The Covid 19 saga continue to provide
challenges for Churches and ministries worldwide. We are seeing our
share of challenges in America. The Landmark Baptist Churches of
Kenya/Uganda were government mandated to close until August. They were
allowed to start meeting again under the conditions that they must have a
Doctor with a thermogun to take the temperature of each member as they
entered. Most of the Churches could not afford to pay a
Doctor and or purchase the expensive thermometer. Our ministry
helped purchase (30) thermoguns but there were and still are (30) more
Churches without them. Consequently, six Pastors have been
arrested and jailed. We have help four of them get released
and the other two have been helped by neighboring Landmark Baptist Churches.
Regardless of our opinions about the severity or dangers of CV-19,
the devil has used it as an occasion to hinder, frustrate and buffet
God's people and His Churches. We thank our Lord for His promise to
His New Testament Churches that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it
and we know that what man means for evil God can and will use for good.
Please lift these young Pastors, Churches and Congregations up to the Lord in prayer.
Muslim Village Update
Perhaps you
remember our last report in which the Landmark Baptist Evangelist's had reached
an unnamed Muslim village (for their safety) and the request for (240)
I'm happy to
report that the discipleship process has started and the new converts have
received their own personal Bibles to help them grow in their new faith in
Jesus Christ. Very much a reminder of the servants of God in the
book of Acts who hazarded their lives for the preaching of the gospel. Act
15:25 It seemed good unto us, being assembled with one accord, to send
chosen men unto you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul, Act
15:26 Men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus
The two pictures below are the most compelling photos taken this year. The first one (below) is of the two Muslim women in full black burkas gladly receiving the plan of salvation through the Word of God. The second picture (below) is of the same two women without their burkas studying the Word of God. 1Co 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. Thank you to our faithful ministry partners for providing those much needed Bibles for these new converts to grow in their faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ our Lord.
As you can also see from the (below) photo, these two
formerly Muslim men from the same village who trusted Christ as their Lord and
Savior have also received a brand new Bible to be built up in their faith and
grow in truth and grace. Rom 10:17 So then faith cometh by
hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Praise our Lord they have
been set free to walk in the newness of Life in Christ. John 8:36
If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.