Monday, October 4, 2021

Oct. 1, 2021




68 Saved On Mt. Elgon, New Sanctuary & Bricks for Bible Institute



The reports coming out of Kenya and Uganda are lengthy to record as a result of the shear workmen like attitude our brethren have with regard to preaching the gospel. Add to that, an intense love for Christ accompanied with a burden for the lost and we see a book of Acts type ministry unfolding before our very eyes. We simply praise the Lord and we stand in awe of the number of souls saved, baptized and New Testament Churches planted. So many new villages are being reached on a monthly basis that it is difficult for us to keep up with. Sister Terry and I personally worked in over fifty villages during our years in country but that number has more than doubled since 2015. Some of those villages are at the base of Mt. Elgon and some are near the peak on the Kenya and Uganda border. Newly reached villages include: Kamachei, Nakoba, Mianga, Namanje, Matili, Kimatuni and Chesamisi. Additionally we have great news that our ministry is preparing to cross the border into another neighboring East African nation. I'll share those details on that expansion in the coming month's.

(Above) Picture is one of our Landmark Baptist Evangelists preaching at the village of Nakoba where twenty eight received Christ.

Families of Faith


As you can see from the below picture, Grandmother, Mother and her two children recently trusted Christ in Nakoba.

Men and Women of Nakoba


(Left) These are some of the ladies of Nakoba who have gathered together to hear God's Word preached. Notice nobody has a Bible in their hands. Since this picture was taken we have sent dozens of Bibles for these new converts. (Below) are a group of Men from Nakoba gathering to discuss starting worship services. The old man in the suit has surrendered to the ministry and is currently being trained to become their Pastor.

John & Romans Arrive For Evangelism

(Top Left) you will notice boxes of Swahili John and Romans provided by FISH Ministries which the Landmark Baptist Evangelist are using to share the gospel and to teach them about the life and ministry of Christ.


Heb. 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword.


(Bottom Left) This is a picture of a tent frame being provided for the LBC at Chelikei on Mt.Elgon. We have purchased two new tents and five replacement tops for existing Churches to give them a place to worship as they patiently wait for a permanent building.

Building Supplies Arrive Lake Victoria
(ABOVE) Picture: From left to right, Pastor George of the Landmark Baptist Church of Siaya. His wife Ann and a Church leader from LBC Ndivisi who accompanied the steel trusses and poles to Lake Victoria. You can clearly see the joy Pastor and His wife have on their faces as they know God has provided and blessed their faithness. We thank our Ministry partners who continue to prayfully and finanically invest in the Lords work in East Africa.
Thirteen Baptized in the Kerio Valley
The below pictures are of the recent baptism of new converts in the Kerio Valley by Missionary Timothy Loquardo. All of those baptized belong to the Pokot tribe near Kacheliba. Would you pray for these new converts as they start their walk with Christ in the newness of life and are added to the Lord's Church?

Solar Audio Bibles Continue to be Distributed
ABOVE) Solar powered audio Bibles in the Pokot and Karamojong language continue to make their way into the hands of new converts in the Kerio Valley. We are making every effort to get these Bibles to new Christians to help them to grow in their faith. We thank God for our Ministry partners who provide this much needed tool to those who cannot read or write.
New Roof at Lukhome

The (ABOVE) picture is a group of members of the newly planted Church at Lukhome. If you will take a close look you will notice that they are holding twenty pieces of Mabati= (Tin Roofing) our ministry has provided. It is important to note that we do not provide a sanctuary for every new Church plant and in the case of Landmark Baptist Church at Lukhome, they built their own indigenous structure. We received word that a storm has blown the thatch grass roof off and they needed help. This is a great insight into our methodology as we encourage these new works to do what they can by depending on God and then partner with them as we see the need arise.


Bricks for 2nd Bible Institute


As you can see from the (below) picture, bricks are being made by the thousands for our second Landmark Baptist Bible Institute to be located in the Kerio Valley. I can't adequately describe the immense amount of work it takes to mix mud, make and bake bricks with limited amounts of water available in a semi-arid region. This Bible Institute is needed to train preachers coming out of Uganda and those in the Kerio Valley. They are making bricks without any support believing that God will bless the work of their hands and provide the necessary resources for building a dormitory. Would you pray for God's provision and consider partnering with these Men of God?

Special Thanks to 1st Baptist Church of Kingstowne and FISH MinistriesWe thank our God for the Churches of the American Baptist Association as well as individual friends, family and brethren who partner with Sis. Terry and I in East African and Florida. Please keep us and the Lord's Churches in Prayer as we push towards the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus.

In His Service,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

AKA: Missionary Loboduk & Mama Terry

Your Missionaries