Sunday, August 8, 2021


August 6, 2021



As summer draws to an end, we can look back and see how God has blessed the Florida Plant in so many ways. We continue to see folks receiving Christ and following Him in scriptural baptism. Discipleship is taking place on so many levels as we train new converts, new teachers and a new preacher of the gospel. Its good to reflect on the past when it seems like such a blur due to the heavy work load. We stand amazed and humbled by all God is doing in our very midst. To God be the glory, great things he hath done!

Texas Group Helps with VBS, Thank You Denson Springs MBC!

VBS was one of the highlights of our summer. God sent servants from East Texas to partner with us and they were a huge encouragement to our people. Pastor Jamie Hogan, His wife Regina and the entire Denson Springs MBC crew (above) did such an amazing job of organizing, decorating and teaching. They traveled a long distance, they slept in RV's and they worked in rain and the Florida summer heat. We have great ministry partners but Pastor Jamie, Sis. Regina and His Church family have truly given sacrificially to the Lords work here in Florida. During our Cosmic Crusade we saw a dozen youth profess Jesus Christ as Lord. 
As our teams went out into the community and we were able to reach new kids for the Lord. The impact of all the hard work and long hours will be seen for years to come.
 Sis. Terry and I saw two of our Grandchildren make professions of faith as well. Amen!

Six Follow Christ In Baptism


We recently baptized three adults and three youth (below) at the Florida Church plant. Please pray for these new converts as they walk in the newness of life in obedience to Christ. We praise the Lord for adding to His Church as we plant and water the seeds of the gospel.

Matt. 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Matt 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.


National, State & Local Meetings


The (below) picture was taken at the Annual ABA messenger meeting in Charleston, West Virginia. We also regularly attend State and local Missionary Baptist meetings to promote the work the Lord is doing in East Africa and Florida. This can be some of the most rewarding yet grueling part of mission work. We welcome those who think Missionaries are on perpetual vacation to join us in this Godly endeavor.

We also know that we cannot do all that we do without Gods faithful people supporting God called Missionaries. We are bound to thank God always for you!



As you can see from the (below) pictures, the Unsung Hero of the Mission field is the Missionary's wife. Sis. Terry is always behind the Missionary and behind the scenes working countless hours for the Lord. Many Pastors and Missionaries Wife's remain on the sidelines as they are an easy target of the enemy. I am thankful Sis. Terry has learned to endure hardness as a good soldier in Christ Jesus and her love for the Lord inspires me to keep pressing towards the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus.


She follows two true loves most of her life,

Often alone during great stress and strife:Leaving loved ones for homes far away,

Not knowing just how long she will stay.

Some have to learn a new way to cook and eat,

Sometimes they can't even talk to the people they meet.

Their families move from place to place,

Completely dependent on God for His grace.

She is the one who keeps him in prayer,

And mends his socks and pants when they tear.

She stretches the food like you've never seen,

You wouldn't believe what she does with sardines.

She is his cheerleader as he tries to win the world,

And he never has doubts that she is his girl.

She keeps things going when he is away,

And teaches her children to go not Astray.

She helps wherever she can with his ministry,

Trying to assist him in any way she can see.

Her life she has given to God and this man,

Praise from others was never in her plan.

She's her children's schoolteacher, tailor, and cook,

Trying to keep them in control with that look.

Teaching them to try to fit in where they live,

Yet holding on to morals that will not give.

She's given her life helping and serving others,

Leaving behind her sisters and brothers.

The unsung hero of the mission field,

The missionaries wife, whose life we have revealed.


Special Prayer Request



After six years of renting a building we are reaching the place where we need to think about purchasing a facility for a more permanent place for the Church. We will have some exciting news in our next post. Please make this transition a matter of prayer as we look for Gods will with regard to potential properties as well as His provision. We also want to thank our God for the Churches of the American Baptist Association as well as individual friends, family and brethren who partner with Sis. Terry and I in East African and Florida. Please keep us and the Lord's Churches in Prayer as we push towards the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus.


In His Service,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

AKA: Missionary Loboduk & Mama Terry

Your Missionaries


Sending Church:

1st Baptist East Bay

10102 Big Bend Rd. .

River View, Florida 33578


Co-Sponsoring Church:

Dean Springs MBC

2106 Dean Springs Rd

Alma, Ark.


Latest News on those Jailed at Lake Victoria

Released From Jail!

Praise the Lord!


We have received word from our Mt.Elgon Pastors that they were successful in facilitating the release Pastor Dan Opyiyo (above) and seven members from the Landmark Baptist Church located at Wichlum Bay, Lake Victoria. (below)

It's unfortunate, but this is the realty of the perilous times we are living in. Our forefathers in the early Church endured persecution and it looks like this will continue and get worse as we see the return of Christ drawing nigh. Special thanks to Secretary Treasurer, Rodger Stuart for bringing this case to the attention of the Lord's Churches. We also Thank God for those of you who have prayed for these dear folks and those who have contributed financially to secure their release. May God continue to bless His Church and His people.


In His Service,


Chuck and Terry Fernandez

Kenya/Uganda/ Florida


Brethren Arrested & Bible Update

Brethren Arrested & Bible Update


July 26, 2021

The (Below) Picture is a rare stock photo of the inside of a Kenyan Jail.

The reason I have included it in this report is because as of the time of this post, (eight) of the members of the Landmark Baptist Church at Wichlum, Lake Victoria remain in Jail for worshiping the Lord last week. It seems that the Pastor and Members were not aware of the latest round of CV-19 lock downs in certain counties of Kenya, so there were twelve arrested and taken to jail. Schools are open, markets are open but Churches are closed in thirteen counties. We sent two of our Pastors from Mt. Elgon to access the situation and have managed to secure the release of four of the members. The fines are steep so the Landmark Baptist Churches near Mt. Elgon and Lake Victoria are taking love offerings to help pay for their release. We ask those of you reading this report to pray for God's grace to be great upon them during these times of tribulation. Rom.1:9 For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers;



Bibles Update


As you can see from the below pictures, Swahili Bibles are being distributed to new converts in numerous villages in the Mt. Elgon region. We thank God for the Churches and Individuals who have given to this worthy cause. As new villages are reached with the good news of the gospel we are now able to provide the evangelists with God's Word to distribute and grow them in their new faith. The cost of one printed Swahili Bible 1000 Ksh. equates to approximately one weeks wages in Western Kenya.

Rom. 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.


New Villages Reached


Several newly reached villages in the Mt. Elgon region where many have come to Christ are the village of Mateka, the village of Kamachi and Makhonge. These are three villages where the new believers have been scripturally baptized and organized into New Testament Churches. Praise the Lord they now have God's Word to teach, preach and grow thereby.

Solar Powered Audio Bibles are slowly trickling into the Kerio Valley Via USPS. It is not the most efficient way of getting them to the Pokot and Karamjung tribes but it is the only method we have available at this time. Usually, I hand carry hundreds on my annual trip to Kenya and Uganda, however due to the CV-19 restrictions we have been relegated to mailing them. Furthermore when we mail them we have to mail them in small quantities as not to draw the attention of customs to avoid heavy duty taxes. As you can see from the below pictures, the boxes are arriving a little beat up but slowly & surely.

 Heb. 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword

  Two New Plots Purchased by Faith


We have recently by faith purchased two new plots in Kenya to prepare for building. The Landmark Baptist Church at Siaya has been meeting under a tent for some time now and the Landmark Baptist Church at Chelikei had constructed a mud sanctuary which was recently washed away by the heavy Mt. Elgon Rains. Would you consider partnering with these Churches to provide a permanent meeting places?

Special Thanks to New Home Baptist Church, Watumpka Alabama and FISH Ministries


We thank our God for the Churches of the American Baptist Association as well as individual friends, family and brethren who partner with Sis. Terry and I in East African and Florida. Please keep us and the Lord's Churches in Prayer as we push towards the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus.


In His Service,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

AKA: Missionary Loboduk & Mama Terry

Your Missionaries


Sending Church:

1st Baptist River View

10102 Big Bend Rd.

River View, Florida 33578


Co-Sponsoring Church

Dean Springs MBC

2106 Dean Springs Rd.

Alma, Ark.