church at Kipsigon.
Mt. Elgon Pastors
It is a minor victory in itself to be able to get to the top of the mountain given the condition of the road. Men from LBC Kipsigon, LBC Cheptabrubru and LBC Mawe Tatu have already cut and processed wood to start building as soon as the wood is cured. Building Pews
Next week we will attempt to deliver windows, doors and the sign so that the eagerly awaiting Pastors can continue to move forward with the work. Terry Giving Biscuits
Pastor Alex and Pastor David really support each other’s efforts on their respective side of the mountain. It is a great blessing to see God’s people working in unity and harmony for the cause of Christ. The highlight of our week was definitely the dedication service for the new sanctuary at Landmark Baptist Church at Namarambi.
There were over two hundred that attended the service.
The building was built primarily by the members of the church who took great pride in every aspect of their work. What started with four people meeting in a home has grown into a strong New Testament Church that is now a lighthouse for Christ in their village. I realize that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit but it sure is a blessing to see this group of believers who have coveted together to keep the commands of the Lord Jesus have a nice building to meet in. They have faithfully met in a small house and then a tent for the last two years and I believe God has blessed their faithfulness with a new building. As we dedicated the building for God’s honor and glory it was clear that this church was going to be a house of praise, prayer and power for many years to come. Praising Jesus

I praise God for our brethren in the USA who have partnered with us through special offerings and sacrificial giving to make much of this work possible. We covet your continued prayers as we minister on Mt. Elgon, the surrounding area and in the Kerio Valley.
Titus 2:13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
Titus 2:14 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.
May God Keep You and Bless You,
Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez
Kenya, East Africa
Phil. 4:13
Kitchen Crew
People Waiting