In addition to all the security measures we moved our household items into the house so when we finish our last month of language school we have everything in Turkana to begin our ministry work here. During all of the moving, construction and cleaning the replacement camera has come up missing. I told Terry, digital cameras must be the hottest ticket on the black market here in Africa. Fortunately, we bought a very inexpensive replacement for the first one that was stolen but still it is very discouraging. So the pictures that are attached were taken from my phone camera again and not good quality but better than nothing. Needless to say we are exhausted from the physical work and heat but we are glad we took this opportunity to make preparations for our move.
Today we celebrated my birthday by visiting a village called Nakechichok.
By the way, Thank you for all the warm birthday wishes!
We had great services and enjoyed teaching, preaching and worshiping with God’s people.
As with virtually every trip to remote areas we usually return with the sick from the village to bring them to Lodwar for medical treatment. Today we hauled coal for some of the Church members to sell in town and also brought back a baby who has been severely sick for almost two weeks now. Before we made it to town we stopped at an old Momma’s house named Mama Samson. We delivered meds to her in February as she was suffering from TB. She wanted to greet the missionaries who brought her the medicine that helped cure her. She has made a full recovery thanks to the great physician, the Lord. She asked for special prayers as they have lost their entire herd of goats due to the drought they are experiencing here in Turkana. It has not rained here since March and they only get around 10 inches per year. Prayer is important no matter what the subject is or where you are in the world but when it involves the life and death of people with very basic survival needs it tends to get your fullest attention. The people are really suffering here and are in desperate need of rain and relief. Before we left, the old Mama offered us some camel meat in appreciation for us stopping by to greet her and for bringing her medicine. Keep in mind that these are people who are starving wanting to give very healthy Americans food.
What a humbling experience.
You may be wondering if I accepted the gift?
It would be extremely disrespectful and offensive to decline something that is intended to be a blessing so we traveled back to Lodwar with a bag of camel meat.
God will bless the giving spirit of those that are in need.
The Bible says give and it shall be given unto you.
We will be traveling back this week with a different vehicle as I need to be bring the radiator from the Land Cruiser to Eldoret to be repaired. The Discovery Land Rover is much newer than the Toyota but has been sitting for a year.
So we covet your continued prayers for protection and provision. Special thanks to the Eddie Williams INN of Lodwar and thank you for taking time to remember us in prayer as we continue what is truly an journey of faith.
Chuck & Terry Fernandez
Kenya, East Africa
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