Thursday, March 11, 2021

             COME OVER AND HELP US!


The (Above) Picture is of a precious couple in the Kerio Valley who belonged to a semi-nomadic tribe called the Pokots. Their name is Baba Loboduk and Mama Loboduk. This is the family name I was given as their honorary American-Pokot Son and how I am known even today in Kenya. Mama Loboduk died a few monthes ago and Baba died last year as well. This above picture is my last memory with both of them together before they went home to be with the Lord. We praise our Lord that they were both saved. The picture is so powerful in that while I'm greeting Baba, Mama Loboduk is listening to the Word of God in the Pokot Language from her newly provided Solar Audio Bible. As resident Missionaries, Sis. Terry and I saw the huge need for Bibles in Kenya and Uganda first hand. We have made providing Bibles one of our top ministry mission priorities over the last twelve years and with the help of our faithful ministry partners we have given out thousands of hardback, paperback and solar audio Bibles.



We have seen the impact God's Word has made in individual lives, families, villages and tribes. Imagine what it would be like if you didn't have God's Word. What if you wanted a copy, but couldn't afford or find one? While we have already provided thousands, there are still thousands who stand in need in the Pokot, Luo, Luhya & Karamojong tribes. The Picture

(right) is of Ugandan soldiers receiving one solar audio Bible for two soldiers to listen to in the Kerio Valley.

                  Running Low


The (above) picture was taken last month at a village called Kibuk which is located on Mt. Elgon. Along with the newly reached village called Chalicha where two new Churches have been organized last week. The picture is telling in that hundreds have recently accepted Christ and the evangelist in the picture named Wycliffe is only able to give out the last of five Bibles he had. We are working hard to resupply their needs and we are thankful for those who have recently stepped up to help but we find our supply lacking at this time.



The cost of the below Ember model through Mega Voice is $22.00 each. Now that both Kenya and Uganda are opening up for travel after the CV-19 Saga, the Evangelist's we are working with are starting to return to remote areas in the Kerio Valley. They have asked for one hundred of these audio Bibles in the Pokot languages and one hundred in the Karamojong Language. With over ninety percent illiteracy rates these Bibles are an invaluable delivery tool for the Word of God.

Rom. 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

The cost of these Swahili Bibles recently given to these two Muslim converts below is $10.00 each. Our goal at this time is to provide the Evangelist's on Mt. Elgon with three hundred Swahili Bibles over the next three months. The Macedonian call was given to God's Men to physically come over and help them spiritually. We realize that not everyone come over to Kenya and Uganda to help these new converts but we can be a blessing to them by providing God's Word.

Would you prayerfully considering giving one or two or ten? We at the Florida Church plant have set a goal giving of 50 audio Bibles and 100 Swahili Bibles.

Heb. 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword

The cost of these Swahili Bibles recently given to these two Muslim converts is $10.00 each. Our goal at this time is to provide the Evangelist's on Mt. Elgon with three hundred Swahili Bibles over the next three months. The Macedonian call was given to God's Men to physically come over and help them spiritually. We realize that not everyone come over to Kenya and Uganda to help these new converts but we can be a blessing to them by providing God's Word.

Would you prayerfully considering giving one or two or ten? We at the Florida Church plant have set a goal giving of 50 audio Bibles and 100 Swahili Bibles. 

Heb. 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword.

Special Thanks to First 
Baptist East Bay and Dean Springs MBC!

Sis. Terry and I want to thank our Pastor Dr. Tim Myers and Pastor Tim Johnson of Deans Springs MBC for their many years of encouragement and support. We also want to thank our God for the Churches of the American Baptist Association as well as individual friends, family and brethren who partner with Sis. Terry and I in East African and Florida. Please keep us and the Lord's Churches in Prayer as we push towards the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus.

In His Service,

Bro. Chuck & Sis. Terry Fernandez

AKA: Missionary Loboduk & Mama Terry

Your Missionaries

Sending Church:                                                    Co-Sponsoring Church:

1st Baptist River View                                          Dean Springs MBC

10102 Big Bend Rd.                                               2106 Dean Springs Rd.

River View, Florida 33578                                    Alma, Ark.