Thursday, January 4, 2024


Kenya/Uganda/10-40 Mission Development

2023 A Year In Review


December 31, 2023

Let me preface this year-end report as I do each year by saying, "Happy and Blessed New Year" and “To God be the Glory, Great things He hath done”.   Let me also say Thank you to all of you who faithfully support the Great Commission centered works Sis. Terry and I are a part of in East Africa as well as Florida through your prayers and finances.  2023 was another exceptional year for our East African Ministry. In fact, the growth was so expansive that i feel comfortable saying I am not sure there is another place in the world today that we are seeing God move and so many saved & so many New Testament Churches planted. My Pastor, Tim Myers regularly says, "it is the closest work to the book of Acts that I have ever seen". In fact, there is not enough room in this report to tell you all the great things that God is doing in what is now three East African Countries. We see a great love for our great Savior in action. John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

Over the course of 2023, weekly evangelism efforts have led 15,816 souls to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. They were able to baptize 10,311 of their new coverts and unite them with Local New Testament Churches. Praise the Lord! First & Second generation Churches continue to plant dozens of new Churches which now number well over one hundred. For perspective purpose only, Sis. Terry and I help plant 16 Churches over a seven year period as full time resident missionaries to Kenya and Uganda. Everything that has been reported are propagated from those 16 Churches. Please Note the details at the close of this report and please continue to pray for these young Churches as they obey the commands of Christ by sending out evangelists two by two in 2023. Mark 6:7a And he called unto him the twelve, and began to send them forth by two and two. (Below) These pictures are indicative of the massive growth we have seen over the last seven years. Top group is the original 16 pastors with a couple of deacons. The bottom photo was take during March Trip 2023.

New Islands Reached


2023 saw Landmark Baptist Evangelists preached the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ in dozens of new villages. Those villages are located in the Mt. Elgon region and the Uganda side of the Kerio Valley as well as Lake Victoria. For example; some of the most exciting new outreaches took place in the last three weeks of December with Evangelists from the Mt. Elgon region traveling to Lake Victoria. Not only were they able to strengthen and encourage the Landmark Baptist Churches of Siaya and Bondo area but they also took boats to Mageta and Maguda Islands. They would lead forty seven to Christ during their ministry safari. In fact, God blessed them as they were planning to go house to house but after the Chiefs found out who they were they would gather the people

together for open air preaching.


Bible studies have been established in Makusaelwa were 17 folks have been saved, Yalusi where 8 have been saved, Nabakholo saw 16 profess Christ, Emakunga 52 saved, Chepkora 40 saved, Ondoti 56 saved, Mukuyuni 81 professed Christ, Siritanyi 30 saved, Passpalamu 69 Saved. The LBC Evangelist's will continue to teach these new converts and baptize them in the near future. Please pray for these dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ and consider their needs of God called Pastors, Bibles, Tents to meet under and eventually a permanent Sanctuary. If you are interested in partnering with us in 2024 to help encourage these new believers and eventual Churches, please contact me at: or call me at


NOTE: if you look closely at above and below pictures you will only see two Swahili Bibles in the hands of all those in attendance from Mageta and Maguda Islands. Would you or your Church partner with one of these new outreaches to purchase the number of Bibles for the number saved?

Providing God's Word


Through our faithful ministry partners, in 2023 we were able provide hundreds of solar audio Bibles in the Swahili, Pokot and Karamojong languages. Additionally we provided hundreds of hardback Swahili Bibles along with John and Romans for the Evangelists to use during village evangelism. People are starving for the Word of God in Kenya and Uganda. We will continue to do our best by the grace of God to provide them with His Holy word to help them know Him and grow thereby.

Psalm 119:105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

New Country with Historic 1st New Testament Church

2023 produced historic news of the organization of the first New Testament Church in the 10/40 window of an unreached country.  We have provided training in Kenya for the men God has called to preach the Gospel in this closed country.  They have returned  to their home Nation and preached the gospel leading twenty seven to Christ. We subsequently transported them to Kenya for Baptism and with the help of our LBC Pastors organized them into the first and only New Testament Church in their country. This is exactly why Sis. Terry and I continue to maintain a ministry presence in East Africa. Jesus said the gates of hell will not prevail against His Church.   As the return of the Lord draws nigh, He is not willing that any should perish but that all would come unto repentance towards God and faith in our Lord.  Please pray for protection of those involved in this new and exciting Church plant.  If you want to know more about this country please contact me privately through email or phone.

A Message From One of our Partners:

My name is Jason Rutherford, and I serve as Pastor at Alma Heights MBC in Alma, Arkasas. After praying privately for years and praying as a church for months for the lost in the closed countries of the 10/40 window, God connected our church with Brother Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez over a year and a half ago. Partnering with them and our brothers in East Africa, we are seeing God do amazing things. Be praying for the people who have no access to the gospel: God is opening doors!

2023 Sanctuary Construction 


(Above) Landmark Baptist Church at Matili has been completed since picture was taken in March. Thank you Pastor Isaac Slape and the folks at Calvary MBC in Muldrow, Oklahoma for partnering with LBC Matili

  Landmark Baptist Church at Kaborioti and Kamachei received iron sheets to construct their sanctuaries. It does our hearts good to know our brethren are not totally dependent on us building turn key sanctuaries and are willing to do their part to help build. We simply parnter and encourage however we can.

Landmark Baptist Bible Institute Mt. Elgon Completed in 2023


We have completed the LBBI at Mt. Elgon (Below) The classrooms, bathroom/showers and dormitory were used during our March seminar. As you can see they only need bunk beds to get the men of God off the ground. This facility is key to teaching and training Men of God to reach the lost and Pastor the Lord's New Testament Churches.

2 Tim 2:2 And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.

These are the poles and trusses which have been shipped to the Kerio Valley for Landmark Baptist Bible Institute in the last two weeks. As previously reported, the bricks are made. The wood has also been transported from western Kenya and we fully expect to see poles going in the ground in January. We build by faith knowing we need another $13,000 to bring this structure to completion. Thank you to all have sacrifically given towards this important Bible Institute. Neh. 2:18 And they said, Let us rise up and build. So they strengthened their hands for this good work.

2023: Thousands Trust Christ on Mt. Elgon, Kerio Valley, Lake Victoria & Unnamed Country
New 2nd Bible Institute Under Constructio

Listed below are only part of the Number of Professions of Faith and Baptisms as reported by the Pastors and Evangelists of the Landmark Baptist Churches we currently partner with in East Africa. While I fully understand that the names do not resonate with you unless you have traveled with me over the last fifteen years. Surely the Souls saved, Baptized and Added to the Churches will give you reason to rejoice. To God be the Glory! Great Things He Hath Done!


Ndivisi 456 saved and 270 baptism, Mawetatu 94 saved 16 baptism,Namarambi 223 saved 38 baptism,Soysambu 15 saved 12 baptism, Evaclate 82 saved 69 Baptism , Chelekei 207 saved 201 baptism, Matili 193 saved 190 baptism,Kibuk 290 saved 119 saved,

Matisi 92 Saved 88 Baptism Bokoli 201 Saved 196 Baptism

Mayanja 66 saved 62, Sinoko 106 Saved 104 Baptism,

Kimatuni 220 saved 218 baptism, Namajalala 101 saved 80 baptism,

Nakoba 114 saved 22 baptism, Kibuku 78 saved 56 baptism,

Manafwa 126 saved 65 baptism, Sirongo 82 saved 26 Baptism,

Namanje 96 saved 78 Baptism, Kimwanga 69 saved 38 Baptism,

Mechimeru 114 Saved 100 Baptism, Makhonge 124 Saved 120 Baptism

Chesamisi 186 Saved 180 Baptism, Chenjeni 200 Saved 189 Baptism,

Chelebei 196 saved 157 baptism, Kamachei 220 saved 215 baptism

Tindibale 126 saved 81 baptism, Tuebei 105 saved 79 baptism,

Kumabusi 126 saved 97 baptism, Kapkerwa 84 saved 60 Baptism

Chebichi 189 saved 126 baptism

Kibuke 119 saved 115 baptism, Saboti 159 saved 150 baptism, MIanga 212 saved 185 baptism, Chemondi 161 saved 15 baptism, Chesokwo 118 saved 120 baptism, Cherwandoi 340 saved 311 baptism, Chemta 269 saved 112 baptism, Kamabusi 156 saved 84 baptism,Cheptaburuburu 354 saved 306 baptism,Chepguruguru 288 saved 265 baptism, Huruma 146 saved 64 baptism, Panandeka 216 saved 211 baptism, Cheptandan 145 saved 109 baptism, Kaboriot 392 saved 315 baptism,Kipsigon 81 saved 44 baptism, Siaya 90 saved 66 baptism,Got 88 saved 12 baptism,Wichloum 64 saved 60 baptism, Uwendo 218 saved 208 baptism, Chenjeni 202 saved 189 baptism,Cheptais 371 saved 330 baptism, Sikhendu 50 saved 32 baptism, Malomonye 112 saved 110 baptism, Lunyu 181 saved 166 baptism, Nalondo 104 saved 86 baptism,Tuebei 37 saved 21 baptism,Chebei 120 saved 71 baptism, Lutacho 196 saved 182 baptism,Chebosi 199 saved 99 baptism,Mvunje 55 saved 25 baptism, Kopsiro 313 saved 262 baptism, Butiru 208 saved 207 baptism, Chalicha 209 saved 160 Baptized

, Cheptais 271 saved 230 baptism

Kibisi 112 saved 48 baptism, Cheposibpoi 70 saved 43 Baptized, Moriweris 25 Saved 20 Baptized,

Kakoron 40 Saved 15 Baptized, Kapswama 30 Saved 20 Baptized, Tandaposi 22 Saved, Lukhome 18 saved,



NOTE: We do not submit these numbers to take credit or ownership in any shape or form, but to encourage your faith today in our Lord Jesus Christ. We only glory in the cross of Calvary but recognize the importance of what God is doing through a fellowship of Churches in East Africa which is not currently being replicated in many parts of the world today.

We want to thank our Co-Sponoring Pastor Tim Johnson and Dean Springs MBC for their support and for the Churches of the American Baptist Association as well as individual friends, family and brethren who partner with Sis. Terry and I in East African and Florida. Please keep us and the Lord's Churches in Prayer as we push towards the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus.


In His Service,


Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

AKA: Missionary Loboduk & Mama Terry

Your Missionaries


Sending Church:

1st Baptist Church East Bay

10102 Big Bend Rd.

River View, Florida 33578


Co-Sponsoring Church

Dean Springs MBC

2106 Dean Springs Rd.

Alma, Ark

Thank You For: